Mage Adam Chapter 48: Anti-Mage (End)

So, or falling into the hands of a mage, is definitely more painful than dying.

Adam knew that most of these ground mice, whose magic level was still in ancient times, had some strange methods that modern mages didn’t know too much about. They didn’t give Clark a chance to get close, and imprisoned him from a distance.

Clark knew that he had absolutely no desire to be spared, but instead raised his courage. Since he can’t escape or fight, then you will pay the price. He made up his mind to find an opportunity to drag Adam to **** or stay on Adam. imprint.

At this moment, the apprentices in Bran town appeared.

In Ruili’s heart, Adam was a deserter who left Bran Town to live at a critical moment of life and death. At this time, when they saw Adam appearing to grab credit when they pushed the Anti-Mage to a dead end, how could he still sit still, he was suddenly indignant It rushed out of the rune barrier, and the wind magic that was not well mastered in the past was also integrated in an instant, and it flew towards Adam aggressively.

“Stay away from him, you coward!”

Ruili’s speed was too fast, so fast that Terry couldn’t react, and it was too fast for William and the others to stop him. However, except for William, they thought the same as Ruili, because Adam didn’t look like he had gone through a battle at all, his clothes were still spotless, and he didn’t see any scars on his body. The only change was that the egg looked different.

When Adam heard the words, he raised his head and looked at Ruili, and decided to ignore her. He continued to imprison her. The power of his mind turned into chains under the control of his mind, which bound Clark layer by layer.

Ruili was furious when she left. She couldn’t believe that someone could be so shameless, and she didn’t understand how such a person could be so powerful. Before landing, she waved her staff and shot a water arrow toward the ground. Go, her remaining sanity prevented her from attacking Adam directly, but a little warning was okay.

“He didn’t dare to kill me here, otherwise the academy would not let him go.” Ruili thought with certainty, so she sent out a magic spell again, and two consecutive spells hit Adam’s psychic power. , nearly interrupting it.

Clark grinned. He knew that the opportunity was coming. Taking advantage of the moment when his psychic power fluctuated, he desperately mustered all his remaining strength to restore his mobility and charged towards Adam.

Adam’s expression became indifferent. There are many stupid people in the world, but as long as he does not hinder him, he will not kill people indiscriminately, but Ruili’s behavior has already angered him, Adam condensed a fireball, ready to give Ruili a lesson.

However, before the fireball fell on Ruili’s head, Clark crushed a gray crystal ball and roared frantically: “Go to hell! Then accept the wrath of the Aum family!” The sharp whistling sound that could be issued came from his mouth, and the negative energy exploded abnormally. Clark’s body was disintegrated like a mosaic, his mental power and soul were torn apart, and the gray energy impacted around him indiscriminately. spread.


“Get out of there!”

Two roars sounded one after another. The first one came from William. He instinctively did not believe that Adam was a deserter. He preferred to believe that Adam was still unscathed after the battle. It’s pointless to follow your own.

But if it is really the second case, Ruili is in danger, and Adam will never show mercy.

The second voice was accompanied by strong magic fluctuations, and the gust of wind formed a tornado and hit Ruili and Adam. The one who shot was Black Mage who came to support from the Mordo Tower non-stop.

With the knowledge of the mage, he can easily perceive Clark’s magic system, and he also knows how much damage the self-destruction of the apprentices who practice negative energy magic will cause to ordinary apprentices.

He didn’t know who Ruili was, and he didn’t care what she was like, but Adam was his disciple, the one who Crystal personally asked to save.

In the distance, the crumbling rune barrier in Bran Town shattered. Fortunately, the rune barrier blocked it, and Mage Black was surrounded by dense runes, and half of his body was transformed into an incarnation of qi, which instantly descended. Blocking the negative energy impact, even so, the apprentices in Bran Town fell to the ground sluggishly, their godless eyes were like walking corpses, and their spirits and souls were filled with negative emotions.

The nearest Ruili was directly impacted, unable to resist even a little bit, her eyes shed blood and tears. At this moment, she felt that life was full of despair, and only death was the ultimate relief, and the feeling of suicide was extremely strong. When she tried to act, her soul was overwhelmed and shattered.

After Mage Black rescued Bran Town, he rushed towards Adam, and he couldn’t help but recall the words of his disciple.

After receiving the order from the tower, Mage Black informed Krystal about Adam, Krystal asked Mage Black to save Adam, and Mage Black asked: “You like him ?”

