Mage Adam Chapter 141: Railgun (1)

“Obviously, Santa discovered the problem of this trial. The final battle is to give everyone the last chance. At this time, instead of looking for trouble, it is better to seize the last chance to plunder the points.” Lilith was the first after discovering the task. Time stopped the team, and said loudly to everyone.

Among the trial apprentices who aggressively came to trouble Adam, different voices began to emerge.

The mission issued by the Holy Tower has made it possible for apprentices who are still far from the merit points to pass the final moment. At this time, it becomes no longer important to find the mastermind behind the scenes. This is not only an ordinary trial apprentice. That’s what they think, even the elites in the war alliance.

In the process of exterminating the three major families before, some of the new mages who were picked by the devil were annoyed: “No one can humiliate us like this, humiliate the war alliance, no matter who he is, he must pay his dues. The price!”

Lilith persuaded bitterly: “The purpose of the war alliance is not to show off muscles, but to gather together to warm up and expand the results during the trial. The meaningless bravery will only consume the strength of the alliance in vain. Now that there are already We have an opportunity to earn huge merits in front of us, why do we do meaningless things? Besides, the person behind the scenes has never really attacked us from beginning to end.”

“Lilith, what do you mean? Are you accusing us of caring only about personal grievances?”

Lilith felt that one head and two were big, and the reason was simply unreasonable, and she was at a loss for words for a while.

And the few newly promoted mages saw Lilith speechless and thought that they had reached the point, and their faces suddenly became gloomy, and asked the other members of the alliance: “Do you think the same way?”

The crowd remained silent, expressing their attitude with silence.

One of the newly promoted Masters stepped forward and said, “In this case, we quit the alliance, and those who are willing to follow me can leave with us now.”

In the awkward silence, two people walked out of the team and stood with them. They were both apprentices who had obtained enough merit points, while the rest of them all watched the development in silence.

“Okay, very good, let’s go.” A total of five people, four newly promoted mages, and one alliance elite left the team and flew in the direction of Adam, leaving the remaining trial apprentices looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

After a while, someone approached Lilith and asked softly, “Lilith, I don’t understand, why don’t we deal with the mouse hiding in the dark first, and then go on the mission?”

Lilith sighed: “The sudden increase in power made them arrogant and arrogant, losing their previous wisdom.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t you understand? This trial has been out of our control from the very beginning, and it is also different from the previous trials we know about. Why does the mission of the Holy Tower come sooner rather than later? Time for trouble?” Lilith said with a sigh.

The people around them were stunned at the same time, and immediately took a few breaths. They just never thought about this aspect. After Lilith’s understanding, they also thought of the reason why the Holy Tower issued this mission: “Could it be that? , Santa thinks we may all be wiped out by the mastermind behind the scenes?”

“What a joke! How could we…”

Lilith spread her hands: “But it may be the case. The mission of Santa is not to help us, but to protect us.”


Above the wasteland, Adam left the laboratory and came to the ground to personally supervise the construction of the magic circle and the smelting of metals.

All the energy nodes in the outer ring’s magnetic field current conversion array have been filled with ether crystals by Adam, and the energy provided by the energy stone cannot support the consumption of the giant electromagnetic gun.

Adam stood before the smelting circle in the inner circle, and pressed both hands on the ground to send the magic power to the magic circle. Then the violent flames rose into the sky with the unbearable high temperature, and piled up into several hills of metal blocks At such a temperature, it rapidly dissolves into a liquid state.

The energy stones were smashed in batches, and the devil was so heartbroken that he couldn’t breathe, but he had to constantly instruct the infected body to replace it with new energy. I just hope that the smelting work can end soon.

The devil was out of sight and out of mind, so he turned his back to Adam and said, “Master, do you need to send an infected body to stop them?”

Adam did not leave the ground with his hands. Under his control, the liquid metal turned into dozens of huge cylinders with a length and width of one meter and a height of thirty meters. Hearing the words, he replied: “Well, then speed up the third generation. The spread of the virus, let them reach their strongest state as soon as possible, and they will soon be useless.”

The devil led the way and merged with Garfirs. At the same time, the infected bodies all over Ceylon began to enter the final stage of existence. They frantically began to attack everything that could be attacked around them, and then they began to face each other. Killing, devouring each other, the energy aura steadily increases with each chew, and after reaching the anti-mage apprentice level, the viral genes in their bodies begin to shatter collapsing and burning, providing the host with the last energy in this way.

The devil has already filled the road from the location of the apprentices to the laboratory with countless infected bodies. The five of them could barely see the front. Only the densely packed infected bodies launched suicidal attacks on them. Crazy attack.

Of course, this was not difficult for a few people, but it greatly delayed their speed and made them even more annoyed and irritable.

“These **** monsters!” The fire-type new mage roared, the rune brilliance was always on, and the platinum-colored fireballs were continuously emitted from the rune group in front of him, and the ultra-high temperature would make all those who touched it. The infected body burned to ashes.

“These monsters,” the other rookie mage looked calm, “seem a little anxious? I guess we’re getting close to the mouse in the dark.”

The fire mage held up the rune group with both hands. From a height of tens of meters above his head, a huge fireball condensed. The naked eye could clearly see the unidentified core burning in the center of the fireball. The meteorite generally smashed forward, and after the rolling fire and shock waves passed, the range of several hundred meters suddenly became empty.

“Karl, calm down, you have just been promoted, and there is not much magic in your soul. Using this magic will only consume your magic. These monsters are not worth doing.” Another newly promoted mage held hands with both hands. Elemental threads, like blades, swiped back and forth in front of him, and the infected bodies were torn apart.

“I know, **** it! But I can’t help it…”

At this moment, a large number of infected corpses gathered together indiscriminately to form a vague human-shaped monster, and a strange voice came from the monster’s mouth: “Quack! Master asked me to tell you that it is too late to leave now, Don’t blame him if you die.”

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