Mage Adam Chapter 170: The true face of the Dragon Slayer?

Most reptiles prefer a warm and humid environment, even an extraordinary creature like the dragon family. Except for the frost dragon, no one chooses to build a nest in a cold and dead place.

Almost 100% of the frost dragons choose to build their dragon lair in higher terrain, which can save them a lot of trouble and devote limited time to unlimited sleep.

So the Icefield is Adam’s best choice at this stage. There is no threat from other giant dragons, and there is no complicated race to expel. The dragon slayer warriors who are annoying like flies will also reduce the frequency of harassment because they are afraid of the cold.

This will give him a lot of development time and is arguably the most ideal nesting location at this stage.

“So, Camby, do you know the exact location of the ice sheet?”

Camby nodded again and again: “I know, my lord, the icefield is next to the border of the legendary world, and it is the northernmost part of our living world.”

The world boundary, if it wasn’t for Camby’s mention, Adam would have forgotten this concept. The mage world is too huge, and because the relationship between the power of the source and the plane sacrifice magic has been expanding, it is difficult for ordinary mage to find the true meaning However, in this plane, the boundary of the world remains unchanged, and if the mortal races are lucky, they can come into contact with them in person.

After knowing the existence of the world boundary, the significance of the ice field to Adam is even more important. The rune formation of the plane sacrifice magic needs to be placed in the strongest, weakest and most unstable places in the plane. where world boundaries must be one of them.

Adam lifted his spirits and asked Camby, “Have you been there?”

Camby’s excited expression was stagnant, and he was a little embarrassed: “No, my lord, it is not suitable for us to live, so few outside races will come close. But I know the ice field is not very far from here.”

Adam nodded and patted his shoulder kindly with his wings: “Lead the way, if the information is true, you will get everything you want.”


After Adam left the tribe, Lina took the rest of her clan to greet the emissary of the Dragon Extermination Organization. She wrote a script of survivors of the extermination for herself, and planned to use this rhetoric to persuade the emissary.

But there is still a big problem. There are too many survivors and they are too strong. Nearly 40 natural masters are a powerful force no matter where they are placed. If you want to increase the credibility, you can only temporarily let some of them. The clansmen hid and waited until they successfully joined the Dragon Slayer organization, and gradually brought them back under their command.

She ordered three weak elves to follow her, then ordered the rest of the elves to spread out, adjusted her mood, and slowly approached the messenger.

“You are… forest elves? How can you be so strong!?” The messenger quickly landed on the ground and took a defensive stance.

Lina showed extreme surprise and said with a little excitement: “Excuse me, are you the messenger of the Dragon Slayer Organization?”

The messenger became more and more vigilant, the elemental fluctuations overflowed from the body, and the feet fell into the ground, ready to attack or escape at any time: “Who are you? How do you know my identity? No! You are monitoring me! All the way It’s you who spy on my whereabouts?!”

Lina put on a sad expression, and Pear Blossom said with rain: “Sir, we are the forest elves of the Aoba tribe. Our tribe was destroyed, and only a few of us survived.”

The messenger said suspiciously: “Green Leaf Tribe? I remember your patriarch’s name is Jensen, where did he go?”

Lina was disdainful in her heart and thought it was a great force to openly confront the dragon, but she didn’t expect that the messenger sent was just a rookie, such a low-level temptation…

“Jensen? No, Lord Emissary, my father’s name is Vernon. Before he died, he told us to wait for Lord Emissary. He said that only organizations have the ability to avenge us!”

“Trust us, all my fellow tribesmen and my father were killed by that evil frost dragon, we want revenge, please let us join the Dragon Slayer!”

Lina made a self-evaluation of her clumsy and exaggerated acting skills. She felt that if she heard such words, she would never believe it, but the amazing thing is that the messenger on the opposite side actually believed it.

Although the messenger did not give up gathering energy, his vigilance has been reduced a lot. Under the rule of the dragon race, it is not a race without bad luck. Because of something that angered the dragon, it was exterminated. I heard that the Qingye tribe was free. The moody dragon repented.

This kind of surviving dragon slayer organization has absorbed a lot. Although the number is a little smaller, it is strong enough. After all, it is a natural controller, a very rare profession.

And the messenger has absolute confidence, even if these forest elves have problems, they can’t betray after seeing the power of the organization, because that is a way to become stronger, let the mortal race get rid of the shackles of blood, like the dragon race The same ‘practice’ method!


Over the Adam adjusted his direction, then grabbed Camby and flew above the clouds. The severe cold would only make Adam feel comfortable, but Camby was very uncomfortable and could only wrap his body with energy. Shrinking and shivering.

“Master, your little maid is connected with the Dragon Slayer Organization.” The journey was boring, and the devil was bored and put his consciousness into the slave’s body, watching different scenes through the slave’s eyes.

“Did it go well?”

“Unbelievably smooth, this organization seems to have no brains at all,” the devil has been brooding about Adam’s evaluation, “the little maid just said a few words and he believed it.”

Adam was stunned for a moment. He had even agreed that Lina could reveal her existence and the bloodline purification test in exchange for trust, but she didn’t expect that trust would come so easily after real contact.

Sure enough, it is an organization with great problems. Adam has basically determined that their ultimate goal is definitely not as simple as slaying the dragon. The plot behind it must be amazing and bizarre. Otherwise, it is impossible for any organization to absorb members so hastily, which is equivalent to Let yourself be spied on at will without reservation.

“Unless it’s their intention, but how does the number work?” Adam was puzzled.

The devil muttered: “This dragon slayer organization is not like an alliance at all, but a religion. Only religions can recruit members so unscrupulously, because only religions can have a wide range of strange brainwashing methods. .”

Adam stopped flying abruptly, and happened to avoid the huge thunder that fell in front of him. He felt that the devil had come to the point. The way the Dragon Slayer Organization is indeed very similar to a sect. Their purpose is to attract believers and unite their beliefs. power?

“This plane doesn’t seem to be as simple as I imagined.”

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