Mage Adam Chapter 12: Before departure

In addition to Adam, several others want to visit this bustling city. Compared with the southern harbor city, the Northland Cold Maple City is undoubtedly a rural town, and young people yearn for the flowery world.

The plan couldn’t keep up with the changes. Before they left, the gate of the Duke’s Mansion opened, and a group of people walked out.

The duke appeared to be a middle-aged man. He came to Mage Black to perform a standard noble etiquette, and greeted: “Dear Mage Black, welcome to your arrival.” Then he did it to the six apprentices. In a hug, he said, “You are welcome, too, little apprentices.”

Everyone returned their salutes. The duke laughed and led them to the duke’s mansion, and said, “Everyone came just in time, and the preparations for the dinner have just started. The rest of the mages and their apprentices have already arrived.” /

Mage Black smiled and said, “Oh? That’s not bad. It seems that I can leave early. I’ve been away from the Mage Continent for too long, and my body is a little tired.”

The Duke expressed regret: “In such a hurry? I still have many questions to ask.”

“No way, this time is different from the past, you know, the college is in a hurry…”

During the conversation, everyone came to the banquet hall. There were already many people sitting at a huge round table. Two men and a woman were sitting at the beginning and the end. , you are a little late.”

Mage Black greeted them one by one: “Mage Robert, Mage Jerome, and the beautiful Mage Erin, you must know that I am in charge of the far north, so naturally I am not as fast as you.”

Adam and the others bowed and saluted the three unfamiliar mages and took their seats. Apart from them, there were thirty-four apprentices, all of whom were about the same age, but they didn’t seem to be very friendly to Adam and his party?

The duke who reappeared was dressed in a bloated and gorgeous dress. He personally stood at the door and directed the servants to serve plates of food that were so exquisite that they could not bear to destroy. , and then the beautiful maid personally sobered up and brought it to the crowd.

Ophelia looked ugly and looked very embarrassed. Compared with the dinner at the Duke’s Palace, Earl Johnson’s reception was really not on the table.

Krystal and the three male apprentices were stunned. One of them was a commoner, and the other three were from minor nobles. In addition, living in the barren place of the Northland, they had never seen such luxury. banquet.

The duke announced the start of the banquet with a loud voice, and he himself walked up to the mages, and the apprentices were naturally served by the servants.


Sam Aiden couldn’t help the sound of swallowing in his throat.

Adam’s attention was not on the food. In the Northland, both nobles and commoners used oil lamps for lighting at night, but here Adam found that the lighting was similar to electric lamps, but he found no trace of the use of electricity.

“Is this the product of alchemy? The power of magic?” Adam was very curious, staring at the lamp non-stop.

When everyone was about to enjoy the food, a disgusting word came, which broke their mood: “Oh, why, have you never seen a dinner party of this size? No wonder, I heard that you are from the Northland? Do people live with beasts? Tsk tsk, what a pity, I have to eat more for a while, or there will be no chance in the future.”

The apprentices in the Northland angrily turned their heads to look at the speaker, and found that this was a young man with oily hair and flour, with his hair meticulously combed back, slowly fiddling with the food on the plate with knives and forks. He didn’t even raise his head, he looked extremely rude, he didn’t look at the apprentices in the north until he felt his gaze, and then mocked: “What’s wrong with everyone? Am I wrong? If so, I am willing to represent the civilized world. The nobles apologize to you.”

Sam Aiden suddenly stood up from his seat, mysteriously took out a glove from his arms, and said in an extremely angry tone: “Tell me your name, and then apologize immediately, or you will suffer Anger from the Aiden family.”

Youtou Fanmian still dismissed: “Did I say that? The Aiden family? Haha, I’ve never heard of it. Do you rely on your mouth to gain aristocratic status?”

The duke and the mages didn’t care about the conflict under their noses, they just said lightly, “Don’t break things.” They didn’t care.

Most of the rest of the apprentices are watching the play, especially waiting for the Northlanders to make a fool of themselves.

Sam Aiden waved his gloves and roared, “Tell me your name, coward, don’t you dare?”

Adam is a little puzzled. Maybe he has too few nobles in contact with him, but even Marshall and Dennis seem to have never done such a stupid act. Although Sam Eden and the others have a different attitude after hearing about their civilian status Indifferent, but not disrespectful after all, why is this person in front of him so stupid?

