Mage Adam Chapter 373: 2 options

Adam never does things in a sloppy way, and since he has decided to leave, there will be no hesitation when leaving.

Even if the tribal chief, such as the cigarette bag, was trying to persuade him to stay in front of him with a look on the verge of crying.

Well, I’m already crying.

“Woooooo, Zhumi, Patriarch, I beg you, don’t leave the tribe these few years, it’s really dangerous outside, the forces outside are hundreds of times stronger than the tribes in the mountains and forests, although you can sweep the mountains and forests, but Can you wipe out the entire Qianyuan Ordinary World?” a female panda cried.

“Well, I can.” Adam replied affirmatively.

The cigarette bag selectively ignored Adam’s answer and continued: “Yeah, we won’t hurt you. There must be wars outside now. Listen to my advice and stay.”

Adam shook his head firmly.

The cigarette bag suddenly burst into tears: “Xiaozhuye, I’m sorry for you, I couldn’t take your son well, I’m sorry for you!”

Adam is unmoved.

The cigarette bag howled dryly for a few minutes and saw that Adam did not respond. He immediately retracted his tears, and then sighed heavily. He knew that he could not keep Adam: “Since you must leave, go to the bear clan, you and We are different, the bear clan will take you in. In the turbulent times, it’s better to lean against a big tree to enjoy the shade, and your mother’s revenge can be solved faster. Also, don’t kill too many people, and if you kill too many people, you will become a public enemy.”


Adam left the forest with the forest elves that afternoon.

There’s no doubt that the pouch’s words make sense, whether it’s to defect to the bear clan or reduce the killing, but that only applies to ordinary people, and it does not apply to Adam at all.

Backstage, he has an entire army of mages gradually approaching this void as the backing. As long as they are in place, there will be countless mages smuggled into the world immediately. As for the public enemy, Adam doesn’t care even more. It’s not that he is arrogant. There is absolutely no one who can kill him in Yuanfan Realm, even if it is a third-level realm master.

Even being a public enemy has the advantage of muddying the water faster.

“Master, where are we going?” Sophia asked in a bit of confusion as she flew in the sky with Adam on her back.

The forest elf’s exercises are still easy to solve, but the exercises suitable for Sophia are not so easy to create. Adam has spent a lot of effort to get her to adapt to the vitality and liberate her real body. As for fighting, I can’t count on it at all. .

The system of the Third Age seems to be inherently exclusive of superhuman races.


“I’m here, Master. Flying southeast at the current speed for two days, we’ll return to the original location of the Panda Clan, and after that, Starfall City. I’m sorry, Master, our abilities have been greatly affected. I can’t get any closer, I just know that the vitality over there is very violent.”

Adam showed Sophia the direction, and then said: “It doesn’t matter, it’s already very good. After you get to Starfall City, you can order your clan to disperse. I need a map, I don’t need much detail, but the city The location of the forces should be marked well, especially where the passages leading to the Martial World and the No. 1 and No. 4 Mortal Worlds are located.”

“Yes, Master.” Lina led the way.

The panda tribe is too closed. The only big city they know is Starfall City. The other bears can’t even tell where they are. Adam can only rely on himself to collect information.

According to the cigarette bag, Falling Star City is a city dominated by the human race. There are more than 20 forces occupying a city. The leaders of the forces are all second-level warriors, and the city owner of Falling Star City has reached the peak of the second-level. Is the city’s number one master.

More power means more exercises. Although there is no hope, it is still necessary to find a pilot. If there is enough important gain, he will continue to destroy the city. If not, then directly open the connection point , and then go to kill the World Lord and replace him.


There may be creatures like giant dragons in the sacred realm of the martial world, but they absolutely do not exist in the mortal realm of Qianyuan. When people see unknown things, it is easy to panic, and part of this panic will be transformed Fear drives them away from the unknown, and another part becomes greed, which drives them toward the unknown.

Most of the fearful are the weak, and it is survival instinct, while most of the greedy are the strong, possessive.

Everyone living in Starfall City considers themselves to be strong, so they will not let Sophia go. No matter what her strength is, her appearance is enough to make them tempted. If they have such a mount, then It will have an unparalleled propaganda effect on the forces.

As for that panda, who cares? Are there any other uses for pandas besides being funny?

Adam rode a dragon and stayed not far from Starfall City, waiting for the masters in the city to appear. At the same time, the strong men in the city were also observing Adam, but they only regarded Adam as a dish.

Everyone who can take the position of the leader of the forces in such a complex environment is not simple. They collectively ascended to the sky, and just a few simple eye contact conveyed their thoughts, and then the vitality Squirting, whistling towards Adam.

Each means, first come first served.


“Quack, Master, they don’t seem to care about you.” Garfield sat on Adam’s shoulder and said gloatingly. He hadn’t seen an idiot who dared to look down on his Master for a long time.

Adam held Garfield in his hands expressionlessly, kneading and pulling him, turning him into a silver long stick, and then patting Sophia to signal her to change into a normal form.

A total of twenty-six second-level warriors hovered in the air guarding each One of them said, “Where’s your mount? What is she?”

Adam allowed the other party to surround himself, but his voice was not loud but it reached everyone’s ears: “You are all the second-level warriors in Starfall City? Are you the city owner?”

Seeing Adam’s fearless appearance, everyone frowned. The one who could fly must be a warrior, but they found that they couldn’t see Adam’s level.

The human race named by Adam said loudly: “Yes, who are you? When did the panda family have a strong person like you?”

The City Lord of Falling Star still remembers that he sent people to the Panda tribe a few years ago. The City Lord didn’t look down on the Panda’s combat effectiveness. He only cared about the winemaking method. At that time, he felt that the panda ran away and it was not worth it. The manpower was mobilized to chase, but now it seems that the panda clan has an adventure in the mountains and forests.

“And where did you get your mount? Hand over your mount, tell me the location, and I will allow your family to live in Starfall City.”

Adam didn’t answer him, he stood up holding a stick in one hand, and said in a very flat tone: “Hand over your secret recipes of martial arts and martial arts, and I can spare your life.”

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