Lord of the Oasis Chapter 856:

Chapter 853: The History of the Three Families

“What is this?” Kant asked curiously.

“This is the treasure of this exhibition hall.” The innkeeper said with a fascinated expression: “It is said that these three spar are sealed with the power to destroy the world. Hundreds of years ago, a hermit He brought them to this deserted island, intending to bury them forever. He even brought these three spar into the body of the volcano. It’s just that he underestimated the toughness of the spar. The moment it was thrown into the lava, the mountains around the volcano turned into **** on earth, not only the beasts hidden in the forest, but all creatures quickly aged and reached the end of their lives at that moment.”

“And then?” Kant took a deep breath and asked.

“In this sea area, there are dozens of similar islands. Since the hermit’s visit to the island, this withered island has been left unattended.” The boss said softly: “Until 300 years ago, the land of the world was divided more and more finely, and the three people who were ostracized came ashore on the edge of the island.”

“Who are the three Voldeans?” Kant frowned and asked suspiciously.

“Dwarves, gnomes, and goblins.” The innkeeper responded, glancing at Kant.

“Then how did they settle on this island?” Kant’s mind came to the figure of Gilbert and the gnome patriarch.

“When they landed on the island, it was during the dormant period of the volcano. The power of the spar also stayed at the weakest stage of the year.” The innkeeper explained: “It’s just that these people immediately noticed that the Anomalies on this island.”

“Huh?” Kant thought for a while and asked, “Is it because of the water quality?”

“Your lord is really smart.” The innkeeper nodded and said, “A dwarf developed an abnormal disease after drinking water from a small river, causing paralysis of his lower body. Under those conditions, there was no one in the homeless group. can save him.”

“Then why didn’t they choose to leave this place?” Kant asked, becoming more curious about the history of the island.

“Everyone has limited supplies. They drifted from their own country to this point, and they have exhausted all the food reserves.” The boss explained: “Also, in the winter at that time, the climatic conditions for sailing on the sea were very unfavorable. Well, there is no way to set sail.”

“So it is.” Kant nodded: “So, what’s next? What happened?”

“Unable to bear the famine, the nomads of the three tribes began to hunt. But the animals in the mountains had died out. So they could only gather luck on weekdays to salvage the unpolluted fish in the sea. The innkeeper continued: “After the dried fish is made, it is stored as dry food. Until one day, the homeless people have little freshwater resources left and are forced to start exploring the island.”

“Where did they land?” Kant asked.

“On the south side of the island. It is quite close to the location of the volcano. The search team among the homeless quickly discovered the whole picture of the volcano. However, they were more attracted by the geothermal heat at the foot of the mountain than the dry grass. resources. After hearing the news, the team leader at that time immediately held a meeting within the group, intending to relocate everyone to the vicinity of the volcano.” The innkeeper said here, and suddenly asked Kant: “If it’s an adult, you , would you choose to go with the team to the volcano?”

“If I am the one being led, I will naturally follow the decisions made by the leader,” Kant said firmly.

“Hehe, my lord, you are a sensible person, and naturally you can see the pros and cons of this plan at a glance.” The innkeeper smiled and said, “At that time, the goblins and gnomes among the nomads all agreed to the decision to go to the volcano. .”

“Where’s the dwarves?” Kant asked.

“The dwarves chose to stay by the sea. Although this caused some contradictions at the time, from now on, the choice of the dwarves was a good one.” The innkeeper took a deep breath and said:” Because they rescued the remnants of the homeless who were desperately trying to bring back the spar from the volcano.”

“Well, from this point of view: the dwarves really deserve a lot of credit.” Kant nodded and said, “It’s just that the vagabonds of these three tribes, how did they seal the spar?”

“Have you forgotten the hermit I mentioned at the beginning?” said the innkeeper: “Although his body has been wiped out, he has left behind a magic weapon that can temporarily seal the spar. The power of the spar. After being sealed, the environment on the island was restored to its original state, and the three Voldi tribes, who had established a firm foothold on this island, used the secret techniques in the group to save the three spar individually.”

“So, where are the three spar stones now?” Kant asked.

“I don’t know.” The owner of the inn shook his head and sighed: “Now, only the elders with authority in the three clans have the authority to know the location of this spar.”

“So it is.” Kant nodded. I didn’t expect gnomes, goblins and dwarves to have such a strong background on this island. This reminded Kant of what he had heard from DeWitt before: the forces of the dark side grouped over many people on the island when they went to the island, putting the Voldemort family in an embarrassing situation. Now it seems that the purpose of that group of people is likely to capture the magic spar hidden behind the three clans, but their conspiracy was exposed in one fell swoop by the reconnaissance team outside the island.

