Mage Adam Chapter 239: Sacrifice (4)

Tie 27 didn’t have any parting words, he just took a deep look at Li 15, then pulled Adam to the sky.

Li 15 didn’t say anything to the two of them, and threw a heavy punch, and then the arm, along with the normal body, turned into a gun barrel, nailed to the matrix defense field, and said disdainfully: “Kill the body. Titans? Stop dreaming, you have never killed a single Titan, even if one fire goes out, countless fires will ignite elsewhere, and the Titans will never die!”

Boom! The explosion sounded with the roar of Li-15:

“Give it to me!!!”

Retreat is different from sneaking in. Without the ‘encumbrance’ of Li-15, there is no need to advance towards a specific target. The strength of iron-27 quasi-extra-dimensional creatures is simply not something that ordinary Gold Devourers can stop, and only the mother is present. It has this ability, but it probably doesn’t have the time right now.

Adam couldn’t help but look back, the matrix defense field failed to hold for a microsecond, and it shattered into dregs together with the surrounding space. Adam found that this quasi-extra-dimensional gold-devourer was actually a half-energy life. Only a small part of its body is flesh and blood, the rest is more like… a steady burning fire!

“This form!?” Adam’s question blurted out.

Tie 27 said nothing, pulling Adam’s arm a little harder, and the speed increased again.

Li-15 embraced the mother body with open arms, no matter how hard it evaded, it could not escape the lock of Li-15:

“Caught you!”

The Matrix panicked, struggling frantically in Li-15’s hands, roaring incessantly, but Adam couldn’t understand whether it was begging for mercy or threatening. The huge lair decomposed inch by inch, turned into pure energy and dissipated between the heavens and the earth, Li-15 firmly imprisoned the mother body, and even if it struggled to shake the earth, it would have no effect.

Li 15 laughed, his body collapsed inward in the laughter, and unknown substances formed, turning his original silver-gray body into pure white. Adam had tried all his strength to reduce his height to three Nineteen meters, but now he is constantly breaking through this limit. When Tie 27 pulled Adam to fly twenty kilometers away, he shrank to five meters, stood inside the power furnace, bathed in flames, and let the origin The fire sublimated to the extreme, and the laughter never stopped for a moment.

Li-15 is like a sun that eclipses the sky and the earth.

The collapse has reached the limit. It is very strange. The first thing Adam saw was not energy, but the broken body of Li-15 burning in the fire one by one, and even the last smile was clearly visible.

Next comes the release and explosion.

There is no flame, and it is impossible to measure how high the core temperature is. Adam’s dynamic vision slows down the scene at this moment by a thousand times, and he can see all the combustibles around him, together with the low-level gold eaters, spontaneously spontaneously combust , the sound has no transmission medium, the explosion point is silent, the sand and stone turn into magma, the minerals turn into a molten state, and evaporate rapidly, and completely vaporize after a few microseconds.

The mother struggled for a few seconds before disappearing along with the surrounding matter.

Then blue-white flames shot up into the sky, and the energy shock spread in all directions, and the blue-white mushroom clouds were layered on top of each other, rising to an altitude of more than 100 kilometers.

Outside gas is pouring into this vacuum, the huge atmospheric pressure rolls up thousands of hurricanes connecting the sky and the earth, but it fails to blow up any impurities.

The last is the explosion, the earth-shattering explosion.

The sun has set.


Adam and Tie 27 stood a thousand kilometers away. The huge shock wave was firmly stopped by Tie 27’s body. The two stood silently without saying a word.

“Master, do you still remember the super-dimensional strike? Although I know that the power of the Titan’s self-destruction cannot be as strong as the super-dimensional strike, why do I think…” The devil’s voice was uncharacteristically soft, it thought for a long time and did not expect Which adjective should be used, had to use a sigh instead.

There is no need to escape anymore. Thousands of nests and hundreds of thousands of gold-devouring clans have all been wiped out. Although there are countless monsters in the vast frontier area, they absolutely dare not approach here at this time.

Tie 27 stared motionless for a long time, until the mushroom cloud disappeared, the hurricane stopped, and only the shock wave and energy storm were still making waves, and then he said, “Let’s go.”

Titan is an immortal species. Iron 27 has lived a long enough time. He has seen self-destruction more than once, but no one has ever left a trace of life. His eyes cannot penetrate the energy storm. He feels that Li 15 does not Exceptions will be made.

But Adam is different. The violent electromagnetic disturbance in the blast zone cannot block his perception: “Lithium 15 may not be dead.”

Tie 27 was stunned for a moment, and before he could say anything, he heard Adam continue: “No, he is dead, but his fire hasn’t completely dissipated!”

Tie 27 couldn’t believe it: “You mean, he succeeded in spreading fire?!”

Adam flew forward, and the chaotic magnetic field and energy were smoothly smoothed out when they passed by him, while saying to Tie 27: “I’m not sure, the fire is very weak and very dangerous.”

The iron 27 accelerated violently, forcibly suppressing the surrounding manic energy, and pierced straight towards the center of the explosion like a sharp arrow.

This is still a forbidden area of ​​life. Adam saw that the body of Iron 27 had begun to melt but still wanted to break the high temperature, so he had to stop it, and then said: “The fire seems to be absorbing special energy, I think I should have the power Know something, don’t you?”

Tie 27 said in a deep voice: “Of course, you have enough authority to inspect the matter of the Gold-devouring Royal Family after this mission.”

“You should know the origin of the Gold Eaters. They are creatures created by wise men. In addition to smelting metal, they can also be used as an external fire source to increase the ability of Titan to absorb energy during But later they They defected, and this ability was not used by the Titans, but instead became their talent. After the Gold Eaters were promoted to the royal family, they would be fired, and they also possessed the ability to spread fire, but they rely on reproduction, and the potential of newborns is not high. It can only evolve by devouring other kinds of fire.”

Adam understands that this is another tragedy caused by touching taboo knowledge beyond his control. The Titans are lucky. Although they have lost a lot of territory and the ability to cross planes, at least the race is still continuing, civilization It is still multiplying, and it is much luckier than Katos.

Although it is a bit ruthless and selfish to say this, the Titan plane in this state is suitable for friendship. If their research is really successful and they gain more power, maybe Adam, after leaving this plane, brings What comes is an endless war between two worlds.

They each had their own concerns and stopped talking. It took three days and three nights for the high temperature to drop to a level that Tie 27 could withstand. After cleaning up a few groups of returning Gold Eaters, Adam saw that Tie 27 was rickety. He held his body to open a small space in the high temperature area to protect the small flames under him, but he stuck his hands out again and again but did not dare to move because he was afraid of putting out the flames.

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