Mage Adam Chapter 484: Chaos (1)

Survival resources, a new world, these two points are almost the common requirements of all plane creatures encountered by mages in the cataclysm zone. They are very simple requirements. Under the circumstances that even living is difficult, they are very demanding. Simple.

Adam likes to deal with such planes and races, which means that the leader of the negotiation is himself from the beginning, and it also means that there is no difficulty in obtaining benefits.

“No problem, the survival resources will be delivered to you soon. As for the new world, if you want, you can go to the mage world to live in the world after the war. Of course, you have a long time to live. Go and think about it.” Adam said to Amut when the two came to an area with strong energy but could not hide the decay.

After the war, Amut chewed on the sentence.

Although he is a beast, he is not lacking in wisdom. It is easy to understand what Adam means. Just like immortals, these creatures called mages also want to serve them.

As the first beast-suppressor, he understands that the immortals value this place very well. Since the mage can come here, it means that he must have the strength not weaker than the immortal. After being abandoned by the immortal, it may not be a bad thing to follow the mage. But also because he had been abandoned before, he was cautious.

“Chaos is in there, he’s dying, Mage, if you can cure Chaos, the Void Beasts don’t mind fighting for you, but if you can’t cure him, sorry, there’s nothing we can do.” Amu Te directly handed over the bottom line. If the chaos recovers, the giant beast family will have two ninths. In that case, even if one is lost due to the war, the other will be enough to protect the clan, but if it is not cured, Amut will not participate in the war. Death is on the left and right, and it is better to die in battle than to die in slavery.

Adam says, “We’ll do our best, but I need to know why he’s like this.”

Chaos has no form, it really is like a mass of chaos suspended in the void, and a massive amount of demonic energy overturns the river. Chaos has a very powerful ability. He can purify the magic energy. This is an ability that mages desperately need. Immortals also have this method, but it is clear that immortals will not hand over such core secrets to mages. Saying it is of great value.

Zhenzhen appeared beside the two of them and said softly, “I can explain this question.”

Amut snorted coldly, while Adam asked with great interest, “I would like to hear the details.”

“According to the mage, chaos is the brain cells of true demons.” As soon as Jin opened his mouth, he was shocked.

Adam was taken aback and repeated: “Brain cells?”

Zhengzhen nodded: “Da Tianzun escaped from the devil’s body and came out of the immortal way. He slashed four knives on his own body, cut out four chaos, and guarded the four places outside the fairyland to suppress the devil. They are The source of energy bestowed by Datianzun to the guardians.”

Amut said disgustedly: “Chaos is chaos, and it has nothing to do with you.”

Neither of them answered him, and his thoughts didn’t matter at this time.

Chaos is the brain cell of super-void life. Maybe the description of Xian is not very accurate, but one thing can be confirmed, that is, chaos comes from super-void life. He can help the master to reverse the research of the main body, so it is very important .

This is the same for the immortals. They have the ability to purify the devil energy, but the chaos also comes from the Great Heavenly Venerate. Adam pushes others by himself. If it was himself, he would not let such an important thing fall. Into the hands of any other person or force, even if Chaos is self-cut, even if the mage may not be able to study the situation of the Great Heavenly Venerate through him.

Sure enough, Congzhen said directly: “I hope the mage will not interfere in the chaos related matters, for our friendship.”

Amut said angrily: “Don’t intervene? Let Chaos die?”

Zhengzhen looked at him and said, “Chaos is the devil’s body and devil’s mind. Born at the ninth level, he was born strong, and he was born with a mission. His existence is to provide energy for the guarding family, guarding the town of Moyuan, And now that his mission is over, he should die too.”

Amut no longer spoke, a vertical eye opened in the center of the huge head, and a ray of light shot directly at Zhongzhen, he wanted to kill him, he had had enough of the attitude of these immortals.

Congzhen was motionless, the Vientiane Ball blocked the final path of the light, scattered Amut’s light, and the void touched disappeared like a weathered rock layer by layer.

Adam turned into a half-photon real body and avoided far away, a little helpless looking at the unpredictable disaster he suffered.

Amut also seems to know that with the Vientiane Ball there, there is really nothing he can do about it. After one hit, he doesn’t shoot again, but his breath is more violent, and his eyes and tone are full of killing intent: “Despicable! Despicable immortal! You are like this, Vientiane is like this, and it was also in the beginning!”

Never really unmoved: “This is fate.”

“Put away your abominable face, you can’t control anyone’s fate. If Chaos dies, I will break through the Zhen Demon Abyss and release the real demon’s left arm.”

Vientiane Ball is radiant, and finally changed its tone: “You can’t do it, don’t forget your origin.”

Amut laughed hysterically: “Can’t do it? You can try it! Let’s see if Vientiane’s ban in my body is still useful!”

Adam was watching with great I didn’t expect the war to start, and the Void behemoths broke with the immortals. These words from the truth are perfect assists, Adam even more Be sure to incorporate the giant beast family into the mage civilization. If the other guards outside Zhenmoyuan are also in the same situation, then Xian is really a generous civilization.

Congzhen and Amut are both afraid of each other, and they died after a confrontation for a while. Adam said at this time: “You owe me an explanation, and you owe us a compensation. I think Chaos is very good, don’t get me wrong, The mage just wants to cure him, and everything after that is up to him.” The latter sentence was addressed to Amut.

Strictly speaking: “It’s impossible.”

Adam chuckled and shook his head: “Impossible, I can decide, but you can’t. I think you should ask Vientiane Tianzun’s opinion.” From the moment he knew Chaos existed, he already belonged to the mage , this is what Adam said, and it is also the common opinion of all the mages, and no one can stop it.

Zhenzhen took a deep look at Adam, she knew that this was even weaker than her own mage’s abnormal right to speak in the mage army, so she had no doubts about Adam’s words, and knew that this was not a problem she could handle : “Chaos is very sensitive, I hope the mages don’t act rashly, at least at this time, don’t.”

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