“Lord Kant, the visit to the exhibition hall is over. Let’s set off quickly and go to the next destination.” The innkeeper stepped forward, walked in front of Kant, and called to him.

“Okay.” Kant came back to his senses and followed in the footsteps of the innkeeper.

The two walked to the entrance of the hall when they heard the ‘crackling’ sound of rain hitting the colored windows of the pavilion.

“Oh, it’s actually raining this weather.” The innkeeper stuck his head out and looked out the door.

“Should we go back to the inn then?” Kant’s mood wasn’t pretty, and he was looking forward to where the innkeeper would take him next when he was interrupted by the rain.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness Kant.” The innkeeper bowed apologetically and said, “I only took you to this place today. The rain is getting heavier and heavier, and we should rush back to the city immediately. “

“It doesn’t matter, this exhibition hall is very interesting. I can find such a place, thanks to your care, boss.” Kant responded with a smile: “Since the weather is not very clear now, let’s get on the carriage and go back to the hotel. .”

“Thank you for your kindness.” The innkeeper stood up and responded with a sigh of relief.

The two stood quietly at the gate of the exhibition hall, waiting for the coachman to bring the carriage here.

Chapter 854: Heavy rain in early spring

The facilities of the exhibition hall are also complete, when the groom stops the car. Kant and the innkeeper walked to the awning in front of the door, slowly climbed the ladder, and walked into the carriage.

After the two had settled down one after another, the groom immediately whipped his whip and directed the carriage to gallop down the avenue where the pools had accumulated.

The roof of the carriage is made of wood, and the tickling rain can be heard clearly in Kant’s ears.

In order to get rid of the moisture, the groom set up a stove in the car when it just rained, so the surrounding air was still mild, Kant sat in the corner, a burst of tiredness came from his body, and turned around. Glancing at the innkeeper, he found that the other party had already fallen into a deep sleep.

Kant stared at the throbbing flames in the stove, unconsciously fascinated. He recalled the historical stories that he had heard before in his mind.

Imagine how this small island has grown to what it is today. How did the Dragon Clan gain the trust of many ethnic groups and become the guardians around the volcano? Do they have any ambitions for the energy mastered by the Voldeans?

And the status of the dwarves on this island, is it related to their decision to stay by the sea? After all, that happened hundreds of years ago, so what does the new generation of dwarves think about the development of their own race?

Problems came to Kant’s mind one after the other, some of them interrelated and others independent. Kant held his forehead with his hand, not knowing how to sort out a clear relationship network. Accompanied by the sound of rain, he gradually fell asleep.

However, before he could rest for long, Kant was awakened by the innkeeper.

“His Royal Highness Kant, we’re here.” The innkeeper leaned in front of Kant and shook his shoulders gently.

“Huh?” Kant opened his eyes dimly, and after seeing the face of the innkeeper, he stood up and looked out the window: the carriage had stopped at the door of the inn.

At this time, the driver approached the carriage, handed an umbrella to Kant, and said, “Lord Kant, it’s still raining outside. I borrowed an umbrella for you from the cashier, be careful to catch a cold.”

“Okay, thank you.” Kant took the umbrella in a daze, looked up at the innkeeper who was still sitting in his place, and asked, “Shopkeeper, where are you going?”

“Oh, just now, the guy in the store told me that the people at the inspection station have something to do with me, and I have to rush over there now.” The innkeeper said with a smile: “The adults there are very temperamental. Very, but I can’t wait for anyone. I can only say goodbye to your lord for now.”

“Since you’re in a hurry, I won’t delay you.” Kant rubbed his eyes, stood up and said, “I had a very happy day today. Boss, we’ll go on a trip together next time.”

“It’s fine.” The innkeeper hurriedly agreed: “Sir, you must be quite tired, so hurry back to your room and rest.”

Kant nodded slightly, picked up his umbrella, and got out of the carriage.

The innkeeper followed, raised the curtain with his hand, and waved goodbye to Kant.

The pea-sized raindrops ‘crackled’ on the paper umbrella. After Kant said goodbye in a hurry, he walked to the door of the hotel and put away the mess.

The cashier came out immediately when he heard the sound and asked, “Mr. Kant, you’re back. Hurry up and sit in the store and have a fire. Now the weather is cloudy and sunny, be careful of the cold.”

“Thank you.” Kant replied with a smile. Handing the umbrella into the accountant’s hand, he walked across the threshold to the lobby.

By the fireplace in the lobby, there are many guests gathering to keep warm. Some of them were holding towels handed out by the hotel. It seems to have come in deliberately to take shelter from the rain when passing by.

