Magus Tech Chapter 1343: Gentle

Grey Fog sensed that something was wrong, so he swung his fist violently, hitting the nearest air wall.


Air wall shattered.

But it doesn’t get in the way.

Li Cha condensed hundreds of air walls, and breaking one of them will not affect the overall construction of the transparent pyramid.

Huo Wu’s eyes widened, and he hit with all his strength, crazily smashing the air wall.

“Wow, wow!”

However, the destruction by the gray fog is far less rapid than that of Li Cha.

The four energy furnaces in Li Cha’s body were running at full power, and countless energies gushed out. His feet left the ground, and the pyramid followed layer by layer, quickly reaching a position close to the top.

Grey Fog looked at it, felt a sense of crisis in his heart, and shot down suddenly, trying to open a passage from the ground to leave, but found that Li Cha didn’t give him this chance at all——I don’t know when, the soil under the ground It was also stacked full of air walls like floors, cutting off his thoughts.

Huo Wu gritted his teeth, glanced at Li Cha who was about to seal the transparent pyramid above, stepped on his feet, and prepared to forcibly escape from the last gap at the top. As a result, as soon as he got up, he suddenly discovered that the blood-colored energy column that Li Cha had set just now bound him tightly in place, to be precise, in this space inside the pyramid.

His body, vitality and soul were all locked.


Grey Fog’s body tensed, almost solid gray energy gushed out from his body, enveloping his whole body, and blasting towards the blood-colored energy column, trying to get rid of it – obviously, it would take time.

And Li Cha didn’t give Hui Wu this time at all.

At this time, Li Cha, who was suspended more than ten meters above the head of the gray fog, swept the gray fog with his eyes, turned his hand, and a bullet-shaped creation with a length of more than half a meter and a diameter of more than ten centimeters appeared. icy luster.

This is a nuclear weapon still in the laboratory.

After the successful test of nuclear weapons in Pompeii, Richard did not stop making nuclear weapons because of the remaining nuclear materials and the continuous availability of nuclear materials in the future, coupled with the purpose of research.

However, because the nuclear weapons of 10,000-ton and 100,000-ton equivalent levels have been tested, the research value has been reduced, so most of the produced nuclear weapons are small, which can be called tactical nuclear weapons.

The production purpose of these tactical nuclear weapons is mainly to study the extraordinary factor, and some improvements have been made according to specific needs. Several relatively unified features are: smaller range of action; more concentrated power; because of the addition of neutrons , ray-absorbing materials, greatly reducing radiation; because the structure is improved by using the knowledge of extraordinary factors, so that the electromagnetic pulse effect of the spell mainly acts on the core area.

It is naturally more difficult to kill enemies in a large area, but it is just right for dealing with a small number of concentrated enemies, or even a single bound enemy.

After all, tactical nuclear weapons are still nuclear weapons. The yield has been reduced, but the core damage has not changed much, and some aspects have even been strengthened. As long as it can hit, it is a one-hit kill.

For this reason, Richard named this type of tactical nuclear weapon the dagger series.

Now he took out the dagger No. 11-gentleness.

Originally, he only planned to use it for some research in the laboratory, not for actual combat, because in his opinion, it would be a bit wasteful to do so.

But the situation is special, he really doesn’t want to struggle with the gray mist, so it’s better to use it up and settle it once and for all.

Looking at the gray mist inside the pyramid where he was still struggling to break free from the constraints of the blood power extraordinary factor, Li Cha didn’t waste any words, and directly activated the tactical nuclear weapon in his hand and threw it away. At the same time, clapping his hands together, the air gathered and condensed into layers of air walls, completely sealing the gap about one meter in diameter at the top of the pyramid.


Li Cha stepped on his feet and flew upside down, away from the pyramid. At the same time, he issued a warning to the alliance magic knights, wizards, and soldiers on the battlefield in the distance.

“Close your eyes!”


The person who heard the voice was subconsciously stunned.

The gray mist in the pyramid was trying every means to destroy the blood-colored energy column and get rid of the shackles. Suddenly, he turned his head to look at the bullet-shaped tactical nuclear weapon dropped by Richard, and couldn’t help being taken aback.

The next second, with a “boom”, the nuclear weapon exploded, releasing its terrifying power in a very short period of time calculated by tremors.

At the last moment, Li Cha’s body flickered several times in a row, and he retreated to a safe position by escaping into the void.

Afterwards, I turned my head to look at the transparent pyramid, and saw that after a sudden light inside, an expanding ball of light rose up.

The ball of light is so powerful that even densely packed air walls can’t stop it, and it was quickly shattered, and finally the entire pyramid collapsed along with it—but this somewhat prevented the power from leaking out, allowing nuclear weapons to achieve destruction in the pyramid maximum value.

For a moment, a mushroom cloud rose from the ruins of the pyramid, and then blue light and shock waves spread around.

Because it is a tactical nuclear weapon, the yield has been reduced, and the package with the pyramid did not cause much movement in the periphery, but it also caused confusion among the alliance troops and members of the Truth Society during the battle.

There was a scream—it was because he didn’t close his eyes in time, turned his head, and was burned by the strong light of the nuclear weapon.

There was also a muffled sound – it was affected by the weak magic electromagnetic pulse, which hurt the magic source.

But these are trivial matters, Li Cha took a glance and looked away, looking seriously at the position under the mushroom cloud.

After a while, the mushroom cloud dissipated, and everything became quiet. He saw that there was a piece of magma that was gradually solidifying, and there was nothing on the magma.

There is no dust, no corpses, and no fog.

The gray fog has completely disappeared, evaporated by the tactical nuclear weapons.

After reading it, Li Cha couldn’t help but think: This should be regarded as a complete death, right? After all, in the center of nuclear weapons, the body is absolutely unable to resist, and the delayed burst and improved magic electromagnetic pulse has the effect of killing the soul… The body is revived I barely understand, if the soul is broken and revived again, it will not be possible. Is it reasonable?

Whether it was Rommel in Pompey back then, or the Dead Sea whose location was leaked by Bibi later, after the soul was broken, it was really cool.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Cha saw a cloudy bubble the size of a glass ball suddenly appear in the gradually solidified magma.

With a “pop”, the bubble burst, and a wisp of gray mist floated out, rapidly expanding into a gray mist body.

The sixth resurrection of gray mist was successful!


It seems that Gray Mist, who was successfully resurrected for the sixth time, is not much different from before. His eyes are turning and scanning the surroundings, and it doesn’t seem like he has lost his soul or has an incomplete soul. The only problem is that Hui Wu’s brows are slightly frowned, his eyes are slightly dim, and he seems to be listless.

Looking at it, Li Cha pursed his lips tightly.

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