Mage Adam Chapter 205: Dive into the city

The duty of the exploration mage is to collect information, locate the coordinates and find a suitable place to set up a plane sacrifice magic circle. The latter two have been completed or do not need to be completed, and only the first task remains arduous.

The first thing to do is to record the location of the towns established by all the radiant races, and then find a way to find out the exact number of extra-dimensional creatures and the approximate number of advanced creatures, but now there is one more important thing in addition to these.

For mages, judging whether a newly discovered plane is valuable must be defined in terms of knowledge and energy. Originally, only radioactive minerals in Kratos had the conditions to generate energy, but now Adam found that the radioactive race was studying Knowledge has greater value, and the search for the progress and results of research on this knowledge by radiant races is a first-order priority.

“But Master, you can’t infiltrate the city now!”

Adam whispered, “It’s okay, there’s always a way.”


Adam began to circle the inland in order to find out the specific locations of all cities. This information was very useful in the early stage of the war, and he could find a small number of strong people in the process, and the level of vigilance was relatively low. Weak city.

The deeper the inland Katos world is, the higher the degree of variation. After two months, he stopped at a clear dividing line. There were no first-level creatures in the depths, and the terrifying energy fluctuations were reckless. Disseminated, Adam felt that if he really entered, he would be discovered instantly.

Even where he is standing now, he needs to do his best to hide. There are already advanced radiation creatures patrolling here, and the deeper part must be the true center of the radiation race.

Adam made a full circle around the boundary, letting the magic web record all the location and situation here, then turned around and flew slowly behind him, returning to the vicinity of the boundary again.

After randomly finding a dimensional gap and destroying all the gathered radiation races, Adam took out ‘Chris Frost’ from the portable space.

This dragon body is different from the other dead dragons. It can be regarded as Adam’s clone, and because Adam has completely gone through the process of hatching and breaking the shell, it can perfectly hide Adam’s soul fluctuations .

Under the terrifying gaze of the devil, Adam walked into the dragon’s body from the scar on his heart, and then gathered all the remaining flesh and blood of the radiation race that had just been destroyed, condensed it into a ball, and swallowed it in one mouthful.

The body of the frost dragon mutated rapidly, and in a very short time it became a distorted and terrifying creature. The appearance of the radiant races was different and there was no fixed appearance. Adam’s current image was no different from them only in appearance. .

“Master, you won’t become such a disgusting monster, will you?” The devil is very worried. It is connected to Adam’s soul. If Adam mutates, it will not be spared. When he thinks that he will become that way, It has the feeling of wanting to die.

“No,” Adam replied.

He feels pretty good now. Although the mutation continues, his true body is firmly protected by the armor of the mage. The external mutation cannot affect him, but the shortcomings also exist. Adam only has the mutation. body, but failed to acquire the ability to emit energy beams.

“Master, will this work?”

Adam replied indifferently: “I don’t know, but you can give it a try. Katos does not have a crystal wall system, and the spatial rules are weak. Even if I am exposed, I can continue to use the flashing technique to leave. They don’t understand this. As long as I don’t encounter extra-dimensional creatures, I’m safe.”

This is certain, if they understand the knowledge of gravity, the ultra-dimensional monsters will not attack the crystal wall system of the dragon plane in such a savage way.

The difficulty of entering the city is all about not being discovered. As long as you can get in, there are many ways to get out of Adam.


Adam chose to sneak into the first city he encountered. According to observations, the city did not impose any restrictions on the entry and exit of radiation creatures above the second level. Adam landed directly over the city and flew into the city.

However, just after entering, an accident happened. A second-level radiation creature stopped Adam and stopped in front of him and said: “You, stop.”

Adam’s mind was racing, and he had to figure out how to deal with it in the shortest time possible.

Before he answered, the radiant creature asked again: “Which king are you under?”

The king should be the title of the super-dimensional radiation creature. Adam did not obtain information on this. He felt that this time he failed. It seems that more information is needed to successfully infiltrate.

I didn’t expect that he hadn’t given up this body and flashed away, and the radiant creature continued to say: “Just evolved?”

Things took a turn for the better, Adam stopped trying to escape, and maintained his stunned state without saying a The radiant creature said to himself: “From now on, you belong to King Nathaniel. Rule.” He stretched out a few tentacles and pointed to several directions in the city, “Can’t go.” Then he pointed to the rest of the places, “You can go.” After that, he ignored Adam and left alone.

The devil in his mind said incredulously: “It’s that simple? There’s no questioning about the origin, no verification procedures, just a few words to let go? Is there something wrong with their brains?”

Adam pretended to be confused and walked around the neighborhood a few times before he was relieved. He didn’t rush to the place that the radiant creatures could not enter, but wandered around the city at will: “Probably not in their cognition. The rest of the creatures can survive in Katos, so there is no verification procedure, and the evolution from the first level to the second level should be a very common thing. It seems that the first-level radiation creatures cannot be regarded as the same kind in their eyes, only the evolution to the second level level and join the forces of an extra-dimensional creature to be counted as a kinship.”

The devil is still amazed: “Isn’t there any sign of affiliation like a brand?”

“Obviously, the second-level radiation creatures cannot reach that level, and they are at best advanced cannon fodder.” Adam kept all the terrain in his heart and said, “This is a good thing. Easier to do.”

The devil curled his lips: “Master, it seems that this city is not important at all, right? The place where the cannon fodder lives will have the knowledge you want?”

“Of course there won’t be the core, but there should be something related to it, otherwise the mined ore does not need to be transported away by the hard labor at the other end after entering the city. There must be some kind of basic process here.”

At this time, Adam watched several secondary creatures send a large amount of ore into a building, and said in his heart: “It’s there.”

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