Kant hesitated for a while, but decided to go back to his room to tidy up. He said to the hotel accountant who was following him, “I’ll go back to my room to rest first. If Bandak and his party return to the store, please tell them: I’ll be waiting upstairs.”

“Okay.” The accountant nodded cautiously and responded.

“Thank you.” After Kant left this sentence, he turned and left.

After watching Kant walk up the stairs, the accountant raised his hand to call a waiter and instructed: “Hurry up and prepare some hot tea and cakes to send to Lord Kant’s room.”

“Yes,” the waiter agreed.

After Kant returned to the guest room, he immediately changed his wet clothes and put on dry cotton clothes. Just when he was going to go to the bathroom to take a good bath and rest for a while, there was a knock on the door.

“His Royal Highness Kant,” the waiter called softly.

Kant walked to the entrance, unlocked the door, and asked the waiter in front of him, “What’s the matter?”

The waiter did not immediately approach the house, but brought the steaming cakes and teapot to Kant’s eyes, and said, “This is sent by the accountant, and I want to remind the lord that you remember to drink some hot tea. Warm up.”

Kant stood by the door, hesitated for a while, barely took the afternoon tea, and said, “Okay, put these two things on the account.”

“No, no.” The waiter waved his hand quickly: “This is a free gift from the store.”

Kant heard the words and walked out of the door, looked towards the lobby on the first floor, and immediately responded: “Why are there no guests on the first floor? If you don’t give me a record of the account. I will not know these two things. received.”

The waiter stood cramped, not sure what to do: If he took Kant’s lunch money, he would definitely be scolded by the cashier.

The two were deadlocked for a while, and finally, Kant sighed and compromised: “Forget it, this has nothing to do with you. Please tell your accountant: I have received the refreshments this time. But don’t do such superfluous things in the future.”

“Yes, thank you sir.” The waiter nodded as if he had been granted amnesty.

“Well, thank you very much. Please walk slowly.” Kant nodded slightly, walked to the entrance, and closed the door.

The waiter stayed in place for a while, thinking silently in his heart: How can I convey what Kant said to the accountant in a less harsh way.

The hands of the clock hanging on the wall point to six o’clock in the afternoon.

Kant estimates in his heart that there are still three hours before Bandak and others return to the hotel.

After drinking a sip of hot tea, he returned to his bedroom and planned to sleep for a while.

A carriage seat is not really a good place to sleep. As a result, Kant now feels that his neck is very stiff, and it is not until he lies on the soft and light bed that the tiredness in his body spreads in his limbs.

Kant slept peacefully.

Chapter 855: Inspection without progress

Bendak, who was walking down the street, frowned.

Because of the rain, there were not many pedestrians on the street. The guild also became very deserted.

At lunchtime, he took some of his soldiers and sat down at the cafe on the corner of the street so that they could exchange information about the street in their hands.

“Have you found anything?” Bandak asked first.

The soldiers present looked at each other and shook their heads in silence.

Bandak exhaled and said, “It doesn’t matter, today is the first day of the operation. As long as you continue to observe, there should be results.”

Pic’s portraits are plastered all over the streets and alleys, and the goblin soldiers make such a big noise, the dark side organization should take action.

“I don’t know if other people have received any news.” A soldier raised his head in frustration and said to the soldier beside him.

“We can only meet the others when we return to the hotel in the evening. Maybe they are also expecting progress on our side.” Bandak shook his head and said, “There are still three shifts left. It will take about an hour. Everyone should not act separately. Each group of two people will take care of each other. You can also observe what is happening on the street carefully.”

“Yes!” the soldiers answered neatly.

Lunch only took about half an hour. After Bandak and his party settled the bill, they walked out of the restaurant with an umbrella. Continue to patrol the streets, but unfortunately, until the evening when everyone set out on the return journey, everyone still found nothing.

Bandak stood at the door of the hotel and watched the soldiers on the night watch leave, quietly waiting for Abel and his soldiers to return to the hotel.

Abel is in charge of commanding the team of elf soldiers, because they can perceive the changes on the street from the level of magic compared to the soldiers of the human race, so at this moment Bandak pinned his hopes for today on those who have not yet returned to the hotel. on this group of people.

“Bendak!” Abel called out Bandak’s name as soon as he stepped over the threshold, and said, “Why are you sitting here? Where are the other soldiers?”

“They went back to their rooms to rest.” Bandak raised his head and asked, “Abel, do you have any news from your side?”

“No.” Abel said with a sigh: “Today’s inspection did not find any clues related to the dark side forces.”

