Made by God Chapter 90:, the fastest update of the latest chapters of God made!

Qi Ze now needs a weapon in hand. After a few days of observation, he learned: Those monsters not only possess demons, but also very powerful in speed, power, and defense. They can evade the attacking shells in a flash, and they can also shred a mecha with their bare hands. Green The skin is tougher than superalloy, and it is not easy to kill them.

Most of the Kurts will be killed when they encounter a monster, even many abilities are no exception. On the contrary, it is cheaper for the physicists to deal with them, so they become the main group to kill monsters. The situation has been so bad that even more desperate changes have occurred one after another. Those monsters not only have super-powerful physical attacks, but if they are infected by supernatural beings, they will retain their original realm and abilities. This is simply a nightmare.

They occupied the entire continent in just two or three days, and even jumped into the sea and swam to other continents. Sooner or later, they will conquer this planet.

The capital star of the Kurt Empire has been completely shut down. The army dare not bombard the city on a large scale to prevent accidentally killing the survivors. They can only send marines and mech troops into the streets to rescue. But in every street battle, the Kurt Empire’s army failed to win, but suffered heavy losses. This country is being eaten away, and the situation will only get worse every day.

If you want to destroy that kind of monster, there is no way to rely on spells, you have to rely on pure physical power. Qi Ze lowered his head and looked at his little arms and calves, his expression was a little hard to say. The embarrassment of the refiner is here. Fighting skills and treasures are not afraid, but it is difficult to cope with hand-to-hand combat.

We still have to build a handy weapon, and we must specifically restrain this monster. He thought as he walked, and stopped when he came to the densest place with monsters, hiding in the corner with the cover of his vestments.

This kind of monster is very killing, whether it is of the same kind or a different kind, as long as it is alive and can breathe, it will pounce on it when it sees it. Unless there is a higher level in the same kind to frighten, it will never stop. At this time, several monsters were fighting together, and one of them was victorious, swallowing the heart and brain of the same kind, and then quickly ran away. When it was running, its tail became longer and thicker than twice, and the bone spurs at the top secreted a black venom, dripping all the way.

Qi Ze waited for a moment, and saw that there was no movement around him before going out, converging the broken limbs scattered on the ground, and putting them into a universe ring. He walked all the way to harvest, seeing the sky completely darkened before returning to the villa. Casio still held the big urn to instill abilities, his face was pale and ugly.

“My dear, you are finally back!” He caught a glimpse of Qi Ze walking into the living room, and he cried out like an amnesty, “Hurry up and take a look. This little monster is growing too fast. The urn can’t hold it anymore!” The original football-sized meat ball is now full of the urn, and the delicate tentacles leaned toward the urn, but they were blocked by an invisible energy membrane, which was a little compressed and deformed. It squeaked, obviously very hungry. More precisely, there is no time when he is not hungry. From the day it hatched, there were only two ideas in its mind, one was swallowing, and the other was becoming stronger.

This characteristic is very similar to the gluttonous animal, which is one of the reasons why Qi Ze is interested in it.

“Stop calling, I’ll give you a new home.” Qi Ze took the big urn, his tone a little bit pampered.

Casio glanced at him secretly, his expression difficult to express. He didn’t know whether it was his own aesthetic problem or Qi Ze’s aesthetic problem. The other party seemed to like this little monster very much, and raised him like his own child. Isn’t it too spicy?

Qi Ze took out a bigger urn, dripped a drop of blood into it, and poured venom into it, then put the meat ball in. The meat ball made a cheerful cry, and the little tentacles murmured agitated, and instantly absorbed the venom.

“Oh my God, are you going to cut it again, are you? You lied to me! You must not be a manufacturer, but an evil biochemist!” Casio started out with a terrible voice. You don’t need to look at him to know what Qi Ze is doing. Every time, when this meat ball is full of venom, he will use a knife to cut its tentacles and split it into many new meat **** to create a game. Fight. After the fight, the volume of the meat ball will often expand several times, and the picture is really disgusting!

But Qi Ze didn’t feel sick. For him, no matter what the refining is, the process is interesting. After severing the tentacles of the meat ball, he poured all the broken limbs and bones in the Universe Ring into the big urn. The new meat ball immediately stopped fighting and rushed towards these fresh and delicious food.

When he saw the remains of the monster, Casio couldn’t sit still, and found that Qi Ze actually used this thing to feed the bugs, he almost ran out desperately. It’s so evil! This is really evil!

“Hold this urn and enter the power into it.” Qi Ze didn’t understand the prince’s feelings at all, and could not help but put the big urn into his arms.

