Lord of Mystics Chapter 505: Shelter

Divine Eagle New Calendar, October 19.

Blue Deer City is a beautiful city full of idyllic style, quiet and perfectly integrated into nature, compared to the dark and icy city of Messer, but under the great era of “the return of the spirit tide”, this is not possible Avoid many mysterious events that will breed.

If you are a wealthy person or a person with a higher social status, you can use your own channels to obtain effective help and shelter when you encounter such incidents.

But there are some ordinary people who can only help themselves.

At this time, a bus full of “helpers” is breaking through the morning fog and following the narrower road in the suburbs towards the foot of Lushan.

There are about a dozen passengers on the bus.

Both men and women, young and old, with couples, families, or individuals as different units, dressed in ordinary clothes, it seems that for some reasons, they don’t pay so much attention to their personal image, their faces are all worried, and there is still fear in their eyes.

Tang Qi was sitting at the rear of the bus. In the eyes of others, he became a poor old gentleman with white hair, some old but neatly ironed suit, gray hat, and luggage with obvious luxury. box.

He stared at the passengers in the same car and didn’t need to turn on special ability to recognize the situation of these people in a flash.

“The three couples all have the spirit of ghosts, which should be left over from a certain mysterious event, with a slight curse smell. According to the rules of the mysterious side, the ghost will track over at a certain moment and take them from them. Take something, life or something.”

“A family of six people, with the smell of demons on their bodies, but not powerful, should be a low-level demons.”

“Four different individuals, three of them scare themselves, and the remaining one is more serious. The obvious signs of witchcraft have provoked an evil wizard?”

The passengers naturally didn’t know that the “old man” who was riding halfway had already seen the changes in their eyes in a blink of an eye.

Except for the three men and women who had a false alarm, the rest of them have become “contacts”, meaning that they have been involved in different mysterious events. Although they have temporarily saved their lives, they have been saved by ghosts, demons and others. The evil wizard is remembered.

The purpose of their gathering on the bus is also clearly written on the poster attached to the outside of the car.

It was also after seeing that poster that Tang Qicai chose to force a ride.

It’s a fancy poster filled with weird symbols and ancient symbolic signs. In the center is an image of a character clearly cut from an old photo, an extremely decadent and weak, with dark eyes , Like a middle-aged wizard with excessive lust.

Mad Sorcerer’s shelter?”

Tang Qi’s mind automatically popped up with the scene he saw before getting on the bus, with a strange smile on his face.

Especially when a bus filled with a dull atmosphere passes through the misty suburban path and drives to an old villa deep in the jungle, a huge light plate that is out of step with the surrounding environment immediately reflects the sight of all passengers in.

The five large characters are clearly written on it, and the texture is created around the font.

Home of Ralph!

At first glance at the name, and after a few conversations with other passengers, Tang Qi fully understood what the Ayr family is doing now.

As the last passenger to get off the bus, he looked at the old gray but white villa with a noble atmosphere in front of him, special ability opened silently, and several fuzzy pieces of information jumped out intermittently.

【Singularity: Mad Sorcerer’s Villa. 】

【Status: Normal. 】

Info Fragment 1: Once as a mad wizard Ralph’s residence, he created a lot of magical and strange witchcraft in it. Although Ralph could not achieve the real wizard because of the unsuccessful spirit wave, he was contaminated by Ralph’s breath. The villa was transformed into a special place under the influence of the spirit tide. 】

Info Fragment 2: Breath of Ralph’s, let the villa form an invisible shield, which will deter evil chaotic creatures such as evil spirits and demons. 】

Info Fragment 3: Also because of the Ralph’s breath, the villa has a chance to attract some special creatures to approach, generally harmless creatures. 】


“Should it be said that it is a descendant of Ralph’s. Although it has not learned Ralph’s witchcraft, but after knowing that the villa left by Ralph has a deterrent effect on creatures such as evil spirits, it was used decisively and opened up refuge. Where?”

“It’s a genius and a dead idea. I don’t know what the charges are?”

Tang Qi smiled and immediately followed the crowd to the Ayr Ralph and his wife Talia who had not seen it for a while before standing at the villa.

When they first met, the two were just like the passengers in the car. They were panicked and feared by the killing of a “witch hunter”. In order to protect his family, Al also tried desperately.

The two now have completely different temperament.

Especially Ayr Ralph, well-dressed shirts, comfortable sweaters, calm eyes, curly hair are well taken care of, and there seems to be a random smile on the corner of the mouth, exuding a reassuring, trusting temperament.


