Magus Tech Chapter 1366: Big chaos

The young man couldn’t help showing a bit of panic: “Then teacher, what should we do? What if the other party really uses the army…”

“Don’t panic, don’t panic, calm down!” Hong Yue glanced sideways and calmly analyzed, “This matter is not so easy to achieve, Sauron is loyal to the alliance, and he is a sensible person, and he knows how to use the army to quell it.” What are the side effects of chaos? I won’t do it unless I have to. Besides, even if he really wants to do this, his subordinates may not necessarily obey orders. After all, if he succeeds, he will calm the chaos, and if he fails, he will rebel.”

“Then teacher, what should we do?”

“Don’t do it for now, just need to increase the number of people to monitor, and see what happens in the future.”


A few days later.

“Teacher, I can no longer understand what Li Cha wants to do.” In the study, the young man stood in front of Hongyue and said, “According to the comprehensive information in the past few days, it can be determined that the other party After arriving at the reef fortress, they didn’t stop at all, and didn’t meet Sauron who stayed there. After passing through the city, they left the border and continued all the way west.

Then he continued to pass through several special garrison areas, and approached his fief Shalin. According to his fixed speed of travel, he could really reach a small city on the edge of Shalin later today. “

Just as the young man finished speaking, one of his subordinates knocked on the door and walked in. He saluted and reported: “Your Highness, the latest information, the target has arrived at the ‘Dry Rock City’ in Shalin, and he has indicated his identity as the lord, and the messenger will inform everyone The officials of Sarin will go to the largest city of Sarin, ‘Blackwater City’, to listen to his series of orders later.”

After listening to the words of his subordinates, the young man waved his hands to make them retreat, while looking at his teacher in puzzlement, he asked, “Teacher, look, what kind of trick is the other party doing?”

“This…” Hongyue was also really puzzled, her brows were deeply frowned, and she showed an expression of self-doubt for the first time, “Is this really leaving Shaar and going to that wretched place in Shalin? The other party What do you think, you don’t want to pay attention to the alliance at all?”

“Teacher, do you think… we need to continue to monitor the other party, or send someone to deliberately create some small conflicts around the other party to see what the other party’s attitude is?” the young man asked.

“No!” Hongyue quickly raised her hand to refuse, and thought for a while, “The person monitoring the other party can withdraw most of them, leaving only a small part to ensure that the other party does not completely escape our sight.

As for creating skirmishes… don’t do such stupid things. It’s actually a good thing that the other party can really leave the alliance and stay in Sarin. Don’t stimulate the other party to come back. Once the other party changes his mind and comes back, it will always be a trouble in Shaar, and I am not fully sure to solve the other party, which is not good for our plan. If the opponent fights recklessly, it may cause huge changes in our plan.

It is precisely because of this consideration that I have not attacked the other party for such a long time, but I did not expect the other party to cooperate and leave. Then Shaar is completely in our hands. We can do some things we want to do more easily, and we can concentrate on dealing with some annoying troubles, such as the recently established picket department, auxiliary council, and so on. “

The young man nodded after hearing this, and said: “Teacher, I heard that the picket department is backed by the Marquis of Keton and several veteran nobles, and the auxiliary council is a union of a group of minor nobles. Baron, called Urko.

These two organizations are really annoying. Originally, I thought that the police department and the city defense department were the most serious problems. I didn’t expect them to be even worse. They have attracted many people. Many foolish people below have been deceived by them. Influence. “

Speaking of which, the young man paused, looked at Hongyue with some bloodthirsty eyes, and suggested aloud: “Teacher, why don’t you take action and kill them all, then Shaar’s situation It’s much simpler.”

“I can do this.” Hongyue listened, and then taught, “But I don’t want to do it, because this is a bad choice.”

“For…why?” The young man was puzzled.

“Because politics is very complicated, don’t expect to solve everything just by killing people.” Hongyue took a deep look at the young man and said, “You have to be clear, the so-called leader is not a political The whole of power is just a representative, and it is the people who support it. If you don’t get rid of the root cause and kill the leader, there will be a new leader.”

“Then kill them all, kill all the supporters, is it okay?” The young man said harshly.

“It’s just a political force. It’s barely possible to do this, but what we have in front of us is not just a political force.” All the people in the alliance should be slaughtered. And if all the people are dead, what’s the point of us ruling an empty city or an empty country?

You are still young, and some things do not quite understand, but remember that the core of politics is not about completely defeating someone, but more about compromise, deceit and balance. Under a series of operations, you can achieve your desired goal , and then try to maintain it. As for assassination, it is only a special method used occasionally and cannot be used as a common tool.

So for political forces, whether it is the picket department, the auxiliary council, the police department, or the city defense department, what we have to do is not to eliminate them, but to win over or divide them, and it is best to use them for our own use. “

“But they won’t cooperate with us, right?” The young man frowned deeply, “Will this be troublesome?”

“Of course it’s troublesome. Politics is synonymous with trouble, so only a small group of people will always be able to deal with politics easily.” In the chaotic political situation you must be the ultimate winner. You will get everything you want, and you will become the new emperor of the entire alliance.”

The young man became a little excited when he heard the words, looked at Hongyue short of breath, and said, “Teacher, then tell me, what is the best way to do it next?”

“Then listen carefully, next you need to contact the Second Prince’s people – the Second Prince is a member of the Stable Faction, you must find a way to let him leave, join the Chaotic Faction, and support Shaar to continue the chaos, We are the only ones who can operate—if successful, we…”

Red Moon kept talking.

The young man nodded in agreement as he listened.

After a while, the young man went out after listening to Hongyue’s instructions, and began to mobilize his strength to act.

So…the already chaotic Shaar situation became even more chaotic…to a limit.


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