Mage Adam Chapter 438: Nahum’s Action Six/Forty Six

Adam didn’t hesitate, stepped into the portal without hesitation, left here, and returned to the Nine-Headed Dragon.

Only from the analysis of the escaping energy, there are more than one level 9 life on the battlefield ahead, and the dimension level is everywhere. It is indeed not suitable for him to continue to stay. It is better to stay here and drag Nahum down. Back to safety and planning.

Before Adam entered, he had no time to report the situation, and the Nine-Headed Dragon repelled everyone inside and turned into a molecular starship and hurried in the direction of Nahum.

Adam deployed the Electromagnetic Number to accommodate everyone, and at the same time, the magic net was connected to the starship system, and the voice of Prometheus came to everyone’s ears: “Stop all surveillance of immortal civilization, and return to absolute safety. , waiting for Randolph to arrive.

The operation of the advance legion is suspended, waiting for Nahum’s next information. Nahum is ready for promotion, and everything is to protect himself as the first priority, and it is allowed to return when necessary. “

The advance corps at this time became Nahum’s logistics force, and if Nahum needed it, they would go to that battlefield to support.

No one has a different opinion. The Santa faction is united. If it weren’t for the lack of strength, these people would like to directly enter the battlefield.

After Adam left, Nahum waited in place for two days, and when the Hydra arrived armed and hovered over him, he directly joined the battlefield.

No matter what the attitude of this civilization towards mages in the future, at least now that enemies and friends are clear, he needs to help civilization attack monsters in order to gain basic trust and obtain intelligence.

What exactly is the ability of the Void Dragon, the wizard world is actually not clear, few people have seen Nahum take a shot, everyone just knows that he is very strong and is the first person under the true spirit.

At this moment, Nahum is showing his abilities.

He transformed into the most gigantic form. The dragon body was nearly 10,000 kilometers away. The huge dragon head, wings, dragon claws and dragon tail were attached with massive amounts of ether energy, which was ferocious and terrifying. He raised his head and roared. It is a weapon of wide-area attack. Thousands of dimensional monsters are dizzy and dizzy, and the casualties below dimensional are countless.

The dragon breath gathered in his mouth was sprayed out by him at will, merged into the void barrier, and then appeared from countless open channels at the same time. The gray-white energy columns together formed a spectacular scene. Ordinary dimensional creatures were stained with They died next to each other, and the senior dimension was also seriously injured by this indiscriminate attack.

The passage was not closed, and Nahum sent minions to each enemy in an instant, tearing their wounded bodies apart.

Nahum single-handedly attacked twice, suspending the full-blown war, and all the creatures stared at the sudden appearance of the stranger.

Nahum’s dragon body disintegrated, incarnated in thousands, and countless small dragons nibbled at the void barrier, dragging the battlefield into the space behind the void where everything is needed.

After the monsters entered the void, the low-level individuals died directly, and the dimensional individuals could not control their bodies to mobilize energy, but this was Nahum’s home ground, and he was the only individual who could move freely.

The void around him reappeared, and all the rules and energies were made according to his will. Here, he was God.

If there were no 9th-level monsters among the monsters, Nahum could even end the war by himself, but not now, because the 9th-level monsters are madly attacking his domain, and every impact means a huge amount of Energy consumption, Nahum couldn’t last long.

Twenty-seven seconds after Nahum used the fastest speed to slaughter the monsters trapped in the field, thousands of pure black arms shredded the field and hit Nahum fiercely. , their every move is the embodiment of strength and energy, that is to say, in addition to their best means, in fact, any attack can crush low-level creatures. After these thousands of arms break into the void, they become indescribable. The bizarre state of , killing Nahum from both material and conceptual levels.

Nahum turned himself into the Root Molecules and dispersed, dodged the attack of his arm, and dissipated the energy to maintain the domain. He reunited hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, facing the plane of comparison. The accumulatively tall ninth-level monsters did not have a trace of fear, they did not retreat but advanced, and bravely greeted them.

The ninth-level monster was furious, and the pollution energy surged wildly, tearing apart the void with ease. It actually rained in the void, and every raindrop had enormous power.

The roar resumed, and Nahum opened his mouth to devour the void barriers and threw them out as weapons. He disappeared and appeared in and out of the void, perfectly avoiding the blow of the ninth-level monster.

“It still won’t work, the level gap is still insurmountable.” Nahum seems to be able to do it well, but in fact he is walking on the edge of life and death. Once caught, there is only one way to die except for immediate promotion. “But this thing It seems to be a brainless monster, what about the system? Could it be that they only inherit energy, but do not have a system to display energy?”

Nahum couldn’t kill him, nor was he able to intercept sample tissue from his body. There was no point in fighting. Nahum stirred the whole body’s magic power, the ether instantly fission, the surrounding void shattered, the space shrank inward and squeezed toward The ninth-level monster was bound away.

It was only used for a moment and was freed, but Nahum had disappeared and entered a civilization where there were ninth-level creatures.

At this time, because of the aftermath of the battle between the two, there was no life around, whether it was monsters or civilized warriors.

This is a broken civilization that is constantly undergoing doomsday catastrophe. The harsh living environment is unheard of in Nahum. , it is conceivable that before the cataclysm, it should have been a beautiful world full of vitality and vigor, but now, everything has changed.

The creatures that live in the plane are murderous and They don’t know if they can see the clock jump to the next number, they don’t know if they can eat a normal meal, and Not the flesh and blood of these monsters.

I can’t imagine what kind of desperate situation would make them use the flesh and blood of monsters as food.

Nahum hides himself and wanders in the wilderness of the plane. Now that the foundation of this unknown civilization is gone, they have no normal reproductive channels. If there is no remedy, only if the consumption cannot be replenished, it will not take long for them to recover. Destroyed to nothing.

“It’s tragic,” Nahum said silently, but then he shook his head. “No, it’s heroic.”

With this in mind, he arrived before the first city he encountered along the way.

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