Mage Adam Chapter 16: Warcraft attack

Seeing Adam walking towards him, the apprentice became more and more panicked, and exclaimed: “What do you want to do? We are about to start fighting the monsters. Are you going to fight at this time? Or do you want to sacrifice yourself? only want to accept our protection?”

Adam was unmoved, still heading in the direction of the apprentice, William couldn’t help but said: “Adam, at this time we should work together, believe me, even if you are a great knight, it is absolutely impossible for you to be an opponent of Warcraft, Only unity, and only magic, can save us.” As he stretched out his hand, another magic ring was activated, and a high-speed rotating wind blade formed in the air.

No wonder William is so confident. It turns out that he has other magical items. Sure enough, seeing William’s strength, the originally ambiguous apprentices also strengthened their faith in following him.

William shot the wind blade to the surface of the sea. After a loud noise, the huge waves spiraled up. William looked more heroic against the backdrop of the waves. He looked at Adam: “Join us, the power of the alliance can protect you until you master the magic. , ashore alive.”

However, Adam was still unmoved and continued to move towards the apprentice. Ophelia couldn’t help but said, “Adam, join us, the beasts are really strong.”

“Get out of the way, you’re blocking my way.” Adam said to the apprentice.

The apprentice froze in place. He didn’t think that Adam didn’t trouble him, but just wanted to leave. Then he came back to his senses and looked at Adam like a madman: “Are you crazy? Didn’t you hear what Mr. William said? Those are monsters, how can we win without mastering magic?”

Other people had already regarded Adam as an idiot, a dead man who didn’t know what to do. Only a few apprentices in the Northland still didn’t give up their persuasion. Krystal ran over worriedly and wanted to pull Adam back to the crowd.

Adam stopped to look at them, remembering that Sam Aiden had lent him the ring to study, and decided to respond.

“The alliance of the weak is meaningless. Mage Black said that there are countless magical beasts in this sea, and they may board the deck at any time and tear you apart. With just one magic item, do you think your safety can be guaranteed?”

Adam sharply pointed out the loopholes in the alliance, William changed his face, he had no plan to save everyone from the beginning, a few people with enough talent will master magic in a short time, these people are what he wants The power to win over, as for the other waste, who cares about their life and death.

“I have other magic items, and I will send them to everyone, as long as they resist the initial hard times, and wait until there are more apprentices who master fireball…”

Adam glanced at him calmly and asked Sam Aiden, “How long does that ring take to recharge?”

Sam Aiden is no fool either, and has now responded: “Fifteen days.”

Adam turns around and continues to leave, leaving the last sentence: “Rather than wasting time on meaningless things, it is better to grasp the magic.”

No one stopped Adam, they had to admit that what Adam said was right, but even so they could not leave the alliance – although the alliance of the weak might not guarantee their survival, they were not necessarily the first the dead one. This is the thought echoing in their minds now.

“Mr. William, the Eastern apprentices and I still agree to the establishment of the organization.” Quentin walked up to William and said.

William stared at Adam’s back resentfully. After Adam’s breakthrough, although these apprentices would still join the organization, their confidence in him was almost gone, “Damn, it should be perfect, damn!”

Smart people have already begun to think about themselves. At this time, it is impossible to use deception to let someone die for him, which undoubtedly greatly reduces his security.

Randy also took the Western Apprentices to William’s side to agree.

Ophelia looked at Adam with a complicated expression, and finally made a decision in her heart: “I, I decided to quit.”

William squinted his eyes: “Miss Ophelia, do you know what you are talking about? You know, the organization will never give the power of protection to outsiders under such circumstances. Or do you think you are too big? Are knights strong enough to fight monsters?”

William definitely did not want to lose Ophelia’s support, and the protection of a great knight was crucial at this stage.

After she made up her mind, Ophelia no longer hesitated and replied, “I’m concerned about you.” Then she turned to the other four in the north and asked, “How about you?”

Krystal answered without hesitation: “I’ll follow Miss.” Between the strange William and the familiar Ophelia, she made a choice without hesitation, and she found the rune It’s not as difficult as you think, it seems that you can master it quickly?

