Magus Tech Chapter 1128: 6 months later

Six months later.

March, the warm moon, the beginning of spring, the day when all things recover.

The vast area in the north of the main continent has been affected by the rising temperature, and the earth has begun to be dyed a layer of green. Yellow, white, and blue wild flowers emerge from the moist soil, dotted like a carpet. the fields.

In the south of the main continent, the vitality is more obvious. In a remote forest, many trees are tall and straight, and the branches and leaves that have turned white in winter have all recovered their vitality at this moment. It looks lush and green everywhere, like a vast ocean.

In this green ocean, two figures suddenly appeared, a man and a woman, both very young, quickly shuttled through the forest.

The surface of their bodies shone with the luster of magic, and each of them carried a huge lead box one meter square in each hand. They kept crossing obstacles in the forest one after another, and finally reached a small open space in the forest.


A sound, followed by the appearance of two figures, a figure of a woman with ear-length short hair flashed out from behind the trees, looking quite heroic.

The short-haired woman first glanced at the two people who rushed over, and then asked aloud: “Have you brought what we want?”

“Obviously.” Among the two people who rushed over, the young woman answered by raising the lead box she was carrying. Her long hair was **** with a ribbon and tied behind her back, forming a lively ponytail, bouncing slightly as she spoke.

After answering, the ponytail woman looked at the short-haired woman and asked, “I brought the things you want, but what about the things we want, have you brought them?”

“Don’t worry, I won’t forget.” The short-haired woman also lifted the thing she was carrying, which was also a box. However, compared to the girl with ponytails, it is much smaller – only about 20 centimeters long and wide, and only a few centimeters thick, like a small document bag.

The ponytail girl looked at it and nodded lightly, and said: “Very well, if this is the case, you can open the box and let me take a look. After I make sure you have not deceived me, give me what you want You.”

After hearing this, the short-haired woman raised her eyebrows, and said in a provocative voice: “Why, why didn’t you open the box first and let me see what you brought?”

As these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became a little tense.

The two women looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, eyes clashed in mid-air, neither one was willing to give in.

One second, two seconds, three seconds…

Soon, more than ten seconds passed.

Beside, the only man—Ge Luo, couldn’t help sighing after seeing the situation. His arms shook, as if he couldn’t bear the weight of the box he was carrying, so he put the box on the ground with a “boom”.


Ge Luo let out a breath, rolled his eyes slightly, and said to Anne Pompeo and Nancy: “Hey, I said, is it necessary for you two to compete like this? Isn’t it the same whoever shows first?” ? If you don’t want to give in to each other, can you open it together, I…”

Gero was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

“Shut up!”

Anne with short hair and Nancy with ponytail said almost in unison.

Ge Luo’s words froze: “…”

Annie made a nasal sound. The arrogance of the eldest lady of the Pangbo family in St. Louis City completely returned to her body at this moment, and she glanced at Ge Luo and said: “A rookie is not qualified to speak here.”

Ge Luo’s expression froze, and he couldn’t help retorting: “I’m not a rookie, I’m the person sent by the mine to be in charge of connecting with you, okay—although I’m not the main person in charge, but you can’t despise me .By the way, I also know the boss behind you—Your Excellency Richard. We are friends, very good friends.”

“Heh, some identities that don’t rely on your own strength can’t change your rookie nature. You can’t even be considered a formal wizard, what is a rookie? Believe it or not, I can beat you ten!” Said bluntly.

“I…” The muscles on Gero’s face twisted a little, and he couldn’t help but want to step forward to teach Annie a lesson, to prove that he was not so weak. But seeing Annie’s momentum, she shrank her neck and gave up the idea again.

However, he did not give up completely, and turned to look at Nancy.

In his opinion, after all, Nancy is in the same camp as him, and she almost scolded this nasty Annie just now, now that she has heard the other party’s exaggerated words, she will definitely help him to uphold justice, right?

Sure enough, the next moment he saw Nancy’s face grow a bit sullen, as if she was dissatisfied with Annie’s words, she showed a serious and serious expression, her lips parted slightly, and her voice came out.

“I can hit him twelve.”



Grow was taken aback, and it took three seconds to realize what Nancy said.

At this time, Annie was slightly dissatisfied when she heard it, and corrected with a hum: “When I said hit him ten times, I meant when I didn’t have all my strength. If I did my best, I could hit him twenty times.”

“When I said that I hit him twelve times, I meant that I didn’t have my full strength. If I did my best, I could hit him twenty-five times!” Nancy followed.

Suddenly there was a faint smell of gunpowder in the air.

Anne and Nancy looked at each other again.

Ge Luo looked at this, then at that, scratching his head, feeling something was wrong.

Something is really wrong.

In other words, shouldn’t Nancy help him regain his dignity? What’s the point of comparing combat effectiveness with the other party now? Shouldn’t Nancy be on his side? Why does he feel that he is alone now?

Things seem to be developing in a strange direction.

You two must have done it on purpose, right? Either he had practiced too many water spells and his head was flooded… Ge Luo looked at the two, the corners of his mouth twitching, full of malicious slander.

But he just thought about it in his heart and got addicted. In reality, he neither dared to say nor asked.

One second, one second, another second.

As Anne and Nancy’s eyes met, time passed quickly. Just as Gro was thinking about how long the two would last, a wolf howled from the depths of the forest.


“Pu Chi Pu Chi…”

After the howling of wolves, there was the sound of hurried running and panting.

With a “swipe”, a tall gray wolf with a height of more than one meter and a body length of more than two meters rushed out of the forest and landed on the open space where the three of them were.

The gray wolf planed the ground, a little irritable, but did not attack the three of them, but kept growling, as if urging something.

“, uh…”

“It seems that the one who waited was a little anxious.” Annie glanced at Gray Wolf and said understandingly. Her tone was rarely eased, and she looked at Nancy and said, “Let’s not procrastinate, like What the rookie said just now, let’s show it together.”

“Okay.” Nancy agreed.



The voice sounded, and the two opened the box in their hands at the same time, revealing the contents.

I saw that in Nancy’s huge box, half of the box was filled with gray powder, with strong erosive energy floating out.

In Annie’s small box, the things contained are relatively simple, all of which are sparkling crystals.

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