Mage Adam Chapter 437: Amazing discovery

Adam has intercepted a new piece of information, and in his electromagnetic vision, there are countless information beams blatantly radiating in the far-flung depths of the void.

“Your Excellency, where is your most recent void life?”

Nahum in the form of a Void Dragon is not flying at all. The folds of space form wormholes at all times, and Nahum travels through the wormholes. Under such a degree, in just a few days, two The person moved a distance of tens of thousands of light-years, and this was still Nahum suppressing his speed.

He looked at the big map of the void projected by Adam, pointed to one of the directions and said, “Here, the area of ​​​​a hundred light-years is a restricted area.” Adam’s current identity is qualified to know this top-secret information, so Nahum said without hesitation, “Is there a problem?”

Adam drew a dividing line on the map based on the location of the immortal civilization. One side is the void where the mage world is located, and he marked the existing red area, and the other side is the location void, all with an orange tone.

The location of the new void life is near where the two meet.

“The electromagnetic radiation here and the background radiation of the void are very wrong.” Adam dispelled his mage armor and left his body exposed to the void, but because his life level was too high, he still couldn’t feel it intuitively, so he took it out. created a backup clone of its own.

The clone survived in the void for only three seconds before being torn apart, but those three seconds were enough to tell the story.

“Contaminated?” Nahum said solemnly.

“Yes, the energy in this void is not pure. I think this is the concentrated area of ​​the remnants of the Tertiary.”

“The hardest hit!”

Adam nodded: “Yes, it is the hardest hit area.”

The radiation range of the fairy civilization seems to be a barrier. It accepts and intercepts this information and enters the void where the mage world is located. The fairy civilization itself is a huge source of information, but its direction is behind.

After hearing Adam’s words, Nahum couldn’t help but wonder: “But what is the point of those immortals doing this? Are they dedicating themselves?” Is there such a selfless race in the etheric void?

“Not necessarily, maybe they can’t help themselves, it’s the real demons in Zhenmoyuan who are at work, or it may be that they can get some benefits from these worlds that are now and attacking them, in short, we can’t be careless.”

Adam thinks that the most likely situation is that there are ‘remains’ of void life in Zhenmoyuan. It may be in a state of suspended animation, and its radiation information will attract remnants of the third era to come to rescue , Immortal civilization has no means to stop it, and can only be used as a bright target.

“So, if the immortal civilization collapses, it will be the mages who will face these opponents, but it is still a bit strange, so blatant, why are no Void beings awakened?” Nahum said.

Adam shook his head and said: “I don’t know, maybe the number of Void beings is limited, and they happen to be in the safe zone. Maybe after the era was broken, some Void beings were damaged and fell to the level of life, so they can only stay here. .”

“It’s very troublesome.” Nahum shrunk his size, and the situation he now encounters can no longer allow him to do whatever he wants, and if he slips, it may lead to disaster.


Seven days later, the two arrived near their destination, and the sight before them made them realize that something more troublesome had arisen.

The two saw a void riddled with holes and a colony of dozens of small planes the size of the dragon.

The people living in it are all deformed creatures with polluted energy, which are very similar to the monsters under the Zhen Demon Abyss.

The plane group is like a black hole swallowing the energy of the void. The creatures fly out of the plane’s protection like locusts, tear and devour the void barrier into resources, and then bring it back to the plane, leaving ugly wounds.

“The remnants of the tertiary era! No, this is already a new third season civilization that evolved in the quaternary era!”

The two of them were hidden in the dark with dignified expressions, and the plane group in front of them was different from all the remnants of the mage before. The creatures in those residual planes rarely leave the world they live in to go to the outside world. They prefer to fight in a world, but this one is completely different. They are open.

The two of them put their eyes on the center of the plane group, and they could clearly feel that there was a ninth-level being there!

“It’s not strong, but it’s not weak, and the prototypes of these beings are all common forms in the void. They should have been formed by the sudden pollution of the third era energy that came suddenly.” Nahum showed a The senior explorer’s professional quality, analyzing the information from the phenomena observed by the naked eye, “there is no crystal wall system, no origin, and the plane is just a port for them to moor, this form is similar to Derus.”

“This is not their origin, but the ones they captured recently, those,” Nahum enlarged his field of vision and said, looking at the indescribable corpses in the plane, “in the process of pollution and mutation, once it recovers, it is their kindred.”

Nahum pointed to the wound on the Void: “This will cause great damage to the Void, the Void’s self-healing ability is inhibited, and if I’m not wrong, everything they walk through will become energy the desert, the void will be deformed.”

“What are the consequences?”

“Various basic parameters are disordered, natural expansion is limited, and extremes can even lead to inward contraction. If the Quaternary Epoch is full of such things, the epoch catastrophe will come early.”

Adam uploaded his current situation to the magic net. This is the most important information and will affect the overall strategy of the mage world. Nahum shrank again and turned into a little dragon less than 100 meters away. Harm your own energy as much as you can.

“If I’m not wrong this void has an end, and we must know where it ends and if there are other worlds and civilizations out there.”


Time flies, the two secretly walked through the void for 20 days, during which three plane groups appeared, all of which were pollution sources with the existence of level 9 beings, and the feedback of background radiation was getting faster and faster, which means that The road ahead is getting narrower.

On the twenty-third day, the two arrived at a war-torn void zone, where civilizations were fighting the pollution source.

Nahum stopped, opened a portal for Adam, and said to him, “I can’t keep you safe for the rest of the journey, this gate will send you to the Nine-Headed Dragon. near the number, send the message back, and wait for the next command.”

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