Bandak had a disappointed look on his face and said, “Then we will continue to look for tomorrow.”

“Bandak, today is only the first day, don’t worry.” Abel comforted: “We will find out Pique, let him hand over the antidote, and apologize to you.”

“Yes.” Bandak nodded slightly and said, “Mr. Cashier just told me that after His Highness Kant asked us to return to the store, we will go and meet him first. Let’s hurry up.”

“Okay.” Abel nodded, then took off his cloak and wrapped it in his hands.

Bandak stood up, left the cafe, and led Abel up the stairs.

At this time, Kant was still in a light sleep, and woke up immediately after hearing the knock on the door. He grabbed a coat and draped it over his body, then walked towards the main hall of the guest room.

The three of them have been sleeping together for so long, and they all know a little bit about each other’s habits. For example now: Kant could immediately recognize the knock on Bandak’s door, and after twisting the door lock for the two of them, he turned and walked to the fireplace without looking back.

“His Royal Highness Kant.” Bandak greeted: “I’m sorry, I made you rest.”

“It’s okay, I’ve been sleeping very lightly.” Kant glanced at the two people standing at the entrance and said, “You’ve all been soaked in the rain, hurry up and change your clothes, be careful of catching a cold.” /

“Yes, yes,” Abel replied repeatedly.

Then he stepped on his rain boots and walked towards the room. The water on the rain boots fell into puddles one after another on the stone floor.

Wait until the two have sorted everything out and returned to the main hall. Kant is making tea.

“Sit down.” Kant said, “You guys have been busy outside for a day, how are you doing?”

Able and Bandak also looked a little helpless when faced with this problem.

“For the time being, no clues have been found,” Bandak replied first.

“Well.” Kant nodded and continued to ask the two of them: “Have you all seen the addresses I marked for you before?”

“Go.” Abel said: “It’s just that it rained suddenly today, and everyone seems to choose to stay out of the house. When we patrolled the streets, we didn’t find any special spiritual fluctuations or strange people coming and going. .”

“Tomorrow you will send someone to the gate of the city to see.” Kant thought for a while, and then ordered: “The operation of the goblin tribe has just started, and the people of the dark side want to contact Pique, they should send someone to sneak out of the city. .”

“Yes, Your Highness.” Abel and Bandak looked at each other and replied.

“Although there is no progress on the Pique case, I did find another thing related to it today.” Kant turned the conversation to his own experience in the exhibition hall today, and put it The process was recounted in detail to both Bandak and Abel.

After Kant finished speaking, Bandak was silent for a while, and then said: “It turns out that the purpose of the action of the dark side is to compete for the three spar that were brought to the island hundreds of years ago.”

“Not only do they want status, they want the strength to consolidate it,” Kant commented.

“In this case, our group is indeed easy to become a thorn in the eyes of those people. After all, their long-planned activities were destroyed by us.” Abel said: “Pique wants to use Bandak to control it. We, do they have other actions next?”

“I think Peak should be out of control in the dark organization.” Kant analyzed: “But the current situation leads to a conclusion that the dark organization condoned his practices and has been working for him Organize the follow-up. Otherwise, with the summoning power of the dwarfs on this island, it is impossible for so many days to have no news at all.”

Two or three days have passed since Kant and Abel went to meet the gnome patriarch.

But there is still no news from there.

It is said that with the power of Pique alone, he can escape from the net created by the gnomes and goblins. Kant does not believe that the other party has such ability.

“So what will the dark side do next?” Bandak asked.

“Before they wanted to go to the ground, we found the loophole. I think they won’t continue to be so public.” Abel said: “I think if they want to take action in the short term, it should be I plan to defeat them one by one, after all, the temptation of spar is too great, and these people should not give up targeting these three races.”

Chapter 856: Dinner with a strange atmosphere

“Abel’s thinking is roughly the same as my analysis,” Kant said. “It’s just that we need to gather more information to figure out who their first target was.”

“This can be handed over to us.” Abel promised: “The soldiers can search for news related to this while observing the movement in the city.”

“Yes.” Kant nodded and said, “But it’s important for you to pay more attention to the movements in the city. If you have any news, be sure to report it to me immediately.”

“Yes!” Bandak and Abel replied.

“Bandak, is your body okay?” Kant said worriedly.

“No problem,” Bandak vowed.

Abel glanced at him, but said nothing after all.

“Today’s task is over. You guys hurry up and take a hot bath and have a good rest. Let’s go to the restaurant for dinner together later.” Kant instructed: “Bandak, remember to arrange the kitchen before and after the meal. Buddy cooks your medicine.”

“Understood, Your Highness,” Bandak agreed.