It was just when Tang Qi glanced over and automatically captured the content of the information fragments attached to him, a sudden surprise was born.

supernatural beings: Descendants of wizard, with pure wizard bloodline, but for some unknown reason, the blood breath in his body is constantly fading…He is still the son of Ralph’s, but the possibility of his inheritance of Ralph Witchcraft talent is Decrease quickly.”

“The bloodline subsides?”

Tang Qi frowned immediately, which was completely unexpected.

The so-called “bloodline retreat” is not uncommon on the mysterious side.

But usually because the offspring continue to intermarry with outsiders, which weakens the purity of blood.

Sons of wizard like this are directly degraded and extremely rare.

Tang Qi’s mind immediately began to pop up with the materials he saw. This kind of situation is very rare, but it is not without it. Tang Qi tried to guess which one?

“Look at his daughter Sarah, and the little boy, did something similar happen?”

Just as Tang Qi thought about it, the line of worried and fearful passengers, already carrying large bags of small bags, came to the Aire couple.

Among the three couples who knew each other, a young man with a sturdy body and blonde hair, embracing his haggard girlfriend, half nervous and questioning, asked, “Sir, you guys, really can Isolate evil spirits?”

“We must tell you frankly that we have really seen evil spirits. It is a brutal murderous demon. It has killed eight of our companions. The police do not believe us, but I am in the name of my grandmother. Swear, everything I said is true.”

“If you can really help us, you can pay any price, but if you can’t, just to cheat money, we don’t want to hurt you…”

The young man’s speech is very fast, a little messy, and he is obviously under a lot of pressure. After his emotions became aroused, his bare arms and skin began to show strange and horrifying changes.

The bright red line appeared out of thin air, gradually outlined into a skull shape, and two machetes appeared, crossing together, the terrible maliciousness spread out, the temperature in the surrounding area began to drop suddenly, and the sudden change made the couples All screamed.

The blond youth seems to be suffering. He pointed at his arm and yelled in fear: “It’s ~, it’s coming!”

From calm to runaway, it takes less than a second.

The young man has not become hysterical, I am afraid it is because he has seen the scene of evil spirits killing people.

But only for a few seconds, as the mark became clearer.

The cold wind wrapped in the cold and frozen bone marrow suddenly swept up, and the fallen leaves and mist rose up, blocking the warm sunlight in the morning. This is the moment when a figure of nothingness suddenly appeared in the shadow of the jungle. .

He wore clothing that was so decayed that his style and age were unclear. There was no flesh on his body, only a skeleton wrapped in foul mud and maggots. His hands carried a machete in each hand. His dark and dark eyes were miserable green. The flame is slowly rising.

The mouth of the skull slowly opened, emitting a foul mist, forming an invisible chain, entangled towards the three couples.

The hoarse voice, with the coldness infiltrating into the blood, drilled into the ears of everyone:

“You… can’t escape!”

In an instant, including the three couples, they were scared to stay in place, their bodies trembling madly, and they seemed to want to scream, but they couldn’t make any sound when they reached their mouths.

They all became like sculptures, staying in place, waiting for the evil spirit to come over step by step, brandishing their machete, and cutting off their heads.

Donkey did not intervene, but looked at Al.

He wants to know how the son of Ralph, who is gradually losing his “wizard talent,” how to deal with the scene before him.

When his eyes were on, Al swiftly stepped forward, and the detective grabbed the dull blonde young man, and whispered to the other people who were frightened: “Come with me, evil spirits cannot invade Home of Ralph.”


When he was arrested, it wasn’t just a blond young man. Everyone seemed to wake up at the beginning of their dreams, staggering and following the couple into the villa.

At this time, the “evil spirit” hiding in the jungle seemed to be in a rage because of the intervention of outsiders. He turned into a foul gas, sweeping out the smoke that blocked the sun, at a terrifying speed Rushed over.

The disgusting skull first came out, and then the blood-stained, rusty machete was chopped towards the crowd.

But as he set foot in the inner area of ​​the villa, the originally empty space, the red flame swept through ~IndoMTL.com~! “

With a certain characteristic flame, the body of the evil spirit was instantly ignited. Although the subsequent burning was slow, it still caused the severe pain of the evil spirit. He wailed and screamed, and finally had to wield the machete, He cut off most of his body, and then he got rid of the flame.

Reverted to a foul mist, burrowed into the ground, and disappeared instantly.

Tang Qi followed the crowd unhurriedly, completely ignoring the machete that was going to cut him.

His eyes first looked at the sudden erupting flame, and immediately condensed on the ancestral villa of the Ralph family, a flash of amazement flashed over.

“Because it is contaminated with too much Ralph’s breath, it is transformed into a large singular object, and some witchcraft, including the fire spell, is also fixed…It is indeed a safe haven.”

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