Mage Adam Chapter 165: Blood purification

Blood purification is a simple technique in any sense.

In the wizard world, wizards who can use the rune system only need a simple extraction spell to extract high-purity blood from a large number of impurity blood. Of course, the premise is to know the information of the target blood first. Not difficult, advanced alchemy equipment can easily read the information.

As for the ancient magical family like the Hill family, blood purification is more troublesome. It needs to consume a large number of samples to obtain information, and then consume a large number of samples again, and use the original method to refine the blood. This original method is called Blood sacrifice magic circle.

However, on the Dragon Plane, the magic circle, a technology from the wizard world, is easy to attract the attention of the source. Adam does not have the strength to take risks now, so he can only choose another more cumbersome method.

In this plane where blood determines power, creatures in the same ethnic group must contain the same components in their blood, that is, information that can carry elements and energy. Adam has no equipment at hand and cannot use magic, so only It can make this group of forest elves release energy in the blood of their kin, find and gradually separate and purify the high-quality parts. The ice thorns outside have been transformed by Adam. Once such high-quality blood is found, it will be immediately absorbed in the extreme cold. remain active in the environment.

“Do you understand?” Adam asked Lina, who was standing silently five meters in front of him with her head bowed.

It’s been half a day since Adam killed the patriarch. Lina didn’t leave, and she took the initiative to help Adam to appease the rest of the forest elves who witnessed the tragic death of the same clan. Adam didn’t know what method she used, but through The screams that were occasionally heard outside before were generally understandable.

Sure enough, hatred makes people grow.

Lina’s voice was as strange as ever. She cherished the ice crystal plate, then repeated Adam’s method and asked seriously: “Is that so? Master.”

Adam nodded: “That’s right, just do it when it’s clear. Let me know when the first stage is complete.”

Lina bowed respectfully and walked backwards. At this moment, Adam said again: “Do it well, no matter what you think, you need strength to support. If the bloodline purification is successful, you will have great power in a short time.” /

Lina stayed in this position for a while before replying, “I’m sorry master, I don’t understand what you mean.”

“Huh. Send your clan to guard the surrounding area. I want to know about any strangers who enter the Makalu Mountains, especially those who want to climb the main peak.” Adam was noncommittal to Lina’s answer, putting He waved his paw to let her out.

Adam stayed in the laboratory alone, the blood purification is not difficult at all, he is not willing to waste time, the most important thing for him now is to use limited means to exert his power to a greater extent, rune magic Although there is no way to use it, it is already his instinct to envoy Thunder. It is not difficult for Adam to construct several energy circuits in his body to make Thunder and Frost fuse.

Adam carefully used psychic power. After several years of continuous testing, Adam knew that as long as the psychic power did not leave the dragon body, it would not attract the attention of the source. Although using psychic power as a medium to transmit energy is less efficient, But in this case, there is no better choice.

The devil suddenly asked: “Master, are you not afraid that after the little maid’s bloodline advances, will he immediately attack you?”

“I am the one who presides over the bloodline advancement. How could I give her such a chance?”

“But Master, although the hatred is strong, it will dissipate one day. Will she also collapse at that time?”

Adam almost forgot that the devil is a master at playing with emotions, but he had already expected this kind of thing: “Her hatred comes from strong stimulation, and it is very likely to weaken, but once the stronger feeling forms a persistent I can’t get rid of it again.”


Lina exited the laboratory with a bated breath. After walking a long distance, she let out a heavy breath. After signing hundreds of master-servant contracts with her own hands, she could clearly feel every thought of the slaves at every moment. , She knew that her master Adam must be like this. She had already wanted to die just now, but she never thought that the master would point out her thoughts so lightly, and it seemed that she didn’t mean to kill herself.

She clenched her fists tightly, her nails pierced into flesh and blood, and she didn’t let go. She needed to use pain to warn herself that she should temporarily put her undesired thoughts in the most hidden corners. She had to be cautious and complete every task. We must seize every opportunity to become stronger.

After dividing the clansmen into teams of 100, and ordering them to rotate in groups every seven days to carry out reconnaissance missions, she brought the remaining clansmen to the terrifying Asura Field.

Everyone, including my father, is still alive, but only alive.

Some of the clan’s expression became sad and angry, and couldn’t help but roared: “Damn, that evil dragon, I want to kill…”

Lina turned her head sharply and gave this clan a soul whip through the contract. The clan tumbled to the ground in pain. Lina stepped on his head with no sympathy, and said coldly, “Don’t let me anymore. Hear anything like that or I’ll kill you first, hear?”

“Remember, you are only slaves. Slaves must learn to respect their masters and learn to shut up, otherwise I will kill you without the master’s order.”

Lina turned her head and took a deep breath, forcing herself to look directly at the tragic situation in front of her, and instructed the others: “A group of several people, go to each ice thorn to use your talents on the blood pool, don’t stop, Don’t ask why, just do it, and don’t let them die.”

After speaking, she took the lead into the ice thorn group, walked directly under her father’s body, and inserted her hand into the blood that was constantly flowing and pooling.

No one spoke for a while, except for the sound of breathing and dripping blood interwoven with silent horror.


A week passed quickly, Adam successfully built a new energy circuit in his body, and the ice-based energy magic began to contain the power of thunder. The same energy output, the power was several times higher than before.

However, it can only be done to this extent. If he wants to improve, it is very likely to attract the attention of the source. Adam can only put it on hold for the time being.

However, since there is a bloodline that can use elements in this world, it is very likely that there will be a creature like the Thunder Dragon. Finding it and eating it will be the fastest way to solve Adam’s problem.

Based on this inference, if you can find a frost dragon cub, maybe you can get the inheritance?

While Adam was thinking, Lina walked into the laboratory for the first time in seven days and said to Adam, “Master, the ice thorns have turned blood red.”

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