Magus Tech Chapter 1464: 12 hours

The time may not be too long, but to the marching soldiers, it seems like a century has passed.

They braved the night in the confusing mountain range, risked falling, and endured exhaustion, and kept moving forward, forward, and forward. In the end, they were like skeletons that had lost their souls, moving their limbs mechanically, moving forward with the flow of people numbly, or stopping for a while.

Finally, when the eastern sky brightened, the leading team—a knight order full of magic costumes—walked out of the Misty Mountain Range and stepped on the flat ground with both feet.

In front of them, the outline of a boxy city was revealed. It was a border trade transfer station in Sarin. To be honest, no one thought that an enemy could suddenly appear here.

The magic knights looked at the city and began to line up silently. Behind them, the rest of the soldiers who walked out of the confusing mountain range joined in.

For a moment, thousands of people silently launched a collective charge.

The reason for being silent is not because of the need to remain concealed, but because the voice is already dry and hoarse, the strength is almost exhausted, and there is no mood to shout, just want to use the little remaining power where it should be used.


Approaching the city gate.

The wizard vacated, and the magic knight activated the magic pattern.

Flames are burning in the city.

By the time the flames were extinguished, the city had changed hands—after all, it was just a very inconspicuous frontier town in Sarin, with little resistance.


After the small town was conquered, Sauron soon got two pieces of news.

A piece of good news and a piece of bad news.

The good news is that starting from this small frontier city, you can follow the avenue paved by the sand forest and head straight to the hinterland. It was not until the center of the sarin—near Atlanta—that it was possible to be blocked by the sarin army by virtue of the terrain.

The bad news is that, although it is a trading transfer station with a lot of goods in stock, it simply doesn’t have what they need the most – food.

The explanation of the prisoners in the city was that more than half a month ago, grain was crossed off the trade list for no reason. The daily food needs are all transported from Atlanta, and there are still three days before the next transport.

“No food? Three days?” In the military tent of the temporary staff headquarters outside the city, Sauron murmured to himself, his eyes deepened, and he felt that he had guessed something, but he was still not sure.


City of Atlanta, office on the top floor of City Hall.

It is rare for Richard to appear here, and Jasmine, the deputy lord of Shalin, is relaying news from various places to him.

“That Sauron, who is a bit powerful, found a shortcut in the Bewildered Mountains, and suddenly arrived at the city of Meath. After conquering the city of Meath, he used the city of Meath as a stronghold, and was heading towards Atlanta along the main road. Come on.

Because we don’t have many troops, most of them are fighting with the opponent’s left and right flanks, and a small part is reserved in the Chaos Mountains for blockade, so it is difficult to organize new troops to resist the opponent. Just before I reported to you, 18 consecutive large and small cities have been conquered or surrendered.

There are also several neighboring territories and special garrison areas. After the first wave of offensive forces were defeated by us, they even organized a second wave of offensive forces, which is really surprising. They have now also entered the Sarin territory and captured five or six small cities. Also because of our military strength, we cannot organize effective resistance.

From the looks of it, it won’t be long before most of the entire Sarin area will be lost except for the area around Atlanta. “

Having said that, Jasmine paused for a moment, then looked at Li Cha: “Of course, this is all in your expectation, isn’t it, Lord Li Cha?”

Li Cha took a look at Jasmine and asked, “You seem a little emotional?”

“How dare I.” Jasmine shrugged, “After all, you are the real lord of Sarin, and although I have paid so much for Sarin, and almost planned the construction of every city, I am just a laborer, right?”

“Listen to you, you want me to take action to solve these current little troubles?”

“Aren’t you going to make a move?” Jasmine looked at Richard strangely and said, “If you don’t make a move, more than half of Sarin will be smashed to pieces. Maybe the area around Atlanta is the core, but there are also other places in the world.” My hard work, I don’t want to be destroyed like this, it will take too much energy to rebuild.”

Li Cha raised his eyebrows: “I do have the ability to solve problems, but I’m waiting for a result. If possible, I want to solve the problem more thoroughly, instead of asking me to solve the problem on the surface, because then There will still be trouble in the future.

As for the issue of sarin being smashed, there is no need to think about it now. I know that you have paid a lot for Sharin in recent years, and I promise here that after this war, you can get what you want in advance—become the orthodox royal family of Sika—if you still want it at that time. “

Jasmine froze for a moment. She wanted to ask many questions in an instant. After thinking for a while, she asked one selectively: “What result are you waiting for?”

“Am I…” Li Cha said aloud, in the middle of speaking, he looked towards the office door, and Jasmine followed him.

Footsteps sounded outside the door, and then the door was pushed open with a “squeak”. A bald head squeezed in first, followed by a body. It was Neo Heruvel, the person in charge of Green Origin Castle.

Holding a black metal box in his hand, with an excited expression on his face, Heruville quickly walked up to Li Cha and handed it out, and said loudly: “Lord Li Cha, in three days, do what you say, and the success you want In the end, I brought it to you, you can check it. If you are not satisfied, you can directly kill me here, after all, after I go back, I may also be killed by those guys who stayed up late for three days.”

Li Cha didn’t speak, just took the box, gently opened it, and took out the contents.

Jasmine cast her eyes curiously, and saw that what Li Cha was holding in his hand was a green, fist-sized fruit with a moist appearance, as if it was rich in water and very tasty. But other than that, there’s nothing special about it.

What is the use of this?

Jasmine was puzzled.

The next moment, her eyes widened, and she saw the green fruit in Li Cha’s hand suddenly brought to her mouth, took a bite, chewed and swallowed.

“Kacha” took another bite, chewed and swallowed again.

The third and fourth mouthfuls of “Kacha”…

It took about a minute for Li Cha to eat the whole fruit.

Jasmine was a little stunned. To be honest, she had known Li Cha for so long, and this was the first time she saw Li Cha eating like a normal human being. Before, she thought that Li Cha didn’t have the function of eating at all, even if he was hungry, he still drank nutrient solution.

After eating the fruit, Li Cha looked at Heluville, thought for a moment and asked, “The green source fruit you delivered now seems to have a conversion rate of about expected 10 percent is about three percentage points higher.”

“Ha.” Hruwell smiled, “That’s true, it’s indeed three percentage points higher. But this is not my credit, but the credit of those people you hired me temporarily, Lord Richard, their personalities Not very good, but the ability, I have to say it is very strong.

Let them stay up late for three days, and they have reached the current point. I propose to let them stay up for another half a month, and it is likely to increase the energy conversion rate of Luyuan Fruit to 20%. “

“Stay up for half a month?” Li Cha shook his head, “I’m afraid they will really kill you when the time comes.”

He patted his hands lightly and said: “Okay, so far, the Luyuan Project has finally succeeded. It’s a bit late, but it’s not too late. At least our enemies haven’t entered Atlanta. Then the next step , you Luyuan Castle should prepare well, and notify Black Sun Castle to let them start implementing the Black Sun plan.”

“It’s going to be dark soon.” As he said this, Li Cha looked at the bright sky outside the window and said.

Heruvel’s smiling expression slowly became serious, and after hearing what he said, he took a deep breath and nodded: “Yes.” After speaking, he turned and walked out.

Inside the door, Jasmine frowned at Li Cha and asked, “It’s going to be dark soon, what do you mean?”

“It means literally.” Li Cha replied, “Just wait, you will understand soon.”

“How long to wait?”

“Twelve hours.”


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