Mage Adam Chapter 469: Transformed roles

A week flies by after Wendy tells Adam what Xian thinks.

During this week, Adam did not deliberately avoid the envoys of the immortal civilization, nor did he take the initiative to provoke them. He completely treated them as ordinary passers-by, neither despised nor paid attention to them. He was just busy with his own affairs every day. The huge Xin Yatiri was in a hurry.

The strange thing is that Xian didn’t seem to come to contact his own thoughts. Not only did no one come to clamor and provoke childishly, but he even handed over some intelligence information to Adam under the leadership of Vientiane Tianzun.

This was beyond Wendy’s surprise, and it also made her feel very boring, and she kept saying, “This is deception! They clearly said they wanted to make trouble! Why haven’t they come yet?”

The space in front of Aisha distorted inward, and a few enchanters with green eyes flashed through the cracks and hovered in front of her. This was a special battle report from the Third Santa Mage who had left with the army. The summary of this part is temporarily in charge of the two sisters.

“They are a civilization. Their cultivation method requires more loneliness to endure than mages. To be able to become super-dimensional in the system of immortals, their willpower must be very strong. Do you run as fast as you said? Go to Adam and tell him, I don’t like you, I’m going to duel with you and I might kill you?”

Wendy slumped on the chair as if she was out of breath, muttering incomprehensible words to herself, and then sighed, “How boring!”

As soon as she finished speaking, the demons surrounded her: “If you are bored, go to work, and what Adam asked you to do, how are you doing?”

Wendy reached out and pulled down a familiar, rubbing it fiercely: “Okay, I’m working! Don’t worry, I also want to know about the gem dragon group, they are very beautiful.”

Although Wendy escaped, she was still very reliable in her work. After Adam asked her for help, she quickly made a list. They were all under the observation of the Third Holy Tower, and their task ability was extremely good. And a very reliable exploration mage.

What Adam has been doing recently is to meet the people on the list, assess their qualifications, examine their strengths, and then ask them if they are willing to undertake this temporary exploratory mission.

Quests for mages are mostly voluntary, and Adam can’t force them if they’re not interested.

However, the name on the next list surprised him a bit. He never expected to see this person in the cataclysm area, nor did he expect her to become a fourth-level mage in such a short period of time. This speed is not even faster than How slow is he.

“His Excellency Adam!”

Krystal frowned, and she was very happy after seeing Adam, ‘I’m not too far away from you, I’m the closest to you among my companions,’ she thought, so she even more Happy.

This ordinary girl from a commoner family has always had a very different impression of Adam. It has nothing to do with love. In her heart, Adam is a role model, a target of pursuit, and a driving force for her to move forward.

She will never forget that when everyone was equally ignorant about magic and knew nothing about mages, Adam showed a completely different way of doing things from them. It had a huge impact on her. Said that it completely changed her three views and made her firm up her pace in advance.

Adam also smiled when he saw her. He had very few friends, even more rare when he was ‘young’. It was rare to see one, and it felt very good.

“My luck is very good. During the second exploration mission, I discovered a plane of wind elemental creatures. The plane itself helped me a lot, and the resources I obtained after that were also very rich…” Ke Ristel is as if reporting his achievements to his elders, and excitedly confesses his own situation.

After the conversation, Adam knew that she did not choose to study new knowledge, but embarked on a similar path as Sandy, continuing the elemental knowledge of the Fifth Holy Tower, but she was not as proficient in all elements as Sandy, and He specializes in wind magic, and quickly mastered the series of magic that best matches his attributes, the wind blowing wind.

“This exploration is more dangerous, are you sure you want to accept this mission?” Adam asked, starting from Xinyati, crossing almost the entire cataclysm area to the edge, and then exploring a place that is likely to have level 9 On the plane of living things, this task is indeed dangerous, even if the reward is good.

Crystal smiled and said, “Ge… well, Adam, I’m also very strong, it’s just to determine the location, there’s no problem.”

Adam nodded and did not persuade any more. After telling her the mission requirements and goals in detail, he said: “The mission will officially start in three days, and I will send you and the rest of the participating mages to the best place to explore the airspace. Far away…”

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, Adam gave Krystal a gift, and input the most suitable enhancement for the magic of the wind blowing in a magic construct that was made by himself. This new type of equipment is in The mage world is very popular now, but Adam, as the creator, does not make much by himself. The materials used are better than those produced by the assembly line, and the functions are more powerful. The most important thing is that it has a hundred times the super-dimensional transition aircraft Speed, can help Crystal to run faster.

There were 20 mages participating in the exploration this time, much like what the Seventh Holy Tower Command requested when he was on the Titan plane, except that Adam changed from the executor to the time After arriving, Adam controlled the electromagnet to sail out of the star port, and instantly came to the edge of the detection area through the wormhole built by Nahum. Almost all exploration mages were close to the fifth level, and they wanted to participate in a large-scale mission to save enough resources for promotion. Peak mages, Adam doesn’t need to warn them too much, there is only one special thing about this mission, and they need to be warned.

When the mages were getting ready to go, Adam handed them a few disposable scrolls and said, “During this mission, you will be exposed to a new type of exploration aid, here are the contract and manipulation runes. “

Aisha is accustomed to playing the blackface: “Up to now, their existence is still top secret, which means that you can use them, but you must keep them secret, the highest level of confidentiality, and the time limit is until the parliament announces it. In the third In Santa’s observation, you are all reliable, but I still want to warn you, the consequences of leaking secrets, and entering the third Santa Prison to spend a long life is the best result.”

Krystal and the others nodded solemnly. As exploration mages, they have higher authority than ordinary mages and will know some content that needs to be kept secret, but this is the first time they have met such a formal announcement, and they all know The matter is serious, and there is no intention to take risks.

They took the scroll, signed a confidentiality contract in front of Adam and Elsa, wrote down the runes, and then flew out of the starship, driving a small warp vehicle and disappearing into deep space.

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