Mage Adam Chapter 496: Mutation (2)

After finishing speaking, Fenghun, the sixth-level immortal’s body, disintegrated in situ, turning into a few black-gray light clusters floating in the air, exuding an aura that has the same root and the same source as the devil.

Daoyuan Tianzun quickly put them away, his face becoming more and more ugly.

Including the left arm, the limbs of several real demons that have been sealed in the demon-suppressing abyss are just a burden to the rest of the gods, but they are of great use to himself and others. The risk came to ask the mage for the reason for the left arm, but now not only will he fail, but the mage has to **** the rest of the limbs, which he absolutely cannot allow.

Even if you can’t stop it, delay it for as long as possible.

He inserted his index finger into his temple, tugging out wisps of consonance, then crushed them one by one, and said at the same time: “Go for it.”

The terrifying magical energy gathered at some of the most common coordinates in the disaster zone, the void was corroded out of the black hole, and countless monsters sat cross-legged and closed their eyes in the black hole, all of them were super-dimensional, and each group had nine level monster.

They are very different from the group of monsters that the mage has discovered so far. Except for the color and strange feeling, their bodies have no tendency to mutate. They are orderly and silent, just like a group of real soldiers. They must have had a clear mind.

At the moment when Daoyuan Tianzun crushed the rhinoceros and gave the order, the ninth-level units in the group suddenly opened their eyes, and the gathered magical energy swayed around him, and all the units that were blown to wake up instantly. Come over, stand up, and step forward neatly into the void.

The demonic energy turned into a black cloud, dragged under their feet, and headed towards Zhenmoyuan. During this process, wandering monsters continued to gather into it, and the number became larger and larger, gradually becoming a black storm.


Cole Wallace is an eighth-level free extra-dimensional wizard who is leading his army toward a small plane called Kara.

The native race of the plane of Kara is the sea clan. The society is composed of various marine creatures with intelligence. The strongest force in the plane is the four eighth-level sea clan in the Ocean Temple. They were killed two hundred years ago. A small-scale monster wandering around was found.

There are also no ninth-level creatures in this group of monsters, but the sea clan still gradually fell into the disadvantage of the resistance, so after hearing the broadcast, the sea clan powerhouse who claimed to be the sea **** immediately sent an envoy to Xinyati.

There are countless such small planes, and most of them are handed over to the ultra-dimensional mages who have free time, including free ultra-dimensional to assist and subdue. After coming more and more, Cole felt that this expedition was just a benefit. Even if the ‘personal income tax’ was as high as 40%, he still had a lot of money.

“According to the current speed of the starship, we will arrive at Kara after the next jump.” The highest person in charge of the mission is the mermaid sea **** Grace, just like most of the races who came to Xinya to see the strength of the mage world , she quickly adjusted her position, and the arrogance who had been in a high position for a long time was deeply buried in the bottom of her heart, “Your Excellency Cole, the Ocean Temple of Kara Plane sincerely thanks you for your help to us.”

“No thanks, but I hope you do what you promise.”

Cole said with a smile, but looking at Grace’s eyes was very indifferent. He never needed to thank this kind of thing. In his heart, Grace was just an eighth-level slave, and he decided everything about the Kara plane. From the moment he set off on the expedition, it has become his private property. Does the master need the thanks of the slave? The answer is undoubtedly no, all he needs is obedience.

Cole’s eyes were so direct, Grace surged with anger, but she was immediately suppressed by her. The situation was stronger than others. She vaguely knew what would happen to Kara in the future, but in order for the race to continue, she There is no other way but to accept it.

“Please rest assured, I will never deceive you. Kara has endless water resources. As long as you can help the sea clan eliminate monsters, we are willing to share with you, but Kara’s future…”

Cole’s smile grew brighter, but the answer was noncommittal: “Carla’s future, we can talk about it after destroying the monsters, no matter how much I promise now, if I can’t destroy the monsters, it’s just empty talk, isn’t it?”

Without waiting for the tangled Grace to answer, the last jump ended and they arrived at their destination.

Saw a giant sword falling from the sky splitting the plane of Kara floating in the void.

Grace stared at this scene in a daze, with tears in his eyes, then frantically stepped forward and grabbed Cole and yelled at him: “Help us! You promised me! Help us! We are willing to Be your slave!”

The calmness that Cole had always maintained disappeared completely, and he stunned Grace in an embarrassed manner, and said hideously: “Go away! Do you know what that is? You idiot!”

Grace burst into tears, the tears falling to the ground are water-based materials that exude huge energy. Mermaids rarely cry, because every cry consumes their own source and is overdrawing life, but at this time she Haven’t thought about it anymore.

“Save us! Please!” she whimpered as she rolled to Cole’s feet.

In just a few seconds of speaking, the giant sword slashed several times, completely smashing the plane of Kara into pieces, the sea water was dyed red, and then evaporated in the void.

The ninth-level monster and its army of monsters have discovered the starship, the sword is a ninth-level attack, and the owner of the sword is a ninth-level monster!

The information is wrong, this is definitely not an enemy he and his legion can resist!

However, it was too late, he slumped against the starship podium connected to the full channel broadcast: “Everyone, we failed, kill yourself.”


Xin Yati, Headquarters.

“Your Excellency, following thirteen directions such as Salat, Ankud, etc., the Kara plane expedition is completely destroyed.”

There is awe in the headquarters. This is the fourteenth news of total annihilation that I have heard in just over a year, and most of them are far away from Zhenmoyuan, and I didn’t even know in that direction before. There are enemies who can easily destroy the legion, but the command still does not know the number and scale of the enemy, because the death of the legion is only in an instant, and there is no chance to send back images and resurrect.

The cataclysm area is too large for mages to effectively control the overall situation.

This time, however, the operational staff brought relatively good news: “Cole Wallace, commander of the Kara plane expedition, sent images of the encounter before the destruction, and Cole himself and his corps are 100% Of the sixty mages, successfully entered the resurrection channel.”

Adam and all the top commanders stood up suddenly: “Play the image, immediately resurrect Cole, and bring him to see me.”

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