Luoyang Brocade Chapter 161: Invitation?

Finally, half an hour passed.

Physician Wei quickly pulled out the golden needle for Ling Xiao. Tiandong skillfully took over the golden needle and cleaned it.

After all the golden needles were pulled out, Ling Xiao’s face was covered in cold sweat again.

Ling Jingshu looked distressed and didn’t care about the embarrassment of being teased by Jiang’s Ling Jingyan. She hurriedly stepped forward and wiped Ling Xiao’s forehead with a clean handkerchief.

“Axiao, how do you feel now?” Ling Jingshu asked softly: “Does your head still hurt?”

After every acupuncture, the feeling of soreness, swelling and pain will last for a while. This time is certainly no exception.

Ling Xiao cheered up and smiled: “Now I can move my head, which is much better than before.”

Ling Jingshu looked at Ling Xiao carefully and saw that his pale face had returned to rosy. She felt relieved and looked up at Dr. Wei gratefully: “Mr. Wei has worked hard today, and we siblings are not very grateful. ”

Physician Wei raised his eyebrows and asked with a faint smile: “Mr. Ling’s eye disease will require acupuncture for a few months. Does Miss Ling plan to thank me every time she sees me in the future?”

Ling Jingshu: “…”

Ling Jingshu coughed slightly in embarrassment: “That’s what Imperial Physician Wei said. I won’t thank you for your kindness. It’s better to say less polite words in the future.”

Physician Wei smiled and said nothing more.

Tian Dong has packed the medicine box and is waiting for Dr. Wei to get up and leave.

This is also the habit of Imperial Physician Wei for many years. When treating diseases with acupuncture, I am very patient with the patients. However, he will leave immediately after treatment. There is no interaction with the patient’s family.

After waiting for a while, Doctor Wei didn’t get up and leave.

Tian Dong felt secretly strange and couldn’t help but look up.

Physician Wei still sat motionless, his expression calm and composed, but the corners of his lips were slightly raised. Obviously, Imperial Physician Wei was in a good mood at this time.

Tian Dong’s eyes fell on Miss Ling Jiu beside him again. He seemed to understand something, so he shut his mouth and waited silently.


In fact, it didn’t take long.

This is the Prince’s Mansion. Every time you visit, you should be grateful and sincere, and be cautious in your words and deeds. Except for the last time when I was accidentally left for lunch, I left right after the injection every time.

Today is no exception.

Everyone sat for a while. After chatting for a few words, they all planned to get up and leave.

“It’s getting late, we should leave.” Ling Jingshu looked at Imperial Physician Wei with an apologetic smile on her lips: “Although our siblings wanted to invite Imperial Physician Wei to a restaurant for lunch, Imperial Physician Wei still has to I’m afraid I won’t have any free time when I return to the palace…”

Actually, it is not necessary to return to the palace immediately.

This is just an excuse for him to resist all kinds of entertainment. Otherwise, once a precedent is set, it will cause a lot of trouble in the future when you leave the palace…

Physician Wei’s heart moved slightly. The words on his lips changed to: “I accept Miss Ling and Mr. Ling’s wishes, so lunch is not necessary.”

After saying that, he stood up and gave the order: “Tiandong, carry the medicine box on your back and follow me back to Tai Hospital.”

Tian Dong responded, feeling a little regretful.

He followed Imperial Physician Wei all day long, and he had a better understanding of Imperial Physician Wei’s temperament. I originally thought that Doctor Wei would make an exception and go back later today, but I didn’t expect that he would have to leave anyway.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Everyone was shocked. They all turned their heads and looked over.

A young man with bright clothes and handsome appearance walked in loudly, swinging the beauty fan in his hand, looking like the most handsome young man in the capital.

Ling Jingshu frowned almost immediately.

Who else could it be? This young man is of course the noble Prince Yan.

Except for Ling Jingshu, everyone else also had different expressions. The last time I met Prince Yan in the Prince’s Mansion, I could barely call it a chance encounter. We can’t say it was just a chance encounter this time!

King Yan obviously came here specially, and he came for Ling Jingshu!

Everyone was about to come forward to salute, but King Yan took the lead and said with a smile: “Okay, you don’t have to salute. I came here specifically to visit Mr. Ling today.”

As he said that, he walked forward with a smile and patted Ling Xiao on the shoulder: “Mr. Wei has already given you an injection today! How do you feel now?”

Ling Xiao was not used to such physical contact. Not wanting to offend King Yan by revealing it, he gave a slightly stiff smile: “It hurt a little when I applied the acupuncture. I rested for a while and it’s much better now.”

“That’s good.” King Yan ignored Ling Xiao’s unfamiliar and respectful expression. He said rather affectionately: “Now that the injections are done, nothing will happen next!”

Ling Xiao: “…”

Ling Xiao became wary and didn’t know how to answer.

The King of Yan continued to smile warmly and said: “I had lunch in the Prince’s Mansion a few days ago, but I was a little restrained and not happy enough. Today you go to the Prince of Yan’s Mansion with me. I specially ordered some food from the imperial kitchen. We have invited a few royal chefs here, so you can have a taste of their cooking skills…”

“Thank you, His Highness King Yan, for your kind invitation.”

Ling Jingshu quickly took over the conversation: “However, we have been out for a long time, and we have to go back in a hurry to avoid auntie worrying. Moreover, Axiao has just finished the injection and needs to rest more, so it is not suitable to rush around and work. So I won’t disturb you. King Yan was still in high spirits and was not annoyed by Ling Jingshu’s refusal: “Even if I go back, I have to have lunch! Don’t worry, I won’t let you go. I’ll let you go after lunch at Prince Yan’s Mansion. Prince Yan’s Mansion is very close to the Prince’s Mansion, and it takes less than ten minutes to get there in a carriage with less than a cup of tea. ”

He then said to Imperial Physician Wei, “There is no need for Imperial Physician Wei to rush back to the Imperial Hospital. Let’s go to Prince Yan’s Mansion and have lunch together before leaving.”

The tone seems casual, but it also reveals a domineering tone that cannot be refused.

After finishing speaking, without looking at the reaction of everyone, he turned around and ordered the guards behind him: “Go back to the house quickly and prepare the kitchen. Just say that I will entertain distinguished guests at noon today and let them prepare with all their heart. If the guests If you are not satisfied, I only ask them.”

The guards retreated in response.

Everyone: “…”

How can you treat guests to dinner like this!

His Royal Highness, King Yan, is able to do such unreasonable things so logically that no one can refuse!

Ling Xiao resisted the urge to frown and secretly shook Ling Jingshu’s hand.

A Shu, what should we do now?

Ling Jingshu took a deep breath and gently shook her hand soothingly.

Don’t worry. The soldiers came to cover up the water and earth. Since I couldn’t refuse, I just went to Prince Yan’s Mansion today. King Yan would never do anything like robbing a beautiful lady in broad daylight!

After the guards left, King Yan slowly turned around and walked forward.

After taking two steps, King Yan looked back in surprise: “What are you still doing? I have personally led you, why don’t you hurry up?” (To be continued.)

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