Mage Adam Chapter 178: Get bigger and stronger

“…and it seems that the news of the death has been communicated.”

Adam swings Camby back, then asks the devil through the pact, “What’s going on? I shouldn’t have hurt their souls.”

“Their souls have a layer of protection, and they automatically resist the signing of the contract. After discovering that the power of the contract cannot be resisted, they destroy themselves with their souls.” The devil scratched his tail and continued: “They seem to have inherited knowledge. race, but it’s very strange, there shouldn’t be such a function of inheriting knowledge.”

“Inheriting knowledge? Are you sure?”

The devil said quickly: “They have very simple minds, but they have many complex memories, but they disappeared before I could see them, and they have never been out of the ice, so they can still recognize you as a child. Dragon, isn’t it weird?”

“It’s really strange.” Adam didn’t expect that the first race he came into contact with with inheritance was a wild tribe on the icefield. “If inheritance is the information written into genes after an individual is strong enough, then it is also That is to say, among these three wild races, there are or have been extraordinary beings.”

The devil nodded: “It should be like this, but the status of the superhumans in their group, or the way of writing the inheritance must be wrong, otherwise no one will leave a time bomb in the minds of their descendants. It is impossible for foreigners to spy on the inheritance of knowledge, and this bomb can only kill oneself.”

The devil said that he suddenly thought of the strange and evil reincarnation, and added: “Of course, the exception is the mage.” The magic of reincarnation, the more the devil thinks about it, the more terrifying it becomes, ignoring race, existence, and reproductive methods. , Forcibly conceived is simply unreasonable.

“Maybe it’s because they’re scared,” Adam murmured as he thought of the world’s borders.

The devil asked strangely: “What are you afraid of? Even if there is a strong enemy, it won’t leave a bomb in the head of the entire race, right?”

Adam passed on what he saw at the border to the devil, who jumped three feet high: “Is this erosion or collision? How could this be?”

“I don’t know, but the situation on the dragon plane is very bad. Maybe there have been invaders like me. The ancient supernatural beings native to the dragon plane are guarding against invaders and obtaining information from inheritance.”

“Master, what about your mission? Do you want to give up?”

“Of course not. Maybe the limitations of the source will be broken soon. Besides, wouldn’t it be great to discover two planes at the same time and get the knowledge of two planes?”


Adam did not rush to find the trouble of the three races, but supplemented the magic circle with the latest energy stone excreted by the snow worm, and then carried the three corpses into the laboratory.

Souls and legacy knowledge are broken, but their corpses are still of great value, Adam wants to know if the races with legacy knowledge are also like forest elves, the manifestation of power depends on the energy built in the body loop.

Adam is very familiar with autopsy, and an hour later, he has already dismembered the three monsters.

“It is still expressed in the form of an energy circuit, but it is much more complicated than the forest elves.” While recording the anatomy results, Adam constructed the parts of the three monsters that could be copied and applied to the dragon’s body with elements in the air .

The ability of giants to crystallize and the ability of snow monsters to become gigantic are very good, which should be the core content of their racial inheritance, but what brought Adam a huge surprise was the ability of werewolf to transform.

The direwolf uses this ability to change from an animal form to a half-human, half-wolf form that is more suitable for fighting. This has already involved a very high level of knowledge and reorganizes its body structure.

Although Adam cannot control and transform as easily as a werewolf, if he replicates this ability on his own, maybe he can also change his form, and maybe he can become the appearance of other races.

Adam immediately started his own transformation. After setting up two sets of energy circuits on his body with psychic power, he couldn’t wait to inject energy into it. He saw that his four-meter-high dragon body grew taller and wider at a speed visible to the naked eye. The original slender body began to develop horizontally, the dragon scales opened and fell off, and then new and more crystal-clear scales regenerated immediately. Soon all the original silver-white scales fell off, and the new scales looked as clear as crystals. You can see the white-purple energy flowing from it.

Different from giants and snow monsters that need to be stimulated when using their talents, the circuit built by Adam is equivalent to a permanent blessing. As long as it is not actively destroyed, the giant and crystallization of the body will always exist, and it will increase with the increase of energy level. auto update.

After the change was over, Adam looked at his huge body more than eight meters tall and his beautiful scales with satisfaction. Although he still couldn’t reach Okov’s size, he looked almost like an adult dragon.

Adam shook his tail A huge explosion sounded from his side, and the ice-type energy and the electric-type energy merged and exploded, creating an elemental vacuum with ease.

“As expected of a race with strong physical strength, after acquiring their talent, my dragon body is nearly ten times stronger.”

A gust of cold wind blew, and the entire laboratory was shattered and vanished with the wind. The Devil and Camby who heard the sound were stunned and looked at Adam, whose image had changed greatly. They were so shocked that they could not speak.

After a while, the devil cautiously leaned over and touched Adam’s feet: “Master, are you… mutated?”

Adam pulled it aside with a flick of his tail, built a room again, and said to Camby, “Come with me.”

Camby’s eyes lit up, and he realized that the adults might be trying to help him become stronger, and hurriedly followed Adam into the room, ignoring the pity of the devil on the side.

“My lord, I…what am I going to do?”

Adam is controlling the size of his skates. After the body gets bigger, he needs better control to perform this kind of precision surgery. Hearing this, he said: “Take off your clothes and stand up.”

Camby looked at the scalpel in fear, thinking of the pain of the bloodline raising before, and his body couldn’t help but shudder, but he still stood in place obediently.

After adjusting the size of the ice blade, Adam told Camby: “This time it will be very painful, you have to hold on, don’t die.” Now there are not many people available, and if Camby dies, it will be very painful. trouble.

Camby nodded vigorously, looking at death as if at home: “Don’t worry, my lord, I will definitely be able to hold on.”

Adam looked at him encouragingly, then waved the ice blade, calculated the distance, kept only one line of skin, and cut Camby in two with one stroke.

“I hope the plant energy in you can keep you alive.” Adam grumbled.

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