Magus Tech Chapter 1340: Traitor


With a loud bang, the energy light ball on Huiwu’s head released its power.

Because of special restrictions, the scope of this power release is not very large, it only spreads to a radius of more than ten meters.

But in this area, all the space is filled with the light of the energy light ball, and the gray fog, including the head, melts directly, yes, melts, not smashes—under the extremely high energy reaction, the gray fog The fog was like snow evaporating under the scorching sun, leaving no debris or even debris.

This is the power of Richard’s attack, the power of the four energy furnaces fully opened, accumulated for such a long time, and extracted energy.

Everyone in the distance watched this scene, and they were all surprised. At this time, Li Cha appeared outside the range of the power release, and everyone couldn’t help but look at Li Cha.

The commander of the black armor glanced at Li Cha, even though he knew it was a friendly army, he subconsciously tensed the muscles under the magic pattern armor. The red-armored commander opened his mouth wide, probably because he felt that he was losing his composure, and slowly closed it again. The rest of the Silver Armored and Gray Armored Commanders also had different expressions, obviously surprised that Gray Mist could die like this.

However, despite the accident, everyone did not let down their vigilance. The continuous resurrection of the gray fog before had left a shadow, which made them doubt that perhaps the gray fog could be resurrected this time.

Among them, the green-robed wizard was the most vigilant. He didn’t know where he had provoked the gray mist and let the gray mist hold him tight, but survival was the most important thing. A gray mist really came back to life after the attack.

And Gray Mist did not disappoint everyone. Just after the power of the energy light ball dissipated, at the position where Gray Mist’s body evaporated, a wisp of gray mist floated out from the ground and spread violently, forming Gray Mist’s body. .

Everyone bowed their waists slightly, lowered their center of gravity, slowly accumulating energy, and looked at the gray mist as if ready to fight.

The reanimated gray mist also scanned the crowd. After looking around, his eyes fell on Li Cha. He stared at Li Cha for several seconds with a somewhat solemn expression.

Before he was resurrected, he had been obsessed with killing the green-robed wizard. When Li Cha stopped him, he didn’t pay much attention to it. He just thought it was a hidden powerful wizard in the alliance. And after Li Cha successfully killed him once, he couldn’t help not paying attention to it. After all, Li Cha killed him independently. Even if there was a suspicion of sneak attack, Li Cha alone was almost equivalent to the commanders of the four magic knights.

This is no longer the category of powerful wizards, but top-level wizards.

As for such people, the Truth Society generally collects intelligence.

But Li Cha can’t match anyone in the intelligence, so…

Grey Fog looked Li Cha up and down, guessed for a moment, looked at Li Cha and asked: “If there is nothing wrong, you should be the traitor in our organization, betrayed from Pompey and destroyed Pompey The guy? And then colluded with the Soma Alliance to try to destroy the organization? But everything can only be a delusion!”

Li Cha listened, and chuckled lightly: “Master Gray Fog, I don’t think I can be considered a betrayal, because the reason why I joined the Truth Society back then was not for pure purposes. The puppet that the manager sent out to hunt me down——Bibi, that is the real betrayal, the betrayal was straightforward, and she did not hesitate to change camps, and even confessed the hiding place of the manager behind her. The two, There are differences, so don’t generalize.”

“Hmph, is there a difference?” Gray Fog made a nasal sound and shook his head, “I don’t think so. No matter what your purpose of joining the organization was, the fact is that you joined the organization and then left the organization In my eyes, this is betrayal, and like that puppet that should have been destroyed long ago, it deserves the fate of a traitor, that is death!”

“Dead? You want to kill me?” Li Cha continued to chuckle, “Isn’t this a bit difficult? After all, it wasn’t me who died just now, it was you.”

Grey Fog listened, and didn’t get angry, but his eyes were a little cold, and he commented: “It’s really short-sighted! Just now, you did kill me once, but do you think that means you are stronger than me? I don’t understand what my death means!

I have an ‘immortal’ body bestowed by the true god. Every time I kill me, it will not cause me any harm or pain. The road goes further. Therefore, every step you take to kill me is bringing yourself closer to the abyss of death. When you kill me, you are actually killing yourself! “

“But I’ve been fine now, haven’t I?” Li Cha spread his hands and asked back.

“It won’t happen soon, traitor!” Hui Wu said, touching the ground, and quickly approached Li Cha with sharp eyes.

The four commanders rushed forward to stop them, but they were forcibly knocked away by the gray mist with a “bang”, and they all vomited blood and flew out. The knights in magic suits who were attacking the wizards of the Truth Society fell down with a “crash” because they shared the damage.

The green-robed wizard also tried to cast a spell to stop him, but was only glared at by Gray Mist, and stopped resentfully.

It’s not that he’s afraid, but he simply feels that if the gray mist attacks, he may die before he can even cast a spell. Only then can you successfully cast spells and realize the combat value… Thinking about it, the green-robed wizard silently pulled a further distance, and then continued to put the shield on his body desperately.

When the green-robed wizard put on the twelfth energy shield, the gray mist approached Li Cha. When he raised his hand, purple-black energy gushed out from the palm of his hand, condensing into a two-meter-long death scythe , with a dense black air, he slammed down heavily.


The death scythe struck down so fast and so hard that the air trembled.

Li Cha had a calm expression on this, he didn’t use any shields, he just stretched out his hand to grab the turbulent air in front of him. The energy in the energy furnace in the body gushes out, the extraordinary factor of wind energy exerts its effect, the extraordinary cohesion acts on the air, and a thin but absolutely strong air wall is formed in a very short time.

Li Cha held the air wall in his hand, as if he was holding an invisible tower shield, facing the gray fog.

The death scythe in Huiwu’s hand slashed down, and slashed heavily on the air wall, bursting out with tremendous force.


The air wall fluctuated violently, producing ripples like water patterns, and the force was transmitted. Both the air wall and Li Cha behind the wall were repelled for several But soon, the rippling air wall recovered Calm, Li Cha stood firm, everything was unscathed.

Huo Wu frowned slightly while holding the death scythe. Before this resurrection, he had already seen the defensive power of the air wall. But now it is noticed that the defense of the air wall has improved compared to before – this shows that Li Cha probably put water on purpose to break the air wall at the beginning, so that he would be careless and be killed by a sneak attack.

The defensive power of this air wall is a bit exaggerated, it’s not like a normal spell.


Grey Mist stood there for a second, and then his eyes fell on the four parts of Li Cha’s body – both wrists and shoulders – the four energy furnaces in this part are shining brightly, continuously Generate energy to ensure the effect of extraordinary cohesion and maintain the firmness of the air wall.


Huo Mist pursed her lips thoughtfully.


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