“No, no, no, I really can’t do it!” Casio refused bitterly.

“Then you take off your mask and robe and go out alone.” Qi Ze looked at him condescendingly, “Do you know how those monsters came? Don’t you know? Waiting for you to be taken to Dr. Cullen’s laboratory You can see it for yourself.”

Casio, who kept shaking his head, immediately hugged the big urn and tremblingly said, “Okay, okay, I will help you raise it. Compared to those monsters, your little meatball is more cute.”

Only then did Qi Ze show a satisfied expression, and exhorted, “Hold it to sleep tonight. You are already a 4S-level ability player. Can you run your ability while sleeping?”

“Yes.” Casio wanted to cry without tears. He personally felt that Qi Ze’s evil degree must be comparable to that of Dr. Cullen.

“Very good.” Qi Ze walked into the bedroom without turning his head back, “After nurturing the small gluttonous food, it can save your life. You will thank it then.”

Casio didn’t believe this at all, just holding the urn stiffly, not daring to look inside.

Qi Ze closed the door tightly and opened the portable space, took out a blue tripod, threw in the fragments left by the explosion of the fairy gu collected on planet ME219, and drew a pure demon with his left hand. Qi, the right hand draws a pure fire element, and the two hands are put together and rubbed slightly, and a black flame is merged.

This strange fire is cold and biting, but it can burn all things, and it will soon turn the green cauldron into crimson. The fragments left by the Immortal Gu weighed millions of tons, piece by piece could occupy a large city, but it was swallowed by Qingding effortlessly. The sizzling sound made during refining rang all night, the next morning, when the fire was extinguished, and the Qingding cauldron cooled, Qi Ze reached in and took out a lump of soft sticky substance. Before it became cold and hardened, he immediately kneaded it into one. The long knife, the blade and the handle are all in rudiments, and the blade is not sharpened.

The power of the refining device is not at a moment when Qi Ze soaks the semi-finished product in an energy liquid with a purity of 100% before going out.

“How about the little meat ball?” He took out a nutrient from the Qiankun bag and threw it to Casio, who had black eyes.

“Well, I seem to be growing up again,” Casio said with a pained expression. “In another hour, you will have to change it to a bigger container. I have to give you a piece of advice. If you want to raise it It must find the largest container in the world for it. I doubt it will continue to grow for a day without stopping.”

“Don’t doubt, its habit is like this, it will always grow.” Qi Ze smiled and announced a bad news.

Casio collapsed on the sofa instantly.

After the two had eaten breakfast, one continued to offer meat balls, and the other took out a semi-finished long knife, polished it carefully, and engraved prohibitions, spiritual words, and magic circles. Two days later, the food in the villa and the space button were all eaten, and the two people put away the heavy arrays outside the courtyard, preparing to find another place to live.

“My dear, your robe can hide your figure and smell, why not find an airship to leave here? No matter where you are, I believe you will have a good life. No matter how evil, Dr. Cullen can match Are you?” Casio accidentally told the truth.

Qi Ze looked straight ahead and said, “If you have grudges, do not avenge non-gentlemen, have you heard this sentence?”

“I don’t know much about the culture of the Chinese Empire.” Casio scratched his head embarrassedly.

“Meaning: If you have a vengeance with someone, you must pay it back, or you will be a gentleman. I can leave, but how can I avenge the vengeance that Dr. Cullen intends to kill me? This vengeance cannot be over, and I will never let it go. Looking at Casio, he said coldly, “I have to kill the space superpower and Cullen, do you understand?”

“Understand, understand!” Casio frowned, and secretly warned himself that he must not provoke Qi Ze.

The two walked several blocks, but no food was found. The shops along the street had already been raided by survivors, and the army moved a large amount of supplies in time. If the scattered survivors want to survive, they must go to a safe base established by the government. The Sky Eye system throughout the city is constantly playing notifications, telling the survivors which bases are nearby and which routes are the safest to walk.

“Should we act alone or go to the base?” Casio hesitated.

“Let’s watch while walking.” Those monsters kill them and will naturally go to places with many people. Although Qi Ze is unwilling to join the base, he intends to walk along the way to search for more food for the meatball.

The two found a shop to rest, and just sat down, before they had time to set up a defensive array, the metal gate was removed. A sturdy, well-looking man walked in, followed by five or six people. .

“Who are you? What do you want to do?” Casio immediately stood up and stood in front of Qi Ze, but did not dare to use the dark power. He is now a piece of fat, and as long as the monsters smell a little dark element, they will swarm in and tear him into pieces.

