Magus Tech Chapter 1116: Extraordinary 1st Law!

The extraordinary factor.

Super! Where! because! son!

If you can accept the existence of the extraordinary factor, then many things can be explained clearly.

Li Cha stood in the room, slowly organizing his thoughts, his eyes brightened.

At present, it can be theoretically assumed that because of astral projection or other reasons, transcendental factors exist in all basic substances in the current world-atoms.

In lighter atoms, such as hydrogen atoms, carbon atoms, and oxygen atoms, because the nucleus is too stable, it is difficult to extract the supernatural factor, so most things in the current world are no different from the earth.

The people here also have two eyes, and the fish here also live in the water. People here will be hungry if they don’t eat, and they will faint if they lose too much blood. If they don’t get medical treatment, they are very likely to die.

In short, in the field of lighter atoms, the supernatural factor cannot easily play a role, and the current world is a replica of the earth.

In the realm of heavier atoms, the situation is slightly different.

The heavier the atom, the more unstable it tends to be. For example, heavy elements such as uranium 235 can spontaneously fission. During the continuous chain nuclear fission process of nuclear explosions, the extraordinary factors contained in it can be released together.

Therefore, the nuclear explosion is more powerful and produces the existence of the magic electromagnetic pulse.

For the current world, this does not have much impact at present. After all, no one else in the current world will make an atomic bomb except him.

So according to the normal trend of development, it may take thousands of years for the current world to develop and conquer nuclear technology before something interesting will happen—for example, mortals finally have weapons that can fight against wizards. Change the direction of the whole world.

In short, in the field of heavier atoms, the current world and the earth have two different directions. However, before the time came, the surface was still barely normal.

But what happened next was different.

The existence of extraordinary factors has spread to the field of superheavy atoms, which has produced shocking changes, making the current world completely different from the earth.

According to the experience on the earth, superheavy elements are unstable and cannot exist in nature. Even if they are artificially synthesized, they will quickly decay and disappear, and naturally they cannot play a role.

But in the current world, extraordinary factors are added to superheavy elements as extra mass, which can temporarily stabilize superheavy elements with special effects, thus giving birth to superheavy nuclear stable island elements, that is, free energy elements, which give the current world a way to go to Passport to the mystical realm.

During the long years of development, some people with special talents discovered that they could ingest this superheavy element temporarily stabilized by the extraordinary factor from the outside world, and through a process called “smelting”, they could turn them into more stable Mana, stored for a long time.

When it is used, reversely transform the mana into the original superheavy element, and destroy the stable state of the superheavy element in a specific way. In an instant, the superheavy elements decayed and disintegrated, the extraordinary factors were precipitated, and the energy was released to the outside world, resulting in many mysterious changes, and so-called magic appeared.

This is the explanation of the basis of the current world power system.

It can be summed up in an extremely succinct way: All the extraordinary power in the current world comes from the energy transformation of extraordinary factors.

This can be called… the first law of extraordinaryness!

Starting from the first law of extraordinaryness, after expansion, it can explain more things.

First of all, according to observation and practical application, it can be determined that there are many kinds of free energy elements. In the field of evocation spells alone, there are wind elements, fire elements, earth elements, water elements, and so on. Considering the transformation spells, spiritual spells, etc., there are more types of free energy elements than most people imagine.

Correspondingly, the extraordinary factor is very likely, not one kind, but many kinds.

Extraordinary factor is a general term. There are many small categories inside. They combine with different superheavy elements to produce different free energy elements, creating thousands of strange and colorful spells in the current world.

In a word, the world is wonderful because of the extraordinary factor.

It’s just that most wizards in the current world don’t realize this, and they don’t realize that the supernatural factor is the root of magic.

The vast majority of wizards in the current world, according to observation, are still hovering at the previous level – based on experience and inheritance, they use free energy elements to release spells relatively superficially and rigidly.

This is equivalent to a person who only knows: sodium + water → sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

Even only know: alkali metal + liquid → lye + gas

Unknown: Na+H2O→NaOH+H2

Don’t even know: 2Na+2H2O==2NaOH+H2

Simply put, it means knowing what it is, but not knowing why it is.

Wizards know that certain free energy elements work in a certain way, released, and can produce spells with certain effects, but they don’t know why it happens this way.

Maybe someone has explored it, but his companion, his mentor, will tell him that this is what it is like, just remember it, don’t think so much.

Does this matter?

Isn’t that important?

Actually, it is not important to say that it is not important, but it is also important to say that it is important.

It’s not important, but it’s because knowing the mystery and the first law of transcendence can’t greatly improve the wizard’s combat level in an instant. How to release the spell before will still be released afterwards.

The only difference may be that after someone knows the first law of transcendence, they will pioneer the transformation of spells.

As you know before: sodium + water → sodium hydroxide + hydrogen

So, would it work to replace sodium with potassium, since both are alkali metals.

What about other alkali metals?

What about rubidium?

What about cesium?

It turned out that the reaction was more severe after the change.

Bringing this into the spell is to adjust the type of free energy elements, or change the way the free energy elements work, and find that the power of the spell has been greatly improved.

Of course, there is a huge risk in casually experimenting with new spells.

It is like throwing a large piece of alkali metal rubidium into water, which produces not only lye and gas, but also a strong explosion. If one is not careful, the experimenter will be taken away.

Experimenting new spells, you may accidentally die from spell backlash.

However, after knowing the first law of transcendence, if there is a magic backlash, people will consciously think about what caused the magic backlash. Can think about the properties of different free energy elements, different extraordinary factors, and the effect of combining with each other so as to avoid danger and advance research.

If you don’t know the first law of the extraordinary, if there is a spell backlash, it will only be blamed on not strictly following the rules. Even if there are a few lucky wizards occasionally, when they experimented with new spells, they didn’t backfire, and they succeeded, but they were just lucky, and then they took the new spells as secrets and trump cards, and didn’t show them easily.

To put it simply, the difference between knowing the first law of transcendence and not knowing it lies only in whether the wizard can consciously and efficiently conduct more research into the magic world.

In the short term, there won’t be much change in the world, of course it doesn’t matter.

However, if you look at it over a long period of time, hundreds of years or thousands of years, it is extremely important.

How important is it?

It is as important as changing from alchemy to modern chemistry!

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