Mage Adam Chapter 250: Swarthy King

Until this time, Adam had no chance to observe the appearance of the royal city.

There is no need to repeat the landscape, just talk about the energy fluctuations in the city. In this city, which should be the center of the political, cultural, and military force of the Titan race, Adam did not feel any breath of extra-dimensional creatures.

Only high-level warriors like Qi 31 entered the perception, not what Adam imagined the royal city should look like.

Even this building looks out of place.

Adam stood in front of the entrance and asked softly, “King Sworthy is in here?”

Qi 31 shook his head: “No, this is King Sworthy.”


Adam walked step by step into King Swarthy’s body nearly 2,000 meters high. This is the energy circuit in his body, but there is no energy circulation in it, it looks like an abandoned mine, cold and terrifying .

The darkness couldn’t stop his vision, and he could see King Swarthy’s body shabby, decayed, decayed, cracked, and had something disgusting attached to it, and he could hear it from all directions. There was a small voice, and it seemed that something was eroding the body of this copy, which should be extremely powerful, like a moth.

Besides sight and hearing, from where Adam stood, a steady stream of weak fluctuations caused his body to tremble, and Adam felt pain and struggle.

The king’s body is like a labyrinth. Adam clearly remembers that he has turned a total of 186 turns. After the 187th change of direction, light appeared in front of his eyes, the environment heated up, and the energy The breath also began to thicken.

The next is a straight road. Every time you step out, the front is brighter. Those disgusting things are also cleared by the rushing energy. The metal of the metal also jumped. Adam knew that when the road came to an end, he would see the fire of the origin of King Swarthy, and now the change of his body was that they were paying homage to the king of metal.

Adam has been walking for five minutes.

This road shouldn’t be so long. The super-dimensional creature has obviously carried out some mysterious transformation on himself. The inner space of his body is much larger than it looks from the outside.

At the end of the field of vision is a bleak giant powered forge.

It is airtight and cannot observe the fire from the outside. A golden light beam is shot from the top and hits the top. The reflected light makes the brightness of the entire space rise again, making it look brilliant.

At this time, the path behind him was phantom inch by inch, and an ethereal void-like environment appeared, forming a sharp contrast with the front. The broken golden shavings were windless and automatic, following Adam’s footsteps and drifting forward.

No matter how long the road is, there is an end to it. Ten minutes later, Adam came to a distance of 100 meters in front of the power furnace and stood still. The golden shavings circled around him and then converged with the beam above, followed by a projection. Down, what appeared in front of Adam was the one he was very familiar with, and he could see every day in the wizard world, the appearance of the wizard Adam.

After he opened his mouth, his magnificent voice resounded throughout the space: “First meeting, guest of the alien plane, I am Swarthy King, the King of Titans.”

Although he was fully prepared before he came, even though he knew that even an ultra-dimensional life could not really kill himself, at this moment, Adam still felt a huge pressure, which made him a little nervous .

King Sworthy smiled, he couldn’t control his flesh and expression like a real carbon-based life, the smile looked a little stiff, like a sticker that was copied and pasted directly on his face, he laughed He said: “This is the image copied by another Titan King when you appeared in the outer void. I think it will be more intimate to talk to you in this way.”

Adam didn’t know how to talk to King Swarthy for a while. It turns out that his arrival has been discovered by the Titan royal family from the beginning, which means that he entered the plane, reincarnated as a Titan, and everything after that. Because they are all under the surveillance and acquiescence of the royal family.

“You knew my existence from the beginning?” Adam didn’t feel any malice from the king, which was the reason why he didn’t give up everything on the Titan plane and resurrected directly on the Mage World clone.

King Swarthy nodded: “It’s a little rude, but it’s true. We know everything you’ve done since you came to the Titan plane.”

He paused and said bluntly: “Including your other body hidden outside York City, and this little guy who was converted from another life form to the fire of origin by you.”

King Swarthy showed a keen interest in the devil: “Can you tell me what race that little guy is? We also had the technology and ability to enter other planes long ago, when the royal family What I am most passionate about is to find a way to increase the number of clan members, but unfortunately, we have not found any of them. I did not expect that now, as a junior, I have the honor to meet.”

Adam didn’t answer him, but asked, “Is your injury real?”

King Swarthy laughed dumbly: “Of course, I am indeed going to die. This is something that all Titans and even our natural enemies, the Gold Eaters, know.”

Although King Sworthy didn’t say anything, Adam also heard the faint ridicule in his words, thinking about it, the super-dimensional life is not enough to seduce and deceive himself with this kind of thing.

His mood was not affected by the imminent death, and since meeting Adam, his tone has been as enthusiastic and energetic as a burning fire: “You don’t need to be nervous, the Titans have no ill will towards you, we are very welcome. Alien guests, even if you play the role of the the world can’t be any worse anyway, can it?”

Adam understands what he means, the Titan plane is a quagmire, and the Titan race is a pool of stagnant water. In this case, any fluctuation is good, even if a boulder falls from the sky and smashes the entire quagmire, at least the stagnant water can be smashed. Get active again.

“Although I don’t know how the race behind you treats us, judging from what you have done, you have no ill will towards us. You have helped us a lot in the Iron Fort mission, and you have made , well, embedded armor and shields are useful for low-level titans.”

King Swarthy is very talkative: “Speaking of which, according to the ancient records, the ancestors have also seen life forms like you in other worlds, but they are all fragile, but you are strong, more than Most of the Titans are stronger. Would you mind telling me that you are a strong one among the race behind you?”

Adam exhaled lightly, and the flame erupted from his mouth, falling in front of him and converging into the image of his body. He solemnly said to King Sworthy: “Hello, King of Titans, my name is Adam, A third-level formal mage.”

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