Magus Tech Chapter 1448: Not human

“Ha.” Li Cha responded with a smile and explained earnestly, “Your Majesty, I’m not a monster. Everything you see is just a display of spells, um, a scientific display of spells. This is exactly what I have been researching for a long time. Things, according to the plan, you may not see its ultimate performance until many years later. However, now that you have interrupted it, you can appreciate it in advance, please take a good look at it next.”

After saying that, all Richards smiled slightly, and the four of them formed a group and quickly rushed towards the sixteen fourth-level wizards.

The sixteen fourth-level wizards were quite vigilant, trying to retreat while attacking. One of the people wearing a purple robe blasted out a highly condensed energy ray.

Facing the purple-robed wizard’s group of Li Cha, he was not afraid at all. Among them, Li Cha, the first in the group, condensed a golden energy shield, and went straight to meet him with an extremely powerful energy ray.

After the energy shield was shattered and the price of serious injury was paid, the distance was successfully shortened by half.


The first Li Cha fell down, followed by the second Li Cha in the group and rushed out again, condensing a golden energy shield in the same way.


By the time the second Li Cha fell down, the third Li Cha had successfully approached the fourth-level wizard.

The fourth-level wizard narrowed his eyes, decisively stopped the attack, and tried to escape. The third Li Cha raised his eyebrows, his body bounced up, and was covered with a layer of red energy, directly throwing the fourth-level wizard to the ground. Afterwards, the red ability infects the body of the fourth-level wizard, making the fourth-level wizard unable to move.

“Tack tap…”

Unhurried footsteps sounded, and the fourth member of the group, Li Cha, appeared, squatted down in front of the bound fourth-level wizard on the ground, chuckled lightly, stretched out his hands, and put his hands on the fourth-level wizard’s neck.

With both hands violently, with a “click”, the neck was broken mercilessly.

However, the fourth-level wizard did not die just like that. After all, as a fourth-level wizard, he had some methods. His vitality was extremely strong, and his broken neck kept wriggling, trying to recover.

The fourth place, Li Cha, looked at it, and wasn’t surprised at all. He just retracted his hand and clenched it into a fist, raised it above his head, and slammed down on the head of the fourth-level wizard.


The fist was covered with thick purple-black energy, like an iron ball, hitting the face of the fourth-level wizard firmly. The facial features of the fourth-level wizard twisted instantly. At this time, the energy wrapped in the fist exploded, and was controlled to produce a small-scale explosion, which instantly vaporized the fourth-level wizard’s head and most of his body.

This fourth-level wizard is absolutely dead.

The fourth Li Cha in the group shook his arms and stood up. Looking around, he saw that Li Cha in other groups had almost eliminated all the fourth-level wizards they were targeting.

Yes, it is that fast.

The rest of the teams almost all adopted the same method – at the cost of one or two serious injuries, they restrained the fourth-level wizard in a very short time, and the fourth Li Cha completed the kill.

This is the advantage of numbers.

If it is a two to one numerical advantage, the fourth-level wizard may still be able to fight with some means. But now it is four to one. Every Li Cha has the strength similar to that of a fourth-level wizard, and he is not afraid of injury or death at all, which makes the fourth-level wizard completely desperate.



After a few more short sounds, the field was completely silent. Sixteen fourth-level wizards had all died in battle, while more than 20 of the “Richards” died and more than 20 were seriously injured. More than a dozen are intact.

The dead and seriously injured Li Cha twisted his body and disappeared quickly. The intact Li Cha approached Li Cha who was on the ground under the black pressure.

Under the eyes of everyone, Li Cha, who was on the ground, was pulled up, and then merged with the rest of Li Cha into one person.

Inside the palace, it looks a little more normal.

Of course, the surviving court officials in the corner of the palace and the emperor on the throne may not think so.

Li Cha, who had recovered into one, looked up at the Alliance Emperor, without saying anything, and approached the throne directly.

The emperor stuck his back firmly on the throne, looking at Li Cha who was approaching, his eyes widened a little bit.

Suddenly the emperor blinked again, followed by his eyebrows trembling a few times, and his expression returned to normal.

Seeing Li Cha who was approaching the emperor, a blood hole suddenly appeared on his chest. Dye your clothes quickly.


Li Cha was slightly puzzled.


The next moment, Li Cha’s body swayed, and without saying anything, he fell to the ground without a sound.

Between Li Cha and the throne, the air twisted, and a figure appeared, an old man with white beard and hair. Wearing a light gray moon phase robe, with his brows tightly furrowed, he stared fixedly at Li Cha who fell to the ground, as if he felt that he would cheat his corpse at any time.

It is the ring manager of the true color ring–Red Moon!

“Teacher…” The Alliance Emperor glanced at Hongyue and asked in a low voice, “Is it solved?”

“Is it solved…?” Hongyue elongated her tone, shook her head slightly, and continued to stare at the fallen Li Cha, “I’m not sure, but in my opinion, it shouldn’t be that simple…”


Before she finished speaking, Hongyue turned her head suddenly, a scarlet light shot out from her eyes, staring at an empty place, and then quickly waved her hand and shot a blood light.

As soon as the blood light left his hand, there was a golden light coming from that position, and the two collided together, making a dull explosion sound, and finally the destructive forces canceled each other out and returned to calm After watching the red moon In the place, Li Cha showed his figure.

“Sure enough.” Hongyue saw Li Cha’s appearance, showing such an expression, and said slowly, “I knew that you couldn’t be killed easily, and the damage was transferred by using substitute spells and void spells.” Let’s go.”

Then the tone changed, Hongyue said: “However, this is not a good way – the substitute spell will consume a lot of energy, and the void spell will accumulate void energy to erode itself. You have used a lot of substitute attacks just now. Void spells have been used for a long time, and I don’t believe you can use them indefinitely.”

“Heh.” Li Cha chuckled, looked at Hongyue and said, “Actually, I can really use it indefinitely, because I solved the problem you mentioned a long time ago.

For example, void energy erosion can be treated with medicine. The energy consumed by the substitute spell is provided by the built-in energy furnace. Of course, this is only a preliminary solution, further, it can be solved more subtly.

For example, get rid of the energy furnace, directly build a channel with the void, and continuously absorb the energy of the void. As for the erosion caused by void energy, find a way to transfer it to the body double. Of course, it’s easy to say, but it’s still a bit difficult to operate, but it’s not too difficult. I conquered it more than a year ago. The only disadvantage of this method is that every time the void energy is used, a bunch of doubles are forced to be separated to transfer the damage caused by the void energy erosion.

Fortunately, not long ago, I found a third solution, whether it is using void energy or substitute spells, it is simpler, more convenient, and more free. If you are interested, you can guess how it is done. “

When Hongyue heard this, her eyes flickered a few times, she stared at Li Cha, she didn’t say a word for a long time, and she didn’t know whether to believe it or not.

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