Mage Adam Chapter 156: Broken shell

“Stop you two! The most important thing now is to find out which filthy stink bug killed the female dragons, and then this egg…”


An ice and snow storm slammed into the face of Shuanglong, who wanted to preside over the overall situation, and he instantly lost his mind: “You two **** idiots!”

The way the dragons persuade the fight is not friendly at all. After finding that the two of them fought more and more fiercely, and even the dragon language magic spread to the side dragon, all the frost dragons present rushed up and directly pushed the two dragons to the ground, but they still It is considered reasonable, and they are careful to protect the last dragon egg from being broken.

The battle of these giant creatures can be described as the shaking of the earth. The whole mountain, including the cave, has been razed to the ground. After the dragons vented, they gasped and gasped for a blizzard to surround Okov in the center.

The frost dragon stood up again before, ignoring the wound with snow-white blood on his body, and said viciously: “Find who did it, then kill him, and destroy all those who have blood relations with him. , and then slaughter his race, the majesty of the dragon clan cannot be violated, the majesty of the frost dragon clan, the loss of the females and descendants of the frost dragon clan, must be repaid with a hundredfold life!”

Angres got up from the ground, pointed the dragon’s claw to Okov and the egg and said: “This egg is the only intact egg in the entire Neltharion Mountains. It must be a problem. It is better to smash it directly. Good.”

Okov roared, the ice wrapped the dragon egg, and then put it into the wings, his silver eyes were full of killing intent: “Angles, you are courting death!”

The frost dragons reassured Okov, then said to Angelis: “We are dragons, even young dragons are the most powerful and noble creatures in this world, and no one can do anything in a dragon’s egg hands and feet.”

All the dragons nodded their heads. They have this confidence. The dragon race is a race that stands at the top of the world. When they are adults, they have an extraordinary level. Their young sons are the strongest of all races, even if there is something dirty in the dragon eggs. Things will also be killed and eaten by young dragons.

As for whether extraordinary beings will enter the dragon eggs, they have never thought about this. After all, there are hundreds of frost dragons here. Which extraordinary being can hide the noses of so many dragons at the same time?


The frost dragons left the Neltharion Mountains and returned to the rest of the world. Although this incident made them angry, but with their lazy nature, the so-called pursuit and revenge would only be carried out near the territory. The slaughter is unavoidable, but to say that it will spread to the whole world, the dragon family has this ability, but it will not waste this kind of effort.

The same is true for Okov. He stopped and walked along the way. When he encountered something he didn’t like, he killed it as an enemy. When he found a treasure he liked, he casually named the enemy’s name and grabbed it. That’s it. Leisurely returned to his cave at the top of the Makalu Mountains.

“Welcome back, great master.” Outside the cave, Okov’s plundered slaves fell to their knees to greet him, and then one of the female humanoids crawled at his feet, slowly wading toward him. Report what happened in the territory after leaving.

Okov took out the frozen dragon egg. With a slight force on his claws, the frost shattered. He listened to the report absentmindedly, but he was a little hesitant in his heart. He snatched the egg back with a hot head, but he was a There is only a male dragon, and a male dragon has no obligation to raise heirs among the dragon clan. Even if he does not talk about obligations, there is no method for hatching dragon eggs in the inheritance he obtained.

The more he thought about it, the more irritable he became. He took a breath and blew all the slaves under his feet out of the cave. Then he supported the huge head and looked at the dragon egg floating in front of him, worried: “What should I do?” down and muttered: “Should you just crush it?”

As soon as the thought came up, it quickly took over his mind, but at the last second he kept his sanity: “No no no, no, this generation of female dragons is almost dead, and the next time I want to mate I can only wait until the little dragons grow up, which means that this egg may be my only child in the next few hundred years.”

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and let out a roar: “Lina!”

The previously blown slave immediately appeared in front of him: “Master, what are your orders?”

Okov flicked his fingers and flicked the dragon egg, which was half the size of the slave Lina’s body, into her arms. Lina stared blankly at the frost dragon.

“I don’t care what method you use, hatch it and I will give you and your tribe freedom. If it doesn’t hatch, you all die.”


Reincarnation is still in effect. After the genetic information of the native race has been compiled, it no longer has the intention of invading the original mother. Instead, it is more like a hidden escape magic. Adam does not dare to perceive the environment outside the eggshell. , can only hide in the egg, watching more than a hundred dragon souls kill each other until only ten are left.

From this, we can see the cruel nature of the dragons. In order to compete for the living space, these dragon souls are using the most violent means they can use to attack and bite the rest of the dragon souls. Once they are damaged, they will become food for others. .

Time flies fast. Without a reference, Adam can only record the time one second at a time. Five years have passed since the moment when the reincarnation was completed.

There are fewer and fewer dragon souls remaining, and each dragon soul is getting stronger and stronger. Adam feels that if he gives up parasitism and allows the last winner to be born, he may be able to create a genius among the frost dragons.

But apparently Adam wasn’t going to let this happen.


The female slave Lina stared blankly at the dragon egg tumbling in the boiling water of the wooden barrel in the room where she lived, and unconsciously added a fire energy stone to the magic stove in her hand.

Five years have At first, Master Okov would still care about the hatching of dragon eggs, but after the third year of master’s sleep, she never heard similar inquiries again. , she knew that the master of Okov must have forgotten the dragon egg, but she did not relax at all, but even more panic, because she knew that the next time the master woke up and asked, if the dragon egg still did not hatch successfully, she and her The tribe will die.

Lina never doubted the cruelty and domineering of the Dragon Race.

In the past five years, she has tried many methods to hatch eggs, including blood sacrifices, but the egg did not respond. Then she twitched her head, thinking that ordinary poultry eggs would hatch in a warm environment, so she burned them Opened a bucket of water and threw Frost Dragon’s egg into the boiling water.

“When will you break your shell? Please be born soon, please…”


Lina’s eyes widened sharply.


Lina covered her mouth with tears, and the egg finally cracked!

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