Magus Tech Chapter 1236: The cleaner in the ruins

Jasmine didn’t realize what Li Cha was thinking, and pointed to the well and said, “Go in, if it sinks to the bottom of this well, it will be a relic.”

After speaking, he jumped into the well, his whole body was covered with a layer of sky blue energy, which cut off contact with the water, and he sank quickly.

The rest of the people jumped into the well, and Li Cha was at the end.


Wrapping golden energy all over his body and entering the well, Li Cha felt that the gravity around him suddenly doubled, greatly surpassing the buoyancy, as if invisible arms were dragging him down to dive.

Dive in this way for about 30 meters, the surrounding pressure increases to the level of three standard atmospheres, the feet soften slightly, pass through a layer of water film, enter the air, and then touch the solid ground.

Looking around, Li Cha saw that he was already in a hall. There was a skylight at the top of the hall, leading directly to the water well outside. It was obvious that he had entered from here just now—the four walls of the hall were engraved with magic patterns, stabilizing the air. The air is kept inside, so as to prevent the well water from flowing in, and the design is somewhat ingenious.

Jasmine and her party arrived at the hall first. Since it was not the first time they entered, they no longer had any curiosity, so they turned around and walked towards the side of the hall without taking a few glances.

With a “twisting”, a stone door was pushed open, revealing a deep corridor, a group of people filed in, and Li Cha followed.

The general direction of the entire tunnel is obliquely downward, which is somewhat similar to the tunnel where the ancient ruins were explored for the first time. After a group of people walked for a long time, Li Cha estimated that he had reached a position nearly a thousand meters below the ground, and finally entered A huge underground space.

Here, the surrounding air is obviously warming up.

Generally speaking, according to the experience on the earth, based on the surface of the earth, the temperature will drop by 6°C for every kilometer up, and 3°C for every kilometer down. Now it has dropped a thousand meters, and in Li Cha’s perception, the temperature has risen by at least 10°C.

Is it a geothermal anomaly area? The crust here may be relatively thin… Li Cha blinked and thought.

Jasmine and the others didn’t pay attention to this point, their eyes were all on the puddles of blood on the ground around them.

The strange thing is that there are only bloodstains and no corpses.

Witch Su walked up to Jasmine with a limp, and said in a low voice, “The corpses should have been eaten by them.”

“Yeah.” Jasmine agreed, expressing her agreement, with a dignified expression, “Next, be careful and avoid being ambushed.”


Li Cha glanced at the conversation between Jasmine and Su, and did not ask any questions, because he believed that Jasmine would definitely tell him the relevant information if necessary. If you don’t tell me, either you don’t need it, or it’s not time.

A group of people marched deep into the ruins.

Because Jasmine and her team had visited the ruins before and carried out a relatively careful cleaning operation, resulting in the elimination of guardian creatures and other dangers in the ruins, the speed of the team was very fast.

In this way, after walking for more than an hour, they have completed the journey that Jasmine and her party had traveled for several hours.

During the process, Li Cha noticed that from time to time there would be large groups of blood stains on the ground, which should be left by the creatures killed by Jasmine and her party – the traces of spell damage around them can also prove this point.

However, without exception, there were no corpses left, not even corpse fragments, as if they had been cleaned by extremely dedicated cleaners—the situation encountered at the beginning of the ruins was not a single incident.

This made him a little curious about the existence of cleaning up all these things, but he patiently did not ask, waiting for Jasmine to take the initiative to inform him.

Next, a group of people traveled several miles in the huge underground space, and set foot on a piece of gray-white ground. Jasmine, who was in the lead, took the initiative to slow down and led everyone to slow down.

Advancing slowly and vigilantly to a raised highland, Jasmine waved her hand to stop the crowd, pointed to the front, and spoke to Li Cha.

“The last time we encountered unsolvable enemies after setting foot on the high ground. This time, I invite you to deal with them. You must be prepared.” Jasmine took the initiative.

“What is your so-called enemy?” Li Cha asked.

“It’s a group of ants.”

“Ant?” Li Cha was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and was a little surprised by the answer. After thinking about it, he asked in detail, “What kind of ant?”

“A very scary kind of ant.” Jasmine’s face darkened as she spoke, obviously bringing back bad memories, “They are relatively big, about half the size of a finger, very fast, and not strong enough. Low, the teeth are relatively sharp and can spray acid—but this is not the reason for their horror—no matter how powerful they are alone, they cannot resist the power of spells, but there are too many of them, almost endless, and they have a lot of power. Wisdom, know how to cooperate with each other.

You know the last time we fought them, did it feel like we were fighting an army. Moreover, there is no possibility of morale collapse in this army. All soldiers will fight to the death and try to hurt us by all means.

If it weren’t for their small size, we might not be able to last ten minutes. Even so, we spent a long time with the other party, and found that the number of the other party not only did not decrease, but became more, and our people were injured and exhausted, so we had to retreat. “

“There are more and more ants?” Li Cha heard, his eyes rolled in the sockets, and a thought flashed: Could it be… the super species among the strange species?

A supernatural species lives in this ruin?

A supernatural species acts as the guardian creature of the ruins?

This is a little unexpected.

Jasmine looked over and asked, “How about it, are you confident to help us solve it?”

“Let’s talk about it later.” Li Cha replied.

“Alright.” Jasmine nodded, took a deep breath, and told her subordinates to prepare for battle. She stepped forward, followed the steep slope, and reached the gray-white high ground that rose abruptly by more than ten meters.

A few seconds after stepping on the high was a dense “rustle” sound in the darkness ahead, Li Cha waved out a few energy **** for lighting, suspended in mid-air, and saw a large area 100 meters away , are all occupied by the ants Jasmine mentioned.

The appearance of these ants is red and black, like charcoal with sparks in the ashes, they pounced directly without any fuss.

Li Cha noticed that the ants seemed to be swarming and mindless, but they were not chaotic and orderly. A large number of ants are roughly divided into twenty-four clusters, and the ants in each cluster travel along the same route, there is no intersection, and there is no mutual interference.

This is obviously extremely efficient, and the speed of the ants is exactly as Jasmine said—quickly, within a few breaths, they reached a place tens of meters in front of the group of people.

Jasmine shouted: “Attack!”


Jasmine’s subordinates made a quick move.

Li Cha didn’t hesitate, and launched an attack, ready to see the reality of the ants.

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