Lord of All Realms Chapter 999: Intersection

At this moment, through the abnormal shape of the bone, after meditation, Nie Tian has a new understanding of the mystery of heaven and earth.

“Bone, you must keep the Foreign Domain starry sky to suit its subsequent strength.”

Nie Tian frowned. “Although this world has been forgotten for many years, there may be some races of life that came in by mistake. Showing them this bone will surely be amazed and try to take it away.”

“This thing is very important, and it costs me blood essence refining, so don’t lose it.”

He suddenly has a headache.

Take away the bones and throw them into Storage Ring, obviously not suitable for the growth of bones.

If you do n’t take it away, let the bones gather in the starry sky in favor of its energy. In case anyone is watching, his hard work on the bones will be wasted?

After a long time of contemplation, he decided to find someone who can help him to guard the bone for a long time.

This place is Foreign Domain heaven and earth, above dead star, the caretaker’s cultivation level must be promoted to Void Domain, and it will not impact realm in a short time.

Even if dead star, under the protection of Formation, there are many spirit stoness in hand, which will not affect cultivation.

Fan Kai!”

He quickly identified the candidates. Soon after Fan Kai of Heavenly Palace broke through to Void Domain, Void Domain Person broke the ground again. It was not that simple and it took a long time to polish.

Fan Kai, rescued by him from Snow Domain, has long recognized the reality and sincerely surrendered, it is a good candidate.

Financing Fan Kai, he returned to Place of Meteor, released the news, and Fan Kai came over.

After returning to dead star, Nie Tian explained something, let Fan Kai be here cultivation, help him stare at the bone, in case someone who doesn’t open his eyes accidentally passed by and took the bone away.

As a reward, he promised that when Fan Kai advanced towards Void Domain middle stage, if any spirit material was missing, he was responsible for collecting from Broken Star Ancient Temple.

Fan Kai readily agreed.

Resolving the trouble of that bone, Nie Tian went to Broken Star Domain to make a cross. Before going, the couple Duan Shihu and Jing Rou came over, and a list was handed over by Jing Rou.

On the list, there are some scarce spirit material needed for Jing Feiyang to break through.

With cross-domain Space Transmission Formation, Great Heavenly Building, Nie Tian stepped out without hesitation.

Broken Star Ancient Temple, in front of elder Wei Lai.

“That’s it.”

Nie Tian narrate systematically and in full detail, after he stepped into Floating Land, all kinds of things happened clearly.

“I didn’t expect that the manic flame Hazelet actually advanced Bloodlines in Floating Land and reached Middle-Rank in 9-Step.” After listening to Wei Lai, he was surprised, “Fortunately, you met the people of Ancient Beast Clan, otherwise Task, most likely to fail. “

Nie Tian doesn’t say a word.

“The news we received from Floating Land, the age of Alien Race entered is only 9-Step Initial-Rank.” Wei Lai pondered and said, “9-Step Middle-Rank‘s manic flames, and Middle-Rank‘s magic controller Philip Mosse, have all stepped into Floating Land, Your situation is actually very bad. The meritorious value of this task needs to be re-evaluated. The 500,000 meritorious value is slightly less. “

Nie Heavenly Eye is very happy.

Jing Feiyang needs a list of spirit material, he also glanced at a lot, he has never heard of many materials.

He was also worried about whether the meritorious value in his Stars Token can be exchanged from Broken Star Ancient Temple for Jing Feiyang, which can help him to advance spirit material.

As soon as I heard that the merit value will be evaluated again, it will increase. Of course, he is sincerely happy.

“You wait a moment.”

Wei Lai dropped this sentence, left the palace, went to other areas, and reported the rest of the elders sitting in Broken Star City to discuss the matter.

After 臾 4, Wei Lai returns. “Congratulations. After our re-evaluation, your meritorious value in Floating Land has changed to 800,000.”

“Your initial meritorious value is 100,000, Starry Sky Giant Beast bone evaluation, increased to 150,000.”

“Together with the trip to Floating Land, the total value of your current merit is 950 thousand.”

“The merit value can be exchanged from Sect for various spirit material, Spirit Item, Spiritual Dan wonderful medicines, and various cultivation resources. Those who are attached to you can also use your merit value to go to the library to select various Spirit Secret Art cultivation.”

Nie Tian smiled brightly and passed the list in hand. “Divine Symbol Sect‘s current head of the clan Jing Feiyang wants to break through Saint Domain middle stage. This is the spirit material he needs. Please help to see if Sect is available.”

“Oh.” Wei Lai took over and looked down, muttering: “Yan Life Wood, turtle shell, holy blood …”

Most of the spirit material he reports can describe spirit talisman. The Holy Blood is ink, and Life Wood and Tortoise Shell are the carriers of the system, which is rare in the world.