“Hey hey hey, don’t get excited. We just want to find a place to rest.” The man put the removed door back, and squashed the door shaft and lock with his palm. In this way, the door cannot be opened from the inside or outside unless it is removed directly.

“Yes! This shop sells jewelry. The door panels are very thick and the security measures are good, otherwise we won’t come in and disturb.” The teenager standing behind the strong man explained further. The others found a place far away from Qi Ze and sat down, with a vigilant look on their faces.

“Are you a 2S-class gymnast?” Casio stared at the strong man.

“What’s your business? You don’t want to rely on us?” Before the man could speak, a beautiful woman rushed over. She seemed to be worried about adding two more people to the team, pulling the man and saying, “Feng, they are both ordinary people, you must not take them in. God knows when we will be dragged down to death, they are useless at all!”

“Miss, I didn’t ask you to take it in, you are more worried.” Following Qi Ze, Casio didn’t know how safe it was. Where would he go with these people of unknown origin? If it wasn’t for a man who was a rare high-level physical practitioner, he wouldn’t ask that much.

Feng is a person with a bold personality, waving his hand, “Since I have the ability, it doesn’t hurt to bring two more people. Are you going to go to the nearest safe base? Everyone is on the way.”

“No, no, let’s go by ourselves.” Casio wanted to refuse, and when he saw the two nutrient pills taken out from the space button, his voice was immediately muted, “Thank you, we really need food.” His cheeks I took the nutrient hotly, not to mention going on the road alone.

The woman who came to stop was so angry that she could not refute Feng, so she sat back angrily. Immediately two men gathered around to comfort them, and looked down upon the new member very much. They are either supernatural beings or physical skills, even if they can’t fight, they can play a big role in life, naturally repelling ordinary people to join.

It doesn’t matter who Qi Ze goes with. After thanking Feng, he summoned Casio and said, “I will give you my nutrient solution, and you can hold me a small ball.” The words were all around him without a trace. An isolation circle was set up to prevent the smell of the dark elements from leaking out.

“Also, hold it?” Casio had to admit that the biggest reason for joining this team was not for food, but to avoid feeding the meatball. Such an evil monster, Qi Ze can’t take it out in broad daylight, but he didn’t expect that the other party didn’t care about the eyes of others at all.

“Drink your nutrient by yourself, I will help you hug him.” Casio pushed the nutrient away and accepted the big urn that Qi Ze took out of Qiankun’s bag. Although he is an expensive prince, his conduct is very good, and he does not have the stinks of a privileged class.

Qi Ze is already able to bigu. It doesn’t matter whether he eats or not, but he still receives this kindness. He put the nutrient in the universe bag and stored it for Casio. The two sat down side by side, one holding the big urn to input power, the other took out a long knife to polish it.

Feng was very interested in that big jar, but he just glanced at it and didn’t ask much. He pointed to his team members and introduced them one by one, “This is Ann, my brother, who is also a physicist. This is William, the water system supernatural player. If you have him, you are not afraid of running out of water. This is Alan, Jin. Those with supernatural powers can reinforce the house for us. This is Sanchez, a superb fireman, lighting, boiling water, and cooking, all depends on him. This is Lily, a superb healing power. You can find her if you are injured. “

Lily was the woman who protested just now. She snorted and made up her mind not to waste her powers on two ordinary people who are bound to die. Alan and Sanchez are her admirers, their attitudes are neither lukewarm nor hot, only a little nodded. Ann and William said “Welcome” sincerely, and laughed at themselves, “In the past, the supernatural beings were the pride of heaven and could get the best treatment. But now, in addition to helping Feng a little bit in life, , In fact, it is also a bunch of cumbersome.”

“Who said I was a cumbersome? You would have died hundreds of times without me.” Lily said proudly.

“Of course, Lily is the treasure of our team.” Allen pleased.

Sanchez said with displeasure, “Feng, let me say it first. Since you recruited these two people, you are responsible for their safety. We will not be their babysitter.”

“We don’t need anyone to be responsible for us.” Casio immediately helped Feng out. He was frustrated to find that his abilities were the most useless, not only were they useless in life, but they also raised the monsters stronger. Even if he disclosed the identity of the ability person, I am afraid he would not be accepted, but even more disgusted.

Seeing Casio seemed sad, Feng Rousheng comforted, “Don’t worry, I will send you to the base safely. I belong to the first detachment of the Marine Corps, and I was ordered to search and rescue the survivors. You were originally my responsibility.”