This time, even Ophelia couldn’t help but say: “Insulting a noble but not daring to name a duel, I never knew there were cowards like you among nobles.”

Sam Aiden got the solidarity from Ophelia, became more confident, and threw his gloves on his oily face: “Duel, cowards, only one of us will survive.”

After the gloves faded from the face, the oil-headed powder face could no longer maintain that mocking and provocative face, so he looked to his companions for help, but found that no one paid him any attention.

At this time, a young man with a temperament similar to Ophelia stood up and said, “Enough, Tom. I never knew when a commoner was qualified to represent a noble. Now, apologize, and sit down.”

Oil head noodles, oh no, Tom looked at the young man in disbelief and said, “No, Mr. William, I just want to teach this group of countrymen a lesson, you can’t do this, I…”

“William Alfred, this is the name of a young man, the son of the Duke, the most dazzling genius in the south, with excellent spiritual power and a soul tendency towards fire element affinity.” Mage Irene took a sip. Afterwards the wine said, “Congratulations, Duke Alfred, your son has a better talent than you, and there is a high possibility that a formal mage will appear in the Alfred family.”

The duke smiled and was obviously very satisfied with his son, but he still said: “You have won the prize, William still has a lot to learn.”

Mage Irene didn’t care, and asked several companions, “How about you? Have you found any good seedlings?”

Robert Mage in charge of the west complained: “This time is too rushed, and it is impossible to organize a larger-scale test. The apprentice qualifications I brought are all ordinary, and only one shows a weak curse affinity.”

The rest of the mages expressed their regrets to him. Since the success of the mages revolution, most of the curse spells have been invalid, and the curse affinity is really a narrow path of development.

Master Jerome, who is in charge of the east, said: “The east is not bad. There are a few people with excellent spiritual qualifications. A commoner apprentice named Quentin has the talent of life affinity.”

“What about you, Blake, the northern land is barren and you don’t think you can get much?”

The mages over there are talking, and here, the conflict between the apprentices is not over.

Ophelia could easily see William Alfred’s thoughts. First, he let his companions provocation, and when he saw his companions couldn’t hold up the scene, he came out to smooth the scene. How could it be so cheap. Soldier to soldier, general to general, Ophelia stood up and said, “When can a commoner insult a nobleman with just an apology? Is this a southern rule? Now that Sam has launched a duel, this commoner will either Accept and either compensate Sam enough to pay for his life, or become his slave.”

Tom was completely frightened and trembled for help: “Mr. William, please, I can’t…”

William ignored him. People always pay for their stupidity. If it weren’t for this occasion, if he wasn’t from the South, William would be happy to see him unlucky.

“This beautiful lady, am I fortunate enough to know your name?” William asked Ophelia, bowing gently Ophelia Johnson. “

“I’ve heard your name, Valkyrie of the North, it’s an honor to meet you.” He took a ring from his hand and placed it in front of Ophelia, “This is a A magic item that stores a level-zero magic fireball, which I think is enough to make up for Tom’s fault.”


The sound of a gurgling air rang out. Even Ophelia and Sam didn’t expect William to come up with such a thing as compensation.

The apprentices who have just seen the magic of the mage have zero resistance to being able to have a magic item right away. Sam ‘forgave’ the rudeness of the commoner in an instant and asked Ophelia. The eyes nodded again and again.

William smiled and said, “Then, the deal is done.”

Sam excitedly picked up the ring. After struggling countless times within a few seconds, he reluctantly handed the ring to Ophelia: “Miss Ophelia, I think this ring should belong to you. .”

Although Ophelia was also eager, she had no intention of taking the ring as her own, so she shook her head and stopped talking.

A conflict ended, and Mage Black said at this time: “In this way, my luck is not bad, although only six apprentices were recruited, but three of them have soul tendencies, and Ophelia is talented in body refining. Amazing, another girl has the same talent as me, the last one is amazing, as for talent, I can’t see it through.”

The mages congratulated him. After returning to the academy, the dean will pay him according to the number of talents recruited, but it is better than nothing.

But Duke Alfred took these words to heart.


Excessive chapters……

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