Magus Tech Chapter 1266: Big plans

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The red-armored woman stepped out, her sky-blue eyes glanced at a dead man who was fighting a trapped beast, her frost-red lips parted, and she said, “Why, is there really someone who dared to pretend to be dead?

Not bad, the courage is good, but the brain may not be able to use it, do you think that every time we plan for such a long time and use so many people, we are living for nothing, and we will really be fooled by such a low-level method of pretending to be dead ? “

“My lord, how do you think about it?” The person next to him asked in a low voice.

“It’s very simple, I’ll take care of this guy myself, just step back.” The red-armored woman said.

“But my lord…” The person next to him was a little worried.

“It’s nothing, just step back.” The red armor woman said.

“Uh, yes.” The people next to him didn’t dare to say anything more. With a wave of their hands, the wizard and the soldiers dispersed, leaving the dead man in the red armor alone.

The woman in red armor glanced at the silver ring on the dead man’s hand, and raised her eyebrows: “Is it a silver ring? No wonder I was able to pretend to be dead to deceive many people’s eyes at the beginning, but I can only stop here Yes. The silver ring is a bit low after all, if you were not the silver ring but the gold ring, you might still be able to escape.

But it is only possible, I remember that you had a golden ring before, called Josh or John, and said that you came here to succeed your predecessor. In the end, we chopped off his head and died. It doesn’t look much different from Yinhuan. I don’t know how your strength will compare with his. “

After saying that, the red-armored woman slowly drew out her long sword, shook it lightly, and one after another the light on her body lit up.

One, two, three… seven, eight, nine!

A total of nine rays of light of different colors covered the woman’s armor.

The woman stepped forward, and the light was transmitted to the long sword, stabbing straight at the dead man.

The dead man didn’t know how powerful the blow was, so out of vigilance, he quickly dodged to the side. But the next moment his face changed suddenly, he found that there was a strong suction force on the woman’s long sword, which made him approach the long sword uncontrollably, and the dodge was completely ineffective.

The long sword became brighter and brighter, and a terrifying energy reaction appeared on the blade, like an ancient beast, trying to pull the dead closer and devour it.

The woman in red armor looked at the dead man with a look of pity on her face, as if she had seen the fate of the dead man next.

Unexpectedly, the dead man’s eyes flashed suddenly, and he looked at the woman just before he was about to die, showing a weird smile. He opened his mouth suddenly and stuck out his tongue, and saw a sarcoid-like structure at the end of the tongue, carefully distinguishing it, it was a miniature human head.

The miniature human head also has a mouth and a tongue when opened.

The tiny tongue flashed purple light, and a highly condensed destructive energy blasted out, hitting the red-armored woman’s chest in the blink of an eye.


The woman in the red armor quickly flew backwards.

The dead man withdrew his tongue with a human head at the end, and glanced at the red-armoured woman who flew tens of meters away before landing, showing a successful plot.

But the next moment, his expression froze suddenly.

I saw the woman who flew upside down, just landed, and immediately bounced up, almost unscathed.

At the same time, in a place farther away, dozens of red-armored soldiers swayed and fell to the ground in unison, life and death unknown.

The woman in the red armor sensed a certain direction and looked at the dead man.

At this time, the dead man opened his eyes slightly, and said in surprise, “How could you be fine? The energy just now is enough to kill you several times.”

“Really, it seems that you have really planned this matter for a long time.” The red-armored woman narrowed her eyes, looked at the dead man and said, “I’m afraid your real identity is not an ordinary silver ring. , maybe it is the new Golden Ring who came to take over after the last Golden Ring was killed?”

The dead man raised his eyebrows.

“It seems that I guessed it right.” The woman said, “But unfortunately, you don’t know what kind of existence you are facing, so your old methods are doomed to fail. It is the same as the last golden ring, that is to be killed by beheading. Before you die, maybe you can tell me… what is your name?”

“Yoda.” Deadly said, his expression became a little dignified.

“Yoda…well then, goodbye, Mr. Yoda.”

After the red-armored woman finished speaking, several rays of light lit up on her body, which merged with the nine rays of light that had been lit up before, and became as bright as stars.


The red-armored woman rushed out with a sword, and the dead man named Yoda frowned to meet her.


The fierce battle broke out violently.

The battle is on.

After a long while, the battle ended.

On the messy ground, the woman in red armor looked at a pile of minced meat a few meters away, and let out a light breath. She had clearly won the battle, but it wasn’t an easy one. During the process, Yoda was killed five times in a row before he was completely killed, and the aftermath of the battle also caused many casualties.

“It seems to be more difficult than the previous one.” The red-armored woman sighed, “Sure enough, the Golden Ring is not easy to deal with. The last time it should be the weakest, and it was above average strength just now. According to the information Yes, the strongest golden ring has already been dealt with? Fortunately, it was dealt with, otherwise I don’t know how many times I would have to kill it…”

Shaking her head, the red-armoured woman didn’t say any more, turned her head and issued an order to the wizard: “Notify, treat the wounded. Then prepare for the soul cleansing work. I don’t want to spend a lot of effort, but the result is not completely wiped out just helped the other party change into a new body.”

“Yes.” The wizards nodded and got busy, and the red armored woman walked aside.

Waving her hand, the woman in red armor called a subordinate, took a map from him, and began to observe.

After observing for a while, the red-armoured woman said to herself: “It is a good thing that we have successfully cleared out another target branch this time. However, correspondingly, the remaining target branches should It will become more vigilant and more hidden, and the address may be transferred several times, making it more difficult to dig out.

Then, it is not easy to really clean up the Southern Freedom Federation. In addition, it is also a problem to communicate with the city-states of the Southern Freedom Federation. The deeper the border, the harder it is to hide…”

Paused, the red-armored woman continued: “Of course, these are not big problems, they can only be regarded as small problems… The real big problem should be the more powerful enemy in the information that has not been confirmed— —Color ring.

According to the information, Caihuan is the highest level of the opponent, with a very small number, and has an overwhelming combat advantage over Jinhuan. And, in the Confederate Freedom, there is likely to be one.

Just, if there is, why never show up? You can’t think of the situation in the Southern Freedom Federation, isn’t it bad enough? If the information is wrong, that’s fine, but if it’s true, you have to find a way to find out the other party. Otherwise, once the other party is allowed to take the initiative, the situation that the Southern Freedom Federation has been operating for such a long time may have another twists and turns, and it may even affect the big plan…”

The red-armoured woman talked to herself for a long time, and she didn’t stop until her subordinates had finished all the things she ordered.

She put away the map, glanced at the ruined castle, showing some complicated eyes, but said nothing, waved her hand and led the team to leave quickly, disappearing into the darkness.

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