Luoyang Brocade Chapter 86: Nature

The King of Yan, dressed in scarlet robes and brocade robes, sat alone in front of a spacious pear wood round table that could accommodate a dozen people.

Behind him, there were five or six more guards at some point. These guards were only on the surface, and there were at least dozens of guards secretly accompanying King Yan to protect him.

The table was covered with dishes, and at a glance, there were at least twenty dishes.

The King of Yan is very picky about his food. He usually only tastes one bite of each dish. If he is willing to take a second bite, it is enough to prove that the dish is very delicious.

After King Yan finished his lunch, the dishes on the table looked almost untouched.

The door was pushed open.

Eunuch Xi walked in with an attentive smile, nodded and bowed and reported: “Your Highness, I have sent His Highness’s name card to Miss Ling Jiu.”

King Yan raised his eyebrows: “Oh? Then what was her reaction?”


Abandon it like a piece of shit!

He even ridiculed the slave mercilessly! If it hadn’t been for someone else’s help in picking up the invitation in the end, I wouldn’t have been able to make the grade today!

Grandpa Xi was filled with bitterness, blood and tears, but he did not dare to say even a single word. He smiled exaggeratedly and said: “Miss Lingjiu was flattered and almost burst into tears with joy. He respectfully accepted the invitation and said a lot of words of gratitude. , and also said that he would come to express his gratitude in person…”

“Then why didn’t she come?” King Yan interrupted Eunuch Xi with a half-smile.

Eunuch Xi’s smile froze, then returned to normal, and continued to bend down to apologize: “I boldly took over for Your Highness, and did not let Miss Lingjiu come over. I made my own decision, please forgive me!”

The King of Yan glanced at Eunuch Xi sideways and said in a lazy tone, with no hint of emotion or anger: “Xiao Xizi, you have been with me for two years, right?”

Eunuch Xi couldn’t figure out the purpose of King Yan’s question for a while. He answered yes tremblingly.

“I have always known that you are arrogant and domineering.”

His Royal Highness King Yan’s light words caused Eunuch Xi’s complexion to change, and he knelt down with a plop: “I don’t dare, Your Highness, please spare my life!”

King Yan twitched his lips and his voice became colder: “You just rely on my majesty to show off your power, that’s all. After all, you are my king’s person. Going out also represents my king’s face. It is your skill to make people afraid. I will not be angry with you for this. However, you should never fool me by treating me as a fool!”

“Miss Ling Jiu didn’t even kowtow to me just now. She is sharp-tongued and does not fall behind in the slightest. You are just a servant, with her proud character, how can she put you in her eyes.”

“What you are flattered about and what brings tears to your eyes are all just made up by you to deceive me!”

Last sentence. Along with a sneer, there was a bit of anger.

Eunuch Xi was so frightened that his whole body trembled, and he kowtowed repeatedly and begged for mercy: “Your Highness is naturally wise, with eyes as bright as a torch. This servant has been fooled by ambition. He dared to lie to His Highness. I have served His Highness for two years, with no credit but hard work. Please. Your Highness, please be merciful and spare this humble life of this slave…”

While crying bitterly. While kowtowing heavily. Each kowtow hit the solid floor, very quickly. My forehead became red and swollen.

Looking embarrassed and pitiful.

But King Yan remained unmoved.

These chamberlains all came from the palace. They are all talented people, and they are good at bullying others. If the master does not have some sharp and ruthless skills, not only will he not be able to control it, but he will be deceived by the slave.

He is usually too lazy to think about it. If he really wants to fall out, it’s just a matter of words.


Eunuch Xi’s forehead was **** and painful. But this pain was nothing compared to the chill that kept rising in my heart.

It’s over!

His momentary arrogance and carelessness had already left a bad impression of being domineering and arrogant in King Yan’s heart. The errand was not done well, and he was caught in the act of lying and cheating… any one of them was a capital crime.

The chamberlains are all slaves of the emperor. They are sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to serve the princes and princesses, and they can only live by relying on their masters. The master would not easily punish the guards. Even if the guards made mistakes, most of them would be spared their lives. But the chamberlain was different. He was beaten to death with a stick, and a straw mat was thrown into a mass grave without even a grave.

Everyone admired and admired him when he was in glory, but he made his master unhappy, and he fell from the clouds into the quagmire overnight.

He has served King Yan for two years and can be considered a useful person around King Yan. Recently, I have been a little carefree, acting and speaking a little more boldly, but I didn’t expect that I had already made King Yan unhappy…

What happened today is just an introduction.

After thinking about this, Eunuch Xi was so frightened that he almost despaired.

The King of Yan has always presented himself as a dandy. I often go in and out of the outer city. I walk around Nanshi for half a day with a birdcage in my hand. I have a private room in Dingxiang Tower and I always come here once or twice a month. King Yan can be seen in the most famous teahouses, theaters and brothels.

He is the most noble dandy in the capital.

Queen Xu doted on her young son, and the emperor also favored him, turning a blind eye to these ridiculous behaviors. Occasionally if it goes too far, it’s just a painless scolding.

The King of Yan became more and more unscrupulous.

Only those who serve closely can get a glimpse of King Yan’s true face.

His Royal Highness, King Yan, may seem to be acting absurdly, but in reality he has deep thoughts. No one could figure out what was going on in his mind. He usually has a good temper and is not harsh at all. Once he turns against him, he is resolute and cold-blooded.

Eunuch Xi kowtowed hard, the blood on his forehead flowed down, mixed with tears and runny nose, and he no longer looked arrogant at all. King Yan finally spoke: “Don’t kowtow and beg for mercy. Tell me exactly what happened just now. Tell me honestly. If even half a word is false, just wait for someone to collect your body. ”

How could Eunuch Xi dare to lie again? He spoke out everything that had happened before in the fastest and most eloquent way in his life.

Being able to be reused by King Yan, Eunuch Xi certainly has some merits. He is smooth-talking and good at imitating people’s manners and speech. He perfectly imitated Ling Jingshu’s indifferent tone with a hint of disdain: “…I never meant to deceive His Highness intentionally. It was just His Highness’s kind words, but Miss Ling Jiu didn’t appreciate it. I felt really sorry for His Highness.” . In the end, it was Miss Ling Ba who accepted the famous invitation. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will not be able to handle the errands assigned by His Highness today.”

“I was afraid that His Highness would be unhappy if I told the truth. So I boldly told a few lies. I just hope that His Highness will feel better, and I have no intention of deceiving His Highness…”

Eunuch Xi burst into tears when he spoke, and was very emotional.

But King Yan listened indifferently and looked out through the window. (To be continued.)

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