When Abel and Bandak got up and went back to their respective bedrooms, Kant walked to the door of the guest room and found a waiter to discuss with him the dishes that should be served tonight.

Dinner time, Kant and Abel came to the restaurant early.

Soldiers who come after this will walk to the table where the two of them are, greet them, and then walk to their seats.

When the dining room table was full, Bandak arrived late. And Kant and Abel have already inquired about the information in the hands of all the soldiers.

“Sorry, I’m late. Didn’t you delay everyone’s meal?” Bandak asked apologetically, hurriedly walking to Kant’s table.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s just an aperitif now.” Kant shook his head gently and responded.

“What happened?” Abel asked immediately after Bandak took his seat.

“It’s nothing,” Bandak waved his hand and said, “It’s just that when I brought the medicine to the back kitchen, someone told me that the place to cook the medicine is actually in the backyard. I’ll go there myself.”

“You’ve been in the backyard until now?” Abel asked curiously.

“That’s right,” Bandak took a sip of water and nodded, “there’s a place to boil hot water in the backyard, and it’s burned with firewood. I finally found a clean pot and poured the herbs out. into the cauldron on the stovetop.”

“This guy in the kitchen is so boring.” Abel pouted and said, “Forget it, we won’t be here for long anyway.”

“It’s fine, as long as you don’t miss the meal opening.” Bandaka said indifferently: “After all, the kitchen is really busy.”

“By the way, just before you came, the soldiers who returned to the store reported all the news in their hands to His Majesty Kant and me.” Abel said beamingly: “I didn’t expect us to The news that I didn’t catch it was discovered by the soldiers of Xicheng.”

“What news?” Bandak asked, taking a deep breath.

“It was discovered that the ‘corrupt’ union in the west city has been secretly selling a homemade drug to the residents of the town. The soldiers happened to witness the scene of people in the guild delivering goods to buyers today, and from their conversations Heard Pique’s name.” Abel explained in detail.

“The soldiers stopped the group of sellers and asked them for the truth.” Kant took Abel’s words and continued: “It turned out that this Pique turned out to be the raw material supplier of the guild’s homemade drugs.” /

“What are the raw materials provided by Pique?” Bandak asked after a moment of stunned silence.

“It’s a trade secret, and we have no way of knowing.” Abel glanced at Bandak and said, “The point of this is that there are people in this town who are in regular contact with Peak. contacts, who have been locked down by our soldiers.”

“Judging from Pique’s loner’s temperament, he will definitely come to hand over in person.” Kant said: “At that time, we will have a chance to catch him.”

“I see.” Bandak nodded silently.

“What’s the matter with you? Why do you look so depressed.” Abel asked suspiciously: “When my Majesty Kant and I got the news, we were both happy for you.”

“I don’t know.” Bandak smiled reluctantly. “I just don’t feel very at ease.”

“The delivery date between Pique and the guild’s internal staff is set at the beginning of each month, and the time is not fixed.” Kant gave Bandak a strange look and said, “It’s the end of March, our only The first chance is in early April. If we wait until May, Bandak’s condition should be out of control by then.”

“His Majesty Kant and I are going to transfer most of the staff to the West City in advance to prepare for this action plan. Now only your opinion is left, what do you think?” Abel asked.

“I think it’s better to keep it as is.” Bandak said after a moment of silence.

“Why?” Kant asked indifferently.

“As you’ve analyzed before, Peak’s behavior is ultimately constrained by the decisions of the dark side. We need to search for more information in the city before we can make changes in time,” Bandak said.

Abel and Kant did not immediately reply to Bandak, but thought silently for a while, and then Kant nodded: “Okay, just as you said.”

“Hmm.” Bandak nodded in relief.

At this point, the guys in the ~IndoMTL.com~ kitchen walked into the dining room with dishes and served each table.

Abel still seems to have doubts about Bandak’s decision, not even realizing that the deceased who delivered the food walked up to him.

The waiter can only try to walk up to Bandak and ask him to help set the plate.

At the end of the set, the waiter said to Bandak before leaving, “Thank you, Lord Bandak.”

Bandak was stunned for a while, then raised his head to look at the back of the waiter in confusion, and said silently, “How does he know my name?”

Kant looked at the two at the table, one was sad, the other had dull eyes, raised his glass helplessly, and said, “Since you’re sitting at the table, don’t keep thinking about business or something. Come, drink After this drink, let’s start our meal.”

“Yes.” Abel agreed. Then, following Kant’s actions, he raised the glass and drank it all in one go.

Because Bandak has been taking medicine recently, he completed the pre-meal ritual with water instead of wine.

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