“What about your team members?” Casio looked around and didn’t think Lily would be a soldier. Compared with Feng, they are too far behind.

Feng’s eye sockets were slightly red, and he said a little bit, “They all sacrificed, but please rest assured, as long as there is one person left in our first team, we will definitely complete this mission. You guys have a good rest. The journey is not easy.”

Casio’s nose is sour when he thinks of the guards and mech forces that he sacrificed for himself. He has no ambition, so he has always stayed away from fighting. This incident is the greatest disaster in his life, and it also made him understand what the royal family’s responsibility is.

Be sure to kill the space superpower and Dr. Cullen, definitely! He gritted his teeth secretly, and the dark elements input into the urn increased unconsciously, which made the meat ball let out a cheerful cry.

“What is it?” Lily walked over quickly, looked into the urn without permission, and then screamed, “Oh my God, what is this? It’s disgusting!”

“A little pet, if you are sick, stay away.” Qi Ze said casually while carving the blade.

“I have never seen such a disgusting pet! Where did you get it? I warn you, if you still want to follow us, immediately throw it away! I don’t want to see it at first glance!” Lily called hysterically After being reprimanded by Feng, he barely shut his mouth, his face flushed with anger, and he frequently covered his mouth and retched.

“This team belongs to Feng, not yours. You have no right to expel anyone. If you can’t stand it, then please leave.” Casio was very disgusted with Lily’s acrimonious character.

“I am a healer, if I go, all of you will die! Feng, who do you say should go and who should stay?” Lily asked hard.

“Feng, you have to think clearly.” Allen warned vaguely.

“Shut up! We do need healers. That’s right, but I don’t think you deserve to die without Lily. If you can’t stand the new members, then go. I will leave you one. A speeding car and some food. I am a soldier and I am responsible for rescuing the survivors, but when the survivors do not cooperate, I am not obligated to cry and cry and beg you to obey my arrangements.” Feng looked at Ann, Ann immediately took out a bag of food with a relaxed and relieved expression. He had been fed up with Lily’s gang a long time ago! If the joining of two new members can change them to leave, this is really a great thing!

Lily refused to accept the bag for a long time, her face turned red and green for a while, very ugly. Her ability is indeed very applicable, but the force value is negative; Alan and Sanchez are not as good as Feng together. Teaming up with them is insecure. Maybe they will be torn to pieces by monsters when they go out. .

“Sorry Feng, I will speak nonsense only when I am scared, please don’t care about me.” She waved her hand and smiled forcefully, “I follow your arrangements.”

“Are you really not leaving? Really?” Ann asked her repeatedly.

“Yes, we are a collective, no one can abandon anyone.” Lily said beautifully.

“Okay, then.” Ann took back the food, looking very regretful. William also sighed and murmured, “Why don’t you leave? What a pity!”

The two did not cover up at all, making Lily embarrassed and angry, but unable to vent. When Casio saw this scene, his bad mood improved, and when he went to see the meat ball, he didn’t feel sick anymore, but started feeding seriously.

Qi Ze didn’t give Lily a straight eye from beginning to end, only concentrated on polishing the long knife in his hand. Feng Ruo thought, but didn’t ask much. Their biggest enemies are those monsters, not their compatriots. Even if they have doubts, they can wait until the disaster is over. But in any case, these two people are by no means ordinary people. They walked all the way, their shoes did not get dusty, and their clothes did not get dusty. They couldn’t do it without any real ability.

The group of people went on the road like this. Since all the survivors went to the base, the monsters followed. It is safer in the deserted city. Several people marched all the way, but did not meet the high-level monsters, and the low-level monsters can always be killed smoothly with Feng Hean’s tacit cooperation. At this time, Qi Ze would pick up the monster’s corpse and throw it at the meat ball for a meal. The meat ball’s house has long been replaced by a container with spatial attributes. There is something in it.

Lily was very disgusted with Meatball. After hearing Casio said that it could kill monsters one day, she mocked and attacked with all kinds of vicious words, making Casio too embarrassed to look up. But he has long been used to feeding the meat ball with abilities, and he still holds it every day, even sleeping.

Qi Ze’s long knife has been polished, it is smelted once back to the furnace, and the spirit is sacrificed, attached to the spirit, mixed with his own essence and blood, and then it can be used.

On this day, the team finally walked out of the city center and was one step closer to the safe base, but their luck seemed to have run out. On the ruins not far away, one head had double horns and bone spurs on the back. The high-level monster with the thick and long tail was standing there, and his icy eyes stared at the two speed cars, then bounced up and landed on the speed car where Lily was.

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