Magus Tech Chapter 14: Breakfast in medieval style

Early morning.

The sun had just risen, and the air was a bit cool, before it got too hot.

There are gradually pedestrians on the streets of Blue Lion City, businessmen busy with market information, artisans looking for part-time jobs, hunters selling furs, grooms soliciting guests, walking quickly on the bluestone roads.

The windows on the second floor of the buildings along the street were also opened one after another. Because of the lack of a sound drainage system, pots of domestic waste water were poured directly onto the street. People walking on the road, if they are unlucky, will be soaked if they are not careful.

Amidst the scolding, noise, and uproar, the atmosphere gradually became lively, and the Blue Lion City slowly woke up like a giant that had just woken up.

The Palace of the Blue Lion City is the heart of a giant. Compared with other places in the Blue Lion City, it is a little quieter and more orderly: the maids are carefully cleaning the ground, the gardener is carefully pruning the plants, and the guards are guarding their respective places vigilantly. Location…

The location of the left atrium of the heart——In the palace on the east side of the palace, a breakfast is going on at a table in a restaurant.

Li Cha was sitting alone at one end of a long dining table that was four meters long and more than one meter wide, surrounded by maids who were ready to serve, looking lonely like a sailor in a shipwreck floating on the sea alone. But Li Cha didn’t say anything. After all, fifteen years had already allowed him to adapt to the various lifestyles of the current world. Holding a knife and fork, he calmly had this medieval-style breakfast.

The staple food for breakfast is white bread, which is white in color and baked with repeatedly sifted wheat flour. But the taste is not very good, because the bread in the current world is not fully fermented, and it is basically baked in the oven after a little fermentation.

The effect of this is that the bread is not as soft as it is on the modern earth, it is very hard, and it tastes like unleavened bread, which is very abrasive to the teeth.

Actually, this kind of bread can only be eaten because Li Cha is a prince. If he is a commoner, he will eat even worse “black bread”. The so-called black bread has the same ingredients as white bread, all of which are wheat flour. The difference is that in order to save flour, the wheat flour is hardly sifted when making black bread, so it is mixed with a lot of bran, which makes it taste very poor.

Some unscrupulous bakers, in order to increase the weight of black bread, even deliberately add wood chips, stones and the like to the bread. At the same time, in order to increase the storage time of the bread, the moisture is also reduced as much as possible, which makes the black bread hard after baking, and will become harder and harder as time goes by.

Generally speaking, two days before the black bread is made, it can barely bite. Two days later, it can only be cut into slices with a knife and soaked in soup to eat. After a week, the table knife couldn’t cut it anymore, because it was as hard as a stone and could be used as a weapon.

There are many such records in the Middle Ages: stupid thieves stole in villages, and after being accidentally exposed, they were beaten to death by angry farmers and peasant women holding black bread.

Of course, there are also advanced breads, such as the so-called queen bread, or queen bread. This kind of bread is made by adding eggs, milk and honey to refined flour, using beer yeast instead of ordinary leavening dough for thorough fermentation, and finally baking with carefully controlled oven temperature. The volume is only the size of a palm, but the taste is comparable to, or even surpassed, the high-end butter bread on the modern earth.

It’s just that this kind of thing is a luxury that is more expensive than gold. Even the kings and nobles who are extravagant dare not eat it casually. people who have made outstanding contributions. The meaning is similar to a medal, and the spiritual enjoyment is greater than the taste enjoyment.

In short, the staple food of the Middle Ages, no matter how powerful it is, under normal circumstances, it can only eat dry and hard white bread honestly.

Holding a knife and fork, Li Cha cut a piece of white bread, brought it to his mouth, chewed it vigorously, and then swallowed it. The expression is neither sad nor happy, I am really used to it.

After a while, Li Cha swallowed the white bread, footsteps sounded in front of the dining table, and a maid carefully put a plate on the table and brought it to Li Cha.

On the dinner plate was grilled nine-ripe pork chops, which was regarded as a main dish in the breakfast, but it didn’t look very good, because the heat was not well controlled, and some places were a little burnt.

Wielding a knife and fork, Li Cha gently cut off a small piece of pork chop, brought it to his mouth, and chewed it for a long time before chewing it. At the same time, a fishy smell permeated his mouth. This is because biological knowledge in the Middle Ages was really poorly popularized. Most people did not know that male meat animals had to be castrated, resulting in extremely poor meat quality and fishy smell.

Suppressing the feeling of vomiting, he finally ate the pork chop. Li Cha quickly took the cup on his right and prepared to drink it.

The cup of is the drink for breakfast.

Generally speaking, the most common breakfast drink in the world today is not water, but low-alcohol alcohol. This is not because people are addicted to alcohol, but because of hygiene.

Yes, hygienic.

Westerners have never had the habit of drinking boiled water since ancient times. All clean water lacks disinfection and has a lot of bacteria. Drinking it can easily cause intestinal infections. In a world that lacks antibiotics, an intestinal infection means a high chance of death from dehydration.

In comparison, low-alcohol wine is better and cleaner than clear water. Therefore, many people often drink ale or malt wine as water. This kind of wine is different from beer, because no hops are added, so it lacks alcohol taste and it is easy to sour. To mask the weird sourness, winemakers often add weird things to it, resulting in a drink that is almost like drinking herbs.

Many people don’t care about this, and drink malt wine with various flavors, but Li Cha is still a little unbearable, so the table cup is filled with water—plain water—boiled Sanitized clean drinking water.

After reaching for the cup, taking a few sips of water, and rinsing away the fishy smell in his mouth, Li Cha continued to eat sliced ​​bread.

Just swallowing a piece of white bread with difficulty, Edward suddenly ran in and said, “Your Highness, Butler Delong is here.”

“Didn’t you come here yesterday, what are you doing today?” Li Cha raised his head and asked.

“I don’t know.” Edward shook his head, “He didn’t reveal anything, he just said he wanted to see you.”

With two soft “bang bang” sounds, Li Cha put down the knife in his hand, thought for a moment and said, “Please invite him here.”

“Yes.” Edward responded, walked out quickly, and quickly brought the skinny old butler Deron into the restaurant.

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