Love is an intense emotion. Apprentices who have not undergone the baptism of years and have not undergone a change of concept are easily trapped in it. Time wasted in vain. Master Black does not want his disciples to be like this, because as long as he is promoted to a formal master, he will You will find that love is actually just a little adjustment in the long years, and it is not worth keeping in mind.

I didn’t expect Crystal’s answer to be beyond his expectations: “No, teacher, I like too low-level. It was Adam who transformed my mind, and he let me know the truth that would have taken a long time to comprehend. , he is my goal, I want to surpass him, I don’t want him to die like this.”

Master Black was pleased with his disciple’s awakening. Hearing his disciple’s words, he couldn’t help but think of Wollaston, that companion at that time, but now he can only be looked up to. It is also because of Wollaston that Master Black can use his inferior The aptitude is so determined to pursue the path of the Master.

The gray energy drowned Adam, and Mage Black knew that this was an outbreak of despair among tens of thousands of human beings. Such a negative impact, the souls that have not been sublimated and have not been protected by the armor of the Mage can’t bear it at all.

The shock wave was fleeting, and Adam still stood still, holding the balloon that suddenly became super-existent.

Clark’s fatal blow is indeed extraordinary. Part of the negative energy that rushed towards Adam was absorbed by the balloon, and part of it was effectively entered into his body. The logical thinking worked frantically, consuming a lot of mental and computational power to complete them. repression.

But Adam’s feeling is not good, there is a mysterious energy that cannot be eliminated, and it is constantly sending fluctuations to the outside world, which is definitely not a good thing.

This time the negative energy balloon could not be completely absorbed, and even only dared to rob a small part of it. Adam guessed that it was because the purity and level of the negative energy exceeded its swallowing limit, but this seems to have been Enough, the balloon is constantly expanding and contracting.

Adam looked up and saw Mage Black, and greeted in surprise: “Nice to meet you, respected Mage Black. Who are you?”

Now the image of Mage Black is amazing. The elemental body is rapidly transforming into the flesh. The whole person absorbs the ether in the space like a vortex, and the air flow surrounds him when he raises his hands and feet.

Mage Black did not answer his doubts, but said solemnly, “Mark of Death.”

Adam was stunned: “What is the death mark?”

“The anti-mage apprentice just now cursed you with his soul before he died. Your existence has been known. Any mage who practices the same meditation method as him can know that you are the murderer who killed him. A certain range You can even know your location clearly.”

Adam was shocked. This is a very troublesome thing. There is a family behind Clark, and there is a formal mage. If they really want to kill Adam desperately, it is not impossible to come to the mage continent.

The current Adam can’t possibly be an opponent of a full-fledged mage, even an anti-mage who practices negative energy magic.

Mage Black saw his worry, shook his head and said, “I have nothing to do. This kind of mark, unless it is shot at an extra-dimensional level, or is offset by the soul transformation when you are promoted to a full-fledged mage, there is no other way. Other Ways to Erase Adam was silent for a moment, and he could only accept it. Fortunately, he is still in the Mage Continent, at least temporarily safe.

Mage Black turned his gaze to Adam’s hand and asked, “Where did you get the devil’s hatchling?”

Adam suddenly realized that this is not the egg of the abyss creature, but another alien creature, the hatchling of the devil who specializes in harvesting souls, no wonder it can resist negative energy, no wonder it can devour tortured souls.

“This is a gift from Master Victor. I thought it was the egg of an abyss creature, but I didn’t expect…”

Devil’s application of energy is not as good as that of abyss creatures, and their bodies are much weaker, but devils are lawful creatures. They follow contracts and gain soul growth by trading with intelligent creatures on lower planes. They will strictly abide by the contract. The terms, of course, also leave many pitfalls.

Master Black doesn’t doubt him, he just thinks that Adam survived on the devil’s larvae, but in any case, Adam’s survival is a good thing, even if the factor of Krystal is excluded, the tower will not hope for such a genius fall.

The two walked towards Bran Town, and no one paid attention to Ruili, who died tragically. This is normal. Even if Ruili hadn’t died in the explosion, the academy wouldn’t leave behind such a stupid apprentice.

Adam asked softly: “Dear Black Mage, I heard that Anti-Mage needs the negative emotions and soul power of human beings to be promoted, but Clark already has this amount of negative energy, why should he come to the Mage Continent to take risks?”

After the battle, this was the question that bothered Adam the most, and it was definitely not something that Clarke was stupid enough to explain.

Mage Black glanced at Adam and explained: “The negative energy gathered in the crystal ball is collected by others,…”

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