Luoyang Brocade Chapter 158: Surrender (3)

The emperor’s grandson had always had a tense face, but at this moment, he finally softened slightly.

The originally condensed and heavy atmosphere also relaxed a lot.

Ling Jingshu’s mood was not much relaxed.

She tried her best to persuade the emperor’s grandson. But in fact, she still took advantage of the emperor’s grandson’s affection for her. The emperor’s grandson may be willing to deal with the Lu family for her, but this is not enough. She didn’t want to owe such a big favor.

Since she has surrendered, she must prove her worth and usefulness.

“Your Highness, I still have something to say. However, these words are a bit treasonous. Please forgive me for my presumption.” Ling Jingshu’s tone and demeanor returned to respect.

A good move is to turn retreat into advance.

The emperor’s grandson glanced at Ling Jingshu with a smile but not a smile: “Since these are treacherous and unethical words, it’s okay not to say them.” After saying that, he had time to wait and see Ling Jingshu’s embarrassed look.

Unexpectedly, Ling Jingshu immediately lowered her head and responded: “Your Highness is right. This little girl has gone too far.” Then she remained silent.

Emperor Taisun: “…”

A trace of gnashing annoyance flashed across the face of the emperor’s grandson.

This Ling Jingshu! Smart and cunning! You deliberately aroused his curiosity, and now you are silent again!

“That’s it! I’ll allow you to go against the rules just once. If you have anything to say, just say it!” The emperor’s grandson had a handsome face and reluctantly opened his mouth.

Ling Jingshu did not take advantage of her and acted obediently. She immediately followed the emperor’s grandson’s words and said: “Thank you, Your Highness. Then I will be bold and say what is on my mind.”

Ling Jingshu paused for a moment, collected her thoughts, and lowered her voice and said: “Your Highness, the Prince’s Mansion seems to be a prestigious place, but in fact it is in danger. Your Highness knows the specific reasons. I don’t need to elaborate. ”

“How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch? Even if His Highness has no intention of targeting Queen Xu and King Yan, you must be on guard against the other party’s intention to compete for the crown prince.”

“I believe that His Highness has been alert for a long time and has made many arrangements. Whether in the palace or in the Princess Yan Palace, he has placed spies. He secretly keeps an eye on the movements of Queen Xu, mother and son. Move. Also, His Highness should be aware of the officials who have turned to their side.”

The emperor’s grandson: “…”

The emperor’s grandson never expected that Ling Jingshu suddenly mentioned these things, and her pupils suddenly shrank. A cold light flashed, and there was an aggressive chill in his voice: “Bold! Do you know what you are talking about? Just these few words are enough to kill you!”

When the emperor’s grandson became angry, his majesty as a descendant of the Tian family suddenly radiated. Breathtakingly chilling.

Ling Jingshu did not flinch, raised her eyes and said: “If His Highness thought what I said was just nonsense, he wouldn’t be as angry as he is right now!”

The emperor’s grandson was stunned, but instead of being angry, he smiled: “I allowed you to say what you wanted before, but if you are really angry now, it will seem like you are breaking your promise and being narrow-minded. That’s okay. I want to listen to you today. What exactly are you going to say?”

After a pause, he added coldly: “If what you said is indeed reasonable, I will not care about your recklessness. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”


He is the young man who fell in love with her for the first time. But he is the eldest son of the prince and the grandson of the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty. This identity is destined to his character.

In his heart, Jiangshan Sheji always comes first.

The love between his children cannot occupy all his thoughts. He would not trust her unreservedly just because of the affection in his heart. If he was suspicious of her, he would still choose to get rid of her as a hidden danger.

Ling Jingshu saw this clearly and became even more glad that she did not agree to his conditions out of eagerness for revenge.

In this world, there is never any emotion without reason and without asking for anything in return. Instead of getting entangled in the future, it would be better to reject it outright from the beginning.

The master-slave relationship after surrender is more stable and better.

“Your Highness is willing to put down his posture and listen to the little woman’s heartfelt words. He is really generous and admirable.” Ling Jingshu flattered her first.

The emperor’s grandson was noncommittal and looked a little better.

Ling Jingshu added: “I am a delicate woman with no strength to tie a chicken. However, I also have areas where others are inferior. I have become Princess Changping’s guest. As long as I please her, I can go in and out of Changping frequently. The princess’s residence. I have access to many noble ladies in the capital. No matter how many spies and secret guards your highness has, there is nothing they can do. I can secretly collect information for your highness, or deliver information.”

After a pause, he added: “Also, King Yan has a good impression of me. He won’t be too wary of me.”

“Just think of it as laying out my chess piece. Maybe one day, this chess move will come in handy.”

The emperor’s grandson’s eyes flashed.

Ling Jingshu’s words were so reasonable that he stopped being contemptuous and began to think seriously.

Empress Xu and her son were ambitious, secretly forming cliques for personal gain, and placing people in important positions. It has long become a thorn in the side of the East Palace.

Donggong occupies the title of crown prince as the legitimate eldest son, and there are many supporters. But Queen Xu controlled the harem, and the emperor favored the youngest son, King Yan. This is also an indisputable fact.

Because of the emperor, the two sides can still maintain superficial harmony at this time. At most, they will fight in secret to compete with each other.

Empress Xu and her son placed spies in the prince’s mansion and the mansions of officials who supported the prince. The East Palace would not give in secretly, and also laid many chess pieces.

As Ling Jingshu, her visit to Princess Changping’s Mansion is not conspicuous, so she may be able to collect useful information.

The battle for the crown prince is like playing chess. How can one know that a casual move today will not become a driving force for victory in the future?

“If your highness cannot trust me, you can place a secret guard next to me.”

Ling Jingshu’s voice rang in her ears: “Firstly, you can monitor my every Secondly, it is also convenient for me to deliver messages to His Highness at any time.”

The emperor’s grandson looked solemn and did not distinguish between joy and anger: “Let me think about it for a few days before making a decision.”

The fact that he didn’t refuse immediately showed that the emperor’s grandson was already interested.

Ling Jingshu let out a long breath in her heart, bowed solemnly and excused herself: “Yes, the little lady is waiting for His Highness’s instructions. I have been bothering you for a long time and wasting His Highness’s time, and the little lady feels uneasy. Now I am resigning.”

The emperor’s grandson didn’t say anything to persuade him to stay, he just nodded.

After Ling Jingshu saluted, she turned and left.

Just like when she came, her steps were neither hasty nor slow, and her figure was graceful and graceful.

There was no trace of panic or nervousness.

The emperor’s grandson watched the girl’s figure gradually disappearing, and the suppressed bitterness welled up in his heart. She would rather take risks as an informant to collect information and serve him loyally than to become his woman… (To be continued.)

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