Magus Tech Chapter 1430: Capture plan

The latest website: “There are very few existences in the ‘Ethereal’, which are powerful to a certain height, and their wisdom is extremely perfect. They have even assimilated the nodes and can freely enter our dimension.” Richard said, “Their lifespan is extremely It is long, has existed for an extremely long time, and the extraordinary power it has mastered is beyond imagination. After paying a certain price, it can even affect some things across distances. In a sense, they are already gods. I call their existence ‘high Spirit’. If we can find an appropriate way to communicate with the ‘Gao Ling’, we can make some transactions and accomplish things that are difficult to achieve in our dimensional world.

For example, in our world, there is a person who is weak but bears a **** feud. If he can communicate with the ‘high spirit’, he can sacrifice his own soul in exchange for short-term powerful power and successfully revenge. “

Isn’t this the equivalent of signing a contract with the devil… Jasmine shrank her eyes after hearing this, and couldn’t help but think, she looked at Li Cha and asked cautiously: “Could it be that you have been studying with the so-called Do business with the ‘Gao Ling’?”

“It is.”

“Isn’t this a bit dangerous?” Jasmine said solemnly.

Li Cha thought for a while and nodded: “Well, it is indeed a bit dangerous. My latest plan is to see if I can directly capture the ‘Gao Ling’ on the side of the transaction during the transaction, and then control it Research it. This is not very safe for ‘Gao Ling’.”

Jasmine: “???” The danger she mentioned didn’t mean Gao Ling. Hmm… wait a minute, capture Gao Ling for research? Doesn’t it mean that Gao Ling is beyond imagination and is like a god? Are they all fake?

“Okay.” Before Jasmine could continue thinking, Li Cha interrupted Jasmine’s thoughts.

Looking at the brown liquid in his hand, Li Cha concluded to Jasmine, “That’s about it. I’ve told you everything I need to tell you, and you don’t understand the rest. .Now I’m going to prepare this medicine again. After the preparation is completed, it should be very useful in the process of capturing the ‘Gao Ling’. Then, I will not continue talking with you, goodbye.”

After saying that, Li Cha waved his hand, walked to the side, and went straight through the wall to leave the laboratory.

In the laboratory, Jasmine was stunned for a while, and then she confirmed that what Richard said seemed to be really not a joke – she really wanted to capture the so-called “Gao Ling”.

This is too bold and too risky.

Jasmine couldn’t help feeling a little worried.

Worried, she suddenly discovered a key thing, that is, she did ask Li Cha what he had studied in the past three years, but she didn’t ask him what he gained from this research. So, as if she doesn’t know why Li Cha can be divided into six identical people, she has no idea how powerful Li Cha is currently.

Perhaps…it is actually feasible to capture “Gao Ling”?

At the end, Jasmine couldn’t help but think.


When Jasmine was thinking, a voice suddenly sounded, which surprised Jasmine.

Hearing the sound and looking around, Jasmine saw Li Cha who had just gone out through the wall, and then returned, to be precise… a part of his body returned.

I saw Li Cha poking his head out of the wall, and reminded Jasmine: “By the way, I want you to continue to pay attention to Char’s movements, especially the high-level visitors officially sent by Char. You haven’t forgotten, have you?”

“I haven’t forgotten!” Jasmine looked at Li Cha and said angrily, “Lord Li Cha, my memory is not as good as yours, but it’s not as bad as you imagined either.

“However, if I asked you to improve the underground transmission pipeline of dangerous gases, you forgot.” Li Cha leaned his body into more parts of the laboratory, and said seriously, “If someone hadn’t reported me, I would delay After a while, maybe half of the city of Atlanta will be bombed to the sky.”

“That was an accident! I am busy with tens of thousands of things every day, so it is inevitable that I will be negligent.” Jasmine said with a black face, and before Li Cha could say anything, she quickly stopped talking, “But I made mistakes, and I will learn from them Yes. So, this time, I will not forget.

One more thing, I know you are so powerful that you can’t even imagine, even that “Gao Ling” is ready to be captured, but please, can you stop casually going in and out of the wall, it’s not good to walk through the door like a normal person what. Otherwise, it is easy to scare people. “

“Well, I believe you can remember.” Richard said, paused and said, “As for the matter of passing through the wall, it is a small drawback of the research results… After all, human beings are lazy. , If you find something that can save you effort, it will be difficult to go back to the old road of labor… But since you said it, I will try not to scare you in the future.”

After saying that, Li Cha walked in through the wall, nodded to Jasmine, walked to the door of the laboratory, opened the door and walked out.

Jasmine in the lab stayed there for a while, and couldn’t help shouting: “Hey, I’m not scared, I’m worried, can you scare the rest of the people?!”

But Li Cha obviously couldn’t hear it.


Jasmine let out a sigh of relief, shook her head, and left the laboratory with a bad face, preparing to wait for the arrival of the so-called high-level visitor from Char.

This wait is half a month.

June is coming to an end, and in the hot and dry weather, the meadows in the fields turn dark green, the trees in the orchard bear fruit, and the crops in the fields are gradually ripening.

On a seemingly ordinary afternoon, a team of thousands of people approached the city of Atlanta along the wide road built by Shalin.

When they arrived three miles away from the gate of Atlanta, the team split into two parts, one of which was a thousand-man cavalry regiment, and the other was a luxury convoy of more than a hundred people.

The thousand-man cavalry regiment rode their horses and galloped across the open space outside the city, stopping in front of a camp that had been stationed in advance, while the luxury convoy drove straight to the gate of Atlanta.

This is the convoy of Alliance Ambassadors coming from Char, and the Thousand Cavalry Regiment is the soldiers escorting the This time, the Alliance Ambassadors are not acting like the previous special envoys who pretended to be clever and covert, but submitted it very formally The visit notice, and as soon as the departure from Shaar, sent people to inform Shalin of the itinerary three times a day, entered the territory of Shalin, and even stopped from time to time along the way to inspect the local conditions, which was quite high-profile.

As the ambassador of the alliance, Cyril Sack does have such high-profile qualifications.

He is in his seventies this year, and has held important positions such as the foreign minister and the finance minister of the alliance, and he holds a high position. He used to be a big figure that could not be ignored in the court. He had made a lot of contributions to the alliance and had the title of honorary duke. In a sense, he was more honorable than the dead Minister of Intelligence, Oscar.

If he hadn’t retired more than five years ago, he would have been the one to be contested by many parties in the recent competition for the alliance’s throne.

But I don’t know why, after the new emperor succeeded to the throne, he, the retired minister, suddenly made a strange comeback, and the next mission to visit Sarin came to the city of Atlanta.


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