Sam Aiden and the others have a good relationship. They have always advanced and retreated together. Facing Ophelia’s inquiry, he hesitated for a while, and then whispered: “I’m sorry, Miss Ophelia, we…”

Ophelia understood and didn’t say much. She walked to Adam with Krystal. She didn’t make such a decision impulsively. Her intuition told her that with Adam’s talent, she might have With magic in hand, if she can get Adam’s protection, she will be much safer.

Ophelia didn’t go to the party of the nobles. She is indifferent by nature, and she doesn’t think highly of the nobles, so for the past two months, she has been a mage alone or with Krystal , but because of the talent, the progress is not very big.

She also has no good way. If she makes a request directly to Adam, she will definitely be rejected. If she has anything that Adam is interested in and can trade with him, that’s the best way, but she doesn’t have it for now, after thinking about it Can only follow Adam now.

After Adam stepped aside, he stopped paying attention to what just happened, he was thinking about magic. Although the rune group of the fireball technique remains in my mind, it is not an inscription, but a simple stay, which means that this spell is a one-time use, and it will be rebuilt next time after it is used this time.

The high-level energy of magic can only stay on the rune group. No, it should be said that it attaches to the rune group after the caster activates it. During this process, the caster can observe the magic power, but cannot absorb it.

“If my judgment is correct, one of these three runes is used to guide magic power, one is to heat up, and the other is to stimulate.”

Aside from the magic power, the rune group is equivalent to a ‘technological black box’, and the caster can use it relatively conveniently, but almost knows nothing about the principles and knowledge it applies.

Adam tried to outline one of them individually, but to no avail, there must be some kind of knowledge between the three runes that connects them.

While thinking about it, Adam inspired the magic. The fireball looks the same as the magic item in Sam Aiden’s hand. Even the temperature is very similar. The difference is that the speed of self-activation is very fast. is instant.

The blazing fireball appeared out of thin air. Unlike the magic ring, Adam could control the fireball to a certain extent. For example, now, with the guidance of Adam’s spiritual power, the fireball floated up and down one meter in front of him.

“Sure enough, Adam has mastered magic.” Ophelia.

“Adam is amazing, I have to work hard.” Crystal.

“Damn! Damn! Damn!” William Alfred.

“So fast? Did we make the wrong choice?” Sam and the three.

Under the high temperature of 1,000 degrees Celsius, Adam’s body, which has not been baptized by magic, could not withstand it for a long time. At this time, the radiating spiritual power detected a high-energy reflection from the sea water in the southeast.

Adam controlled the fireball to shoot towards the coordinate point, and at the same time, 99% of the threads were running at full power, constantly building fireball techniques.

A water arrow is shot from the sea water, and it meets the fireball in mid-air. After the collision between the water and the fire, a huge steam is generated, and the magic collides with it. A large fish rushing out of the sea deals damage.

“Is this a monster?” Adam instantly retreated to the center of the deck. If the monster was attacking from the the position just now was too dangerous.

“Warcraft! Monsters are coming!” William’s end exploded instantly. After seeing the monster with his own eyes, his confidence in the power of organization and so-called unity dropped to freezing point. Even the organizer, William, couldn’t help telling the crowd. The center shrank, it was one thing to hear from his father, and another to actually see it, and now he was very doubtful about how long a few magic items and a group of trash could resist.

Especially when you see dark figures rising from the sea.

At this time, everyone understood the innumerable meanings of what Mage Black said. There were countless magical beasts floating around the Moldo Academy. They were mostly aquatic creatures, but they were much larger than their prototypes and were cold-blooded. The indifferent eyes of animals are more frightening than any tyrannical killing intent.

The only thing that comforted everyone was that the Moldo Academy did not slow down, and was still sailing towards the Mage Continent at the same speed, and any monsters who dared to stand in front of the ship were mercilessly crushed to pieces by the mysterious force.

Ophelia and Crystal moved closer to Adam. Adam ignored them. It was their freedom to stand where they liked, and it was their right not to help.

William is a character. After the initial panic, he forced himself to calm down, and began to issue orders loudly, and distributed the extra magic items in his hand to a few talented people. He must invest resources in blue-chip stocks, so as to be the fastest possible get profit.

The big fish that fired the water arrow opened its mouth and roared silently. Half of all the demon beasts rushed out of the sea, and they were ready to attack.

“Warcraft are not unreasonable creatures, they possess a certain level of intelligence, communicate using ultrasonic waves, and obey orders.”

“This is not good news.”

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