Magus Tech Chapter 1470: Ambition

Ten minutes later.

After walking quite a distance, Machu Philip stopped and looked back, only to find that the father and son he met just now were no longer in his field of vision.

However, the yellow and thin appearance of the other party still clearly appeared in his mind.

The pale face, swollen skin, weak steps…

“Compared with me, there is a clear difference between the other party and me. It seems that not only the details must be done well, but also a special period of time has to be hungry, so that the disguise can be more real, so that they can sneak into Gray Forest City more smoothly.” Machu muttered.

Just finished speaking, Machu sighed: “Oh, it’s really not easy. If I knew it earlier, I would definitely not choose this job.”

No, he will still choose.

As soon as Machu finished speaking, he denied it in his heart.

Yes, even if he knew it was not easy, he would still choose it.

After all, he has ambitions.

He is very aware of his lack of ability, so he is willing to work harder than others to achieve a certain goal.

At the beginning, in order to stay in Atlanta University, I tried my best to become a temporary assistant.

Later, he used many methods to become a real assistant.

If the world continues to develop smoothly like this, he will be content, because he knows that it is very good to get an assistant based on his own ability, and it is too difficult to go further.

But the world did not develop smoothly.

Three years ago, dense flames rose to the sky, and countless “suns” bloomed in the dark night. Since then, there has been no dawn on the horizon, and the world has entered a new era.

The new era, for many people outside of Shalin, is undoubtedly a completely black era. They have suffered too many hardships and lived too many hard days. The father and son they met before are an example.

However, for some people in Shalin, especially those in Atlanta and its surrounding areas, such as him, it is different, it is the Era of Light.

Sarin’s Black Sun Plan did not target the troops attacking Sarin, so they did not cause many casualties to these people, at most they frightened them.

But after that, things quickly turned around.

The army attacking Sarin was firmly blocked outside the defense line in the Atlanta area, and it was difficult for them to move forward under the continuous attack of new weapons. When their rations were slowly exhausted, and when their plans to retreat were destroyed by the Sarin army returning from the Misty Mountains, these armies began to surrender in an organized manner.

The first to surrender were the garrisons in the surrounding territories, and then the garrisons in the surrounding special garrison areas.

The direct army of Sauron from the Reef Fort lasted the longest, but after a week, they couldn’t bear it anymore.

Because all the rations have been almost exhausted, and the horses are almost killed, there is no point in continuing to persist.

Many regiment leaders ordered their soldiers to put down their weapons and hang up white flags.

They said that they had already made enough sacrifices for the alliance-half of the soldiers under their command died in battle, and they were wounded in many places. If they had hope of winning this war, they would naturally be able to hold on, but they didn’t see any hope, and if they continued to hold on, the whole group could only die.

They have nothing to do to the alliance. They have shed enough blood for the alliance, and now they just want to live for themselves.

In just one day, nearly half of the Reef Fortress army surrendered.

On the second day, most of the rest also surrendered.

However, Sauron did not surrender. He gathered the last rations and led his most elite core team. After suffering huge casualties, he successfully broke through the blockade of the Misty Mountain Range and retreated to the alliance territory.

Some people speculate that Sauron will definitely train the army again, prepare rations, wait until the sky is bright, return to Sharin, and wash away the humiliation of the first defeat in his career.

But the sky never brightened.

Sauron also failed to prepare military rations in the increasingly serious famine environment, let alone train new troops. In fact, even the original remnants and defeated generals were gradually unable to maintain.

A year later, with the departure of a group of his most loyal subordinates, Sauron disappeared and completely disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Some people said that Sauron was assassinated by an assassin sent by Sharin, others said that Sauron hid in a hidden place to lurk, and some said that Sauron died of illness in a certain town.

But in any case, Sauron did not appear again.

The disappearance of Sauron is like a sign—it marks that the chaos of the entire continent has entered a new level. A large number of people have moved to Sarin.

And after Shalin continued to absorb enough manpower, it began to expand rapidly, opening mountains and filling lakes, building new cities in locations that had been selected long ago, and quietly dominated most of the order of the entire world.

During this process, Sarin’s demand for middle-level manpower gradually became apparent—low-level manpower can provide the most fundamental productivity, while high-level manpower conducts research and designs the “superstructure”.

However, in addition to low-level manpower and high-level manpower, enough middle-level manpower is needed for overall planning, management, and communication between top and bottom to ensure the efficient and smooth operation of the entire sarin governance system.

Many people, seeing the opportunity, jumped up from the bottom manpower to the middle manpower, and even once approached the threshold of the upper manpower.

For this, Machu was a little jealous.

Because compared with those people, his qualifications are not that bad, maybe his ability is not very good, but he is a student of Atlanta University after all, and he is still in the first year of enrollment.

Many of those who crossed the identity hierarchy should call him a senior.

As a senior, how can you be worse than a junior or a junior?

He didn’t want to stay in school for the rest of his life, so he stepped out resolutely, ready to fight for his greater future.

In this way, after going through many twists and turns, he became a low-level officer in the intelligence system of Sarin’s army.

Regarding the matter of joining the army, he thought very clearly—in order to ensure the efficient management of sarin for a long time to come, and to cope with the challenges that sarin is currently facing, the army will become one of the pillar forces of sarin one.

Then being a member of the army, there will be many opportunities to climb up.

However, to be honest, he was more afraid of death and didn’t want to fight on the front line, so he joined the intelligence system. In his opinion, this should belong to the absolute civilian staff, and they only need to count some data in the rear to be promoted safely.

But after joining, he realized that something was different.

It is true that the intelligence system needs the personnel behind the statistics, but it also needs the intelligence personnel who lurk in the enemy’s area and collect first-hand detailed data. Simply put, they are… spies.

After all, the premise of statistical data is that there is data first.

Unfortunately, he was appointed as an intelligence officer, responsible for collecting various intelligence, and now he is carrying out the task of collecting intelligence for Gray Forest City.

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