Magus Tech Chapter 1453: Pray

In mid-August, a few days after the regicide incident.

South of the sand forest, in the limestone territory, in a military camp.

“Tack tap…”


The soldiers ran back and forth, the horses were led back and forth, and there was a lot of shouting.

“Who is that, hurry up, move the box over here.”

“Dead wood, don’t he really look like a dead wood, come and help, clean up here.”

“All the living people of the first team and the third team, gather for me…”

The camp was messy, dusty, and flying around, making people frown upon seeing it.

Frank Days was sitting on a box in the corner of the camp at this time, watching all this, and from the chaotic state, he could smell a disturbing smell—the smell of war.

There is going to be a war.

Yes, there was going to be a war—he had been notified in advance—and not just a war, but a big one.

Speaking of which, he is not afraid of war.

Really, don’t be afraid.

After all, he is also a veteran with a lot of experience, and has seen many big scenes, and has survived many times – he suspects that the entire Silver Cross mixed group he belongs to may not have such a tenacious existence like him.

I remember at the very beginning, in the border city of Newburgh, when the conflict between the Kingdom of Xika and the Soma Alliance suddenly broke out, he ran into it.

Later, Newburgh calmed down, and he was about to be discharged from the army. With the excitement of going back to his hometown to get married soon, he was transferred to the outpost near the reef castle—speaking of which, it can be regarded as the most heavily guarded on the entire border. The safest place.

He thought that he would be discharged from the army smoothly, and then go home to marry the beautiful Nosa, have a few children, and live out the rest of his life.

Unexpectedly, one night, the Kingdom of Sika launched a surprise attack as if it had lost its mind. Support forces rescued.

After being rescued, he recuperated for a few days at the reef fortress, and was incorporated into the Second Brigade of the Glorious Regiment of the Sixth Army of the Fourth Alliance Army, and participated in the national war between the Alliance and Sika.

Unfortunately, as soon as his glorious group entered the battlefield, they were crushed and attacked by the cavalry of the Kingdom of Sika in cooperation with the wizards. The entire glorious group was honored on the spot, and he also fainted among the dead.

After an unknown period of time, he woke up from the pile of dead people, and was lucky enough to meet one of his own—the leader of the Red Maple Cavalry Regiment who called himself Mario—he was recruited to join the opponent’s squad, and continued to fight with the opponent.

The bad luck continued. Within ten minutes after he joined the opponent’s team, he ran into a whole squad of magical knights from the Sika Kingdom on the chaotic battlefield.

Magic outfit knight brigade!

He had no other choice at all, he could only run away desperately, and somehow, he led the Sika Magic Knights who were chasing him into the alliance encirclement. The three alliance magic knight brigades jumped out, surrounded and wiped out the Sika people, and he also made meritorious service for this.

Because of his meritorious service, after the national war, he had the opportunity to be promoted to the team leader, and the trouble of choosing also came with it: if he wanted to be promoted to the team leader, he would naturally not be able to retire and marry the beautiful Nuosha. But after retiring from the army and marrying the beautiful Nuosha, the opportunity that was so hard-won would be wasted. If he is as unlucky as him, he is really not sure whether he will have the same opportunity in the future.

However, it didn’t bother him for long. Within a few days, a letter came from a friend in his hometown, telling him that because Nuosha had waited too long and heard that he was injured in the war and seemed to be disabled, she could not withstand the pressure of her family and married the cobbler with tears in her eyes. son. The wedding had already been held the day before the letter was sent, and his friend gave him a gift money, twenty copper coins. At the end of the letter, his friend did not forget to remind him that he must return the twenty copper coins if he had the chance.

This letter really made Frank sad, but it also succeeded in helping him make a choice-to give up his discharge and stay in the army.

Afterwards, he was assigned to this gray rock territory and became the squad leader of the Silver Cross Mixed Regiment, with twelve soldiers under his command. On weekdays, being complimented and served by twelve soldiers is a very comfortable life. Nearly four years have passed in a flash.

If possible, he would like to go on like this for a few more years, and raise his military rank one level—from a low-ranking tenth commander to a middle-ranking tenth commander, and there is nothing else he can ask for.

Who knows, God can’t see him being so comfortable, an unbelievable news broke the long peaceful life.

What did you say the emperor was assassinated? The assassin was Lord Sharin?

Is it true? !

Since he has been in the army for a long time, he is clear about some news. For example, Lord Shalin was a great hero in the national war back then. Without him, it is very likely that he would not be able to win the national war.

It stands to reason that such a person is very loyal to the Soma Alliance and the Alliance Emperor, so how could he suddenly assassinate the Emperor?

Could it be that the other party is a spy of Sika? Then why did help the alliance win the national war?

Thinking about the logic behind it, Frank felt that his mind was in a mess, worse than the chaotic barracks in front of him, so he simply shook his head and stopped continuing.

As a squad leader, he doesn’t have the right to act on his own anyway. No matter what he does, he has to obey the orders of higher-level officers. It’s useless to think about it.

After all, it’s impossible for him to learn from that Sharin lord—the other party killed the king. Could it be that he’s going to kill the captain above his head…Hyman?

This idea is a bit tempting, and when he thinks of Captain Heyman’s fat and greasy body, he gets a little angry. Given the choice, he would definitely stay at the Reef, instead of parachuting here to squeeze out the place Heyman reserved for his cousin.

My cousin can’t be the team leader, so go to the team leader, why bother him every day?

If it wasn’t for the other party, he would definitely have been happier in the past four years… hmph…

With his **** pressed against the hard box, Frank was thinking about these things indiscriminately. A man hurried up to him and asked, “Team…Captain, I heard that there is going to be a war, shall we all participate?”

Frank glanced at the person who came, and found that it was a member of his team. He sighed and nodded, “Yes, that’s right, there is going to be a war, including you and me, the whole team must have one.”

“We now…”

“Of course I’m going to prepare.” Frank stood up and gave the team members a blank look, “Is it possible that you are going to disobey orders?”

“Don’t dare, absolutely not.”

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