Mage Adam Chapter 395: Contradiction

“Are you in charge of writing textbooks?” Adam is a little interested. Writing textbooks is a good way to settle his own magic system and understand the rest of the magic system. It can fill Adam’s background very well. Better magic ideas.


His Excellency Croft looked at Adam with a half-smile, and said, “Although you are a genius, your genius is displayed in a broader vision and thinking than ordinary mage. In terms of basics, you are still far from It is far from the level of senior masters of various departments, and it is not your turn to preside over the compilation of textbooks.”

Adam was stunned.

“It’s the new electricity department, um, that is your electromagnetic department. You need to complete the textbooks in this department. The first-level magic electrostatic shield you created can be said to completely deny the existence value of the original electricity system magic. You Responsible for building the department.”

Static shielding is a magic created by Adam based on the principle of Faraday cage after returning from his first mission. ,

Adam nodded. This is as it should be. After the successful verification of Maxwell’s equations, the classical electromagnetic theory has been completed, which is enough for ordinary mages to smoothly advance to super-dimensional.

This is very good for Adam. Now his life is long enough. It will take almost endless years to reach the end of the Quaternary Epoch. He has enough time to cultivate and wait for new people to grow up and help him improve together. Electromagnetic system.

“Of course, if you want, you can communicate with the mages who are in charge of writing. What you can get is up to you. I have another thing to do with you.” Croft paused, then continued. Road:

“This is a very important reform, but you know, for mages, from ancient times to modern times, no one has ever done such a thing, what should be done, what needs to be done, I want to hear from you opinion.”

This is indeed an embarrassing thing. When the mages cast their high gazes down on ordinary people who have been selectively ignored, they actually find that they have no way to start.

Obviously, the old selection system is no longer applicable, but if education resources are invested in every ordinary life without distinction, how can we ensure that the elites who can be used are cultivated? Not a worm rooted in the system.

This question has nothing to do with strength or wisdom, but only with experience. Adam doesn’t need to think about it, and he can solve it at his fingertips: “It’s very simple, it can be solved by grading. Grading the academy, and also grading the apprentices and ordinary people.”

“First, divide education into three levels, compulsory education, secondary education and higher education.”

Adam explained one by one: “Compulsory education is for all ordinary people, regardless of whether they have the talent of mages or not. It is best to be funded by the parliament to establish a standardized, standardized school in every city on the New Academy Continent. , process-oriented academies, the same kind of knowledge needs to be taught in such academies, the main purpose is to open up people’s wisdom and let them go from ignorance to self-knowledge. It is impossible for all of these people to have the talent of mages, but through basic education, they can learn from Find suitable jobs and positions in the knowledge you have acquired, and get rid of the old age where nobles ruled mortals, and commoners can only farm and herd.”

Her Majesty Croft listened carefully and recorded everything Adam said.

“I think three to five years is the best time for compulsory education. After this time limit is reached, those without talent will be forced to graduate, and those with talent will be promoted to secondary education.”

“At this stage, the secondary academies are filled with relatively smart people. For mortals without qualifications, they can be trained in a targeted manner. For example, managers in a city, or in a mage workshop. Operators. For mortals who are qualified as mages, they can teach them basic magic knowledge, meditation, runes, low-level magic, etc. These people do not necessarily have the ability to become mages. After graduating from secondary academies, they also They can undertake the work of the above-mentioned positions, and by cultivating them, the bottom of the society of mages can operate more efficiently.”

“Compulsory education is completely free, and secondary education is appropriately charged. There is no time limit. As long as the tuition fees can continue to be paid, students can stay in the college forever.”

“At the stage of higher education, only elite apprentices with the qualifications to become mages are trained in the academies. The academies of this level should be established directly by the holy tower or the tower, and impart more advanced knowledge to them.”

Having said this, His Majesty Croft asked: “The three stages of education are very good, but how are apprentices and mortals graded?”

“Pass the exam.”

“The exam should be composed of two parts: theory and actual combat. The compulsory education stage or the theoretical exam for mortals is the main one, because we can’t expect mortals to have any combat power, and at most they have the body of a knight or a great knight. quality.”

“But for mage apprentices, the two should go hand in hand, but it doesn’t mean that if you fail in any aspect, you should give up After all, some mages are good at research, and some are good at fighting. This is also a high level. One of the work of the college is to train apprentices in a targeted manner.”

Adam stopped talking here. What he said was a framework. The details need to be filled in according to the mage’s situation, but this framework is generally no problem and can be used directly.

Crown Croft thought for a moment and said, “Your plan is very good, but I have a problem.”

Adam is all ears.

“Isn’t this too comfortable, knowledge comes too easily, resources come too easily, and guidance comes too easily, will the new generation of mortals, apprentices, and mages cherish everything they have acquired? If they think that All these are taken for granted, so no matter how successful this reform is, it is essentially a failure.

This process gave them a way to rise, but whether it was exams or grading, it was too gentle. Will the newcomers cultivated in this way have the current mage, like you, like every mage who has fought in another world, with the belief that the road will be ragged and shattered, and they will not be afraid of everything and will win? “

There is one more sentence, Her Majesty Croft did not say to Adam that she did not want all the mages in the future to be like the free super-dimensions who formed the consortium. It would be a disaster, perhaps more serious. is a harbinger of decay.

Adam fell silent. People are different.

Not everyone is the true spirit who initiated the revolution to change the world, and not everyone has Adam’s will to seek truth only.

There are seekers who are desperate for their ideals, and there are degenerates who are greedy for comfort and pleasure. No one can change this, not even the magic net.

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