Luoyang Brocade Chapter 262: Ruilian

The person who came to Ling Mansion to take Ling Jingshu into the palace was the female official of Jiaofang Palace.

This female official is about 20 years old, with a slender figure and a delicate appearance. Even when she wasn’t smiling, she seemed to be smiling. When she saw Ling Jingshu, she took her hand affectionately and said, “Miss Ling, my name is Ruilian. The Queen has specially asked me to take you into the palace.”

Ling Jingshu had been in and out of Jiaofang Palace three times, and was quite impressed by Ruilian’s face. She knew that this was Empress Xu’s confidant, so she couldn’t neglect it. She hurriedly smiled and said: “From now on, we will all work for the Empress.” , Sister Ruilian can just call me Ah Shu.”

Ruilian pursed her lips and smiled, and responded generously: “That’s fine. I’m a few years older than you, so I responded shamelessly to Sister Ruilian.” After a pause, she added: “There are many rules in the palace. I’ll talk to you in detail when I get on the carriage later.”

Ling Jingshu thanked everyone with a smile, then formally said goodbye to everyone, and got into the carriage with Ruilian.

The carriage gradually moved away, turned a corner, and quickly disappeared.

Ling Xiao held back the tears that fell from the corners of his eyes for a long time.

Ling Ji sighed softly and patted Ling Xiao on the shoulder: “Ah Xiao, don’t be too sad. Ah Shu is smart and smart, and she is favored by the Queen. After entering the Jiao Fang Palace, she will definitely be able to You will quickly win the favor of your empress, there will be nothing wrong with you.”

I hope so!

Ling Xiao wiped his tears with his sleeve and sighed.

Ling Ji smiled and encouraged again: “You promised Ah Shu that you must study hard and be admitted to the Imperial College as soon as possible. There is still more than a month left before the examination, so you have to study hard.”

“My cousin reminded me.” Ling Xiao nodded vigorously: “I will go back home to study.”

Ling Wuye rarely showed the kindness of a father: “Axiao, I will accompany you to review. If there is anything you don’t know, just ask me.”

Ling Wuye Haolai also had a Juren background, and was quite accomplished in classics, history, policy and essays. It’s just that in recent years, I like to write poems and songs, and rarely read or write seriously.

Ling Xiao’s affection for his father was very limited, and he responded calmly when he heard this, without showing any expression of gratitude.

Ling Wuye felt a little unhappy. Then he thought about it, Ling Xiao and Ling Jingshu were deeply in love with each other, and this was the first time in so many years that they were separated. It was inevitable for Ling Xiao to be in a bad mood.

As a father, how could he argue with his son?

Thinking of this, the unhappiness in Master Ling’s heart quickly faded away.


“There are more than fifty chamberlains in Jiaofang Palace, and the number of palace maids is slightly larger, eighty in total. The chief chamberlain’s surname is Sun, and he is in charge of all chamberlains. When you see him in the future, just call him Eunuch Sun. Eunuch Sun is responsible for all the external affairs in Jiaofang Palace. As for the affairs in Jiaofang Palace, several female officials are in charge of them.”

As expected, Ruilian did not break her promise. After getting on the carriage, she told Ling Jingshu in detail about the personnel in Jiaofang Palace.

“There are five female officials in Jiaofang Palace, and each female official is in charge of more than a dozen maids. Everyone has their own division of labor and performs their duties.”

“Yao Huang is in charge of the food and refreshments in Jiaofang Hall, Xuesu is in charge of sewing and clothing, and Luoyan is in charge of duty and vigil in various places in Jiaofang Hall.”

“Qiu Shuang has the most maids under her, and she also does the heaviest work. She is responsible for the cleaning and cleaning of all the rooms in Jiaofang Palace, as well as the warehouse.”

In other words, Queen Xu alone has more than a hundred people waiting for her!

Ling Jingshu silently wrote down these, and asked with a tentative smile: “I wonder what sister Ruilian is responsible for?”

Ruilian smiled slightly: “The Queen is in charge of the affairs of the Sixth Palace, so she rarely has people running errands and delivering messages. I am not qualified enough to do anything else, so these trivial tasks of running errands and delivering messages are left to me.”

This is obviously a self-effacing statement.

Being able to deliver oral instructions to various palaces on behalf of Empress Xu clearly shows the respect and trust that Empress Xu has for Ruilian. Among the several female officials, Ruilian’s status was undoubtedly the highest.

If you want to quickly gain a foothold in Jiaofang Palace, you must not offend Ruilian in front of you.

“Sister Ruilian is so self-effacing.”

Ling Jingshu’s eyes were full of admiration: “This job represents the Queen’s face. If the Queen hadn’t trusted her so much, I would never have given such an important job to my sister. I am young and ignorant, and I will not be able to do it in the future. Please give me more advice, Sister Ruilian. This will prevent me from accidentally doing something wrong and making my queen unhappy.”

When Ruilian walks around the palace on weekdays, there are many people who flatter and please her, but she will never open her heart after hearing a few words of flattery. Hearing this, he pursed his lips and smiled and said: “From now on, we will all work as servants by your side. We will meet every day and stay with you day and night. Don’t say these polite words.”

“I just took advantage of my early years. With your intelligence and intelligence, given time, you will definitely be far better than me.”

Ruilian said and smiled kindly: “The ladies-in-waiting in the Jiaofang Palace are only selected every three years. You are favored by the Queen, and she was specially summoned to the palace to accompany you. Your status The status is different from ours.”

Ling Jingshu immediately showed the humility and respect of a latecomer: “Sister Ruilian said this, I am really scared.”

“It is really unexpected for me to win the favor of the Empress. Being lucky enough to work in the palace is the favor of the Empress, and it is also a blessing from my previous life. The situation in the palace is unfamiliar to me. I am at a loss and don’t understand anything. I will ask Sister Ruilian for advice on everything from now on. I will always follow my sister’s lead.”

He is indeed a smart man with raised eyebrows and wide eyes.

In such a short period of time, he judged her status in Jiaofang Palace and showed his respect and sincerity for her “senior”.

With her care, Ling Jingshu was able to quickly get to know the personnel in Jiaofang Palace and quickly establish a foothold.

In this way, there is no need to fear Yao, Huang Qiushuang and the others.

A hint of understanding smile flashed in Ruilian’s eyes However, she did not express her position immediately. She just smiled and said: “This is unacceptable. From now on, we will work together at the Queen’s side, and we will mention each other if anything happens. It’s natural to click on it. I can’t afford to give you any advice.”

Ling Jingshu didn’t expect to be friends with Ruilian in just a short while.

What you did just now was just to show your sincerity and submission. It can also be regarded as respect for the seniors.

As long as Ruilian doesn’t deliberately make things difficult for her or secretly stumble her, this step will be considered the right one.

The two chatted and laughed all the way. When they arrived at the palace gate, as soon as Ruilian showed up, the guard guarding the gate didn’t even look at his waistband, so he smiled and said: “It turns out to be Miss Ruilian, hurry up and open the palace gate. .”

Working as an errand in the palace, who doesn’t know that Ruilian is the most proud female official around Queen Xu?

Ruilian thanked her with a smile, turned around and greeted Ling Jingshu: “Come in with me!”

Ling Jingshu responded and followed silently. (To be continued.)

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