“A Heavenly Symbol!” Wei Lai squinted, lightly shouted said.

“What is Heavenly Symbol?” Nie Tian strange saying.

He has also seen that list. Most of them, spirit material, he has also heard. Only Heavenly Symbol, he saw it at that time, and it was also completely confused.

“We have all other spirit materials, we have Sect, and there are a large number of 30,000 merit points, you can redeem them all.” Wei Lai frowned, “Only Heavenly Symbol, the most precious. There are only five Sect, each The value of each piece is 500,000. Heavenly Symbol, without intelligence, is not Earth level, Heaven level spirit material, but it is also valuable rare. “

“The so-called Heavenly Symbol means that the heavens and the earth are carved swords. In some land or towering mountains and rivers, the strange rune inscription is drawn.”

Wei Lai explained to him.

In some ancient domain, the strong wind blows to Yan Shan, which will leave a mark on Yan Shan.

The mark is formed with the power of heaven and earth, and contains wonder.

There are many space crack, wandering on the ground, leaving markings on the ground, and some markings also have strange mysteries.

This mark is called Heavenly Symbol, which means runes made by heaven.

It is rumored that the Former Sage of Human Race and the strong of Alien Race can analyze the mystery of Heavenly Symbol, can understand Bloodlines secret technique, and can understand the strange magic arts.

Heavenly Symbol!”

Nie Tian suddenly remembered that when he was at Fragmentary Destroyed Battlefield, he had seen a smooth rock wall with a lot of marks on rock wall.

Many of Human Race and other domain strong men sit there at rock wall and learn the secrets.

Comparing to Wei Lai‘s statement, the score on rock wall is most likely the so-called Heavenly Symbol.

“There are currently five Sect Heavenly Symbols, ranging in value. Each Heavenly Symbol contains wonderful things that are not the same.” Wei Lai thought for a while and said, “So, you bring that Jing Feiyang into Sect, Take him to five Heavenly Symbol locations, and he will pick one. “

“OK!” Nie Tian nodded.

“Also, the merit value in your hand is enough. You can consider Wall Heavenly Star Territory, please move Kan Zhisheng with 50,000, and build another Space Transmission Formation that can cross domains. I heard that Vortex Domain and Crack Space Domain all have cross-domain Space Transmission Formation traffic .Reconstructing one in Wall Heavenly Star Territory, belonging to your three big domain, will be able to flow freely and freely. “Wei Lai gives suggestions.

Nie Tian also said, “That’s what I mean.”

The cross-domain Space Transmission Formation of Vortex Domain and Crack Space Domain is arranged by Zhao Shanling and adjusted by the internal Formation of Pei Qiqi, so that the two domain can communicate with each other at any time.

Only Wall Heavenly Star Territory, there is no similar, large cross-domain Transmission Formation exist(ence).

Visitors from Wall Heavenly Star Territory to Heavenly Wild Star Territory must rely on the seven Formations of Lei Family, first to Crack Space Domain, then from Crack Space Domain to Heavenly Wild Star Territory.

This is obviously not convenient enough.

If Zhao Shanling is still there, he can find some space spirit material, please Zhao Shanling.

Unfortunately, Zhao Shanling has disappeared for a long time, and there is no news at all. No one knows where others are.

Pei Qiqi was brought back to Void Spirit Religion by Religion Leader of Void Spirit Religion, and it was regarded as Supreme Treasure in general. It was hidden secretly, and Nie Tian could not move too.

He can only rely on Broken Star Ancient Temple for 50,000 merit, so please Kan Zhisheng.

He started to arrange.

With Stars Token and sufficient merit, Kan Zhisheng is happy to take the shot.

Soon, under the arrangement of Nie Tian’s, Kan Zhisheng rushed to Wall Heavenly Star Territory and appeared at Divine Fire Sect of Wall Heavenly Star Territory.

I heard that from Broken Star Ancient Temple, a large cross-domain Transmission Formation, Wall Heavenly Star Territory and Big Sect strong person were to be set up at Sect of Divine Fire Sect, all were shocked and came from their respective Sect.

“Someone from Old Ancestor, Broken Star Ancient Temple, accompanied by Nie Tian’s at the moment, is building Transmission Formation in Divine Fire Sect, and must communicate with Place of Meteor and Heavenly Wild Star Territory completely.”

In Muddy Heaven Sect, the elder Zhou Shang, respectfully, confessed to Muddy Heaven Old Ancestor.

“Come to Broken Star Ancient Temple!”

Muddy Heaven Old Ancestor, which has just advanced to Saint Domain initial stage, is also slightly changes countenance. “Once Formation is formed, why can’t other strong domain players move around Wall Heavenly Star Territory at will?”

Zhou Shang smiled bitterly, “That’s it.”

ps: Today is in a good shape, one more chapter ~

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