Magus Tech Chapter 1119: A stone in a box

Early October.

Newburgh, a famous trading city on the border between the Kingdom of Sika and the Soma Alliance, ushered in its annual gathering.

The rally lasted for five days, and reached its busiest state on the third day.

Not only businessmen from Sika and Soma, but also businessmen from other regions came here smelling the smell of money, trying to sell their in-demand goods and trying to make huge profits.

In addition to the merchants selling goods, there are also various speculators, with shrewd eyes, walking around the big market in the city, observing the quality of the goods, thinking about the profits after the purchase, and hesitating whether to sell .

Among the noise, the air of the whole city smelled of profit.

Miss Anne with short hair reaching her ears——Anne Pangbo was walking on the streets of the city frowning.

She walked very fast, she seemed to be in a hurry, and kept pushing through the crowd. After walking for a certain distance, he will stop suddenly, stay for a few seconds, change a direction, and move forward quickly again.

This is a method she uses to prevent someone from following her.

For Anne Pangbol, it is very clear that she has provoked many enemies along the way. Although logically, it is impossible for these people to chase all the way to Newburgh, but it is best to be careful-in the past experience, be careful The above approach has helped her get out of danger several times.

In this way, Annie walked continuously in the city for nearly half an hour, repeatedly confirming that no enemy was following her, and then she was relieved.


Heaving a sigh of relief and straightening her damp bangs, Annie looked up at a small special market in front of her that gathered many single goods—this was part of Newburgh’s annual grand market.

It is said to be a small market, but it is actually not small in scale, occupying an entire street nearly 100 meters long. The shops on both sides of the street and the stalls on the street are all filled with goods – all kinds of ores.

That’s what she came to Newburgh for.

I hope I can discover something this time… Annie thought to herself, she glanced briefly at the goods on the neighboring stalls, and after confirming that they were all ordinary goods, she walked into the first shop next to her.

The floor of the store is covered with thick wool carpets, which are extremely soft to step on, and the decoration is also extremely elegant.

A dozen red-lacquered wooden frames stood against the wall, and each wooden frame was divided into dozens of grids of different sizes, and the ores cut like works of art were placed inside.

Obviously, these are samples for exhibition. If you are selected, someone will contact you about the mass supply.

Speaking of which, the amount of money involved in business related to ore will not be low. After all, it is hard to believe that someone came here from thousands of miles just to spend a silver coin, buy a stone weighing ten catties and bring it home as a whetstone.

The interests of the ore business are very high, which makes most of the shops operating in the ore business extremely luxuriously decorated, and the service personnel in the shops are also extremely enthusiastic.

Therefore, as soon as Annie came in, a shop assistant came up to her and asked enthusiastically, “Madam, what do you want to see? Do you need the latest sapphire ore, or something else?” Something…”

While the store clerk was talking, Annie quickly scanned all the exhibits in the store, and had already determined that there was nothing she wanted.

The next moment, he interrupted the buddy unceremoniously, and responded coldly: “No need.”

After saying that, Annie turned around and left, leaving the clerk in the same place, and the clerk couldn’t help showing a dazed expression on his face.

“You…you don’t even need it, what are you doing here!” After a few seconds, the guy reacted and made a sound.

But Annie didn’t hear it at all, and had already stepped into the second shop at this time.

The decoration of the second store is not much different from the first one. It is also extremely luxurious, and the staff is also extremely enthusiastic. The same is true for the types of ores on display.

There was no accident. After a while, Annie came out again and entered the third shop.

Then the fourth store, the fifth store…

Ten minutes later, Annie had efficiently finished shopping nearly half of the shops on the street, and her face became a little ugly.

With two slender eyebrows raised slightly, Annie pursed her lips while standing on the street, adjusted her mood before walking into the next shop.

This shop is located at the back of the street. Compared with other shops, it looks a bit bad. It seems that it is due to poor management and is close to bankruptcy. The decoration is extremely shabby, and it can even be called—— tattered.

The carpet on the ground was washed white, and the corners were severely damaged, with a gap that looked like a baby’s mouth.

The seven or eight shelves placed close to the wall are also crumbling, the red paint is peeling off, half of the wooden grids are empty, and the ore placed in the remaining half is extremely rough, and some of them have not even been cleaned, and they are full of dust. The soil that existed when it was mined.

The owner of the shop, an elderly white-haired old man, was sitting behind the counter with his eyes closed. There is a unique indifferent expression on his face, as if he has already decided that the store is going to close down, and he doesn’t want to struggle anymore, and he doesn’t bother to greet customers. When Annie walked in the door, the white-haired old man just opened his eyes and glanced at them, then closed them again, not wanting to bother with him at all.

Annie was also so happy. Standing in the shop, she carefully looked at the few ores in the wooden grid.

Shake your head.

Shake your head.

Shake your head again.

Looking at one kind of ore after another, Annie shook her head again and again, making sure that none of them were her target.

It seems that this trip to Newburgh is destined to be disappointed… Anne sighed in her heart.

Lifting her legs, Annie was about to go out when she suddenly saw a silver-gray lead box with a square of 20 centimeters on the wooden shelf next to her. It looked a bit like a decoration, but it looked too weird.

“Hey, old man, what is this?” Annie asked the shop owner, pointing to the lead box.

When the white-haired old man was disturbed, he opened his eyes in displeasure, glanced at Annie and snorted, “You impolite girl, can’t you address me politely? Are you talking about that box? Hmph, what could it be? No jewelry box—this is not a jewelry store, as long as you are not stupid, you should understand that it is a box for ore exhibits.”

“Then why put the ore in it?”

“How do I know!” The white-haired old man replied in a very aggressive tone, “It’s not mine, it’s consigned by someone else, and I’ve already paid for it anyway, so she can do whatever she wants. If you want, give me two Gold coins, I also allow you to put such a box here. If the box is small, a gold coin is fine.”

“Forget it.” Annie rejected the white-haired old man’s proposal, and then asked, “Then I can open it, right?”

“Whatever.” The white-haired old man waved his hand impatiently, “I have already said, this is not mine, it is on consignment. Giving money only means that the goods can be placed here, as for whether it is stolen or robbed , have nothing to do with me.”

Annie: “…” Her eyebrows were raised slightly, and she couldn’t help being speechless for a while, and she realized why the store’s operating conditions were so miserable. That is to say, her temper is much better now than before, otherwise she could have broken the neck of the white-haired old man now, and the rest of the customers who walked into the shop might feel similarly.


Taking a deep Annie adjusted her emotions, intending to ignore the white-haired old man, and reached out to open the lead box.

In her opinion, ninety-nine percent of the ore contained in the lead box was still a piece of ordinary-colored ore, but the moment she opened it, her eyes shrank.

The ore in the box, as he thought, is indeed ordinary in color, but the copper ore from the rotten street, which does not look very pure, and contains other miscellaneous ores, which are of low quality.

But this ordinary copper ore exudes a weak corrosive energy.

The energy was both familiar and exciting to her.

Because that’s exactly what she was looking for.

Now, finally found it.

Anne clenched her fists.

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