Lord of All Realms Chapter 988: Three races

The distant sky is gradually submerged by purple black Demon Qi.

In the depths of the tumbling Demon Qi, there was a roar of 9-Step Demon, roaring, shaking from that area, and the desert was shaking like a carpet.

9-Step Demon Bloodlines erupted, and the horrible blood and blood fluctuations were no longer covered.

The Nie Tian’s Life Bloodline can still perceive clearly even if they are far apart.

very powerful!”

Nie Tian suddenly changes countenance, the Bloodlines grade of 9-Step Demon Great Lord, I don’t know, but in his induction, compared to the old man of the lizard humanoid type, he is only weaker.

The lizard Clan Elder is also 9-Step Bloodlines, but because of the bones of refining Starry Sky Giant Beast, blood essence has been perfused into the bones for thousands of years, so that the 9-Step lizard family has never reached its peak of Bloodlines.

After the bones are lost and they are severely injured, the blood of Lizard Clan Elder is sharply reduced.

This also leads to the fact that the battle strength of the lizard Clan Elder is, from the perspective of Nie Tian’s, not as terrible as the legend.

However, the 9-Step Demon Great Lord caused the Bloodlines to completely break out, but it gave the Nie Tian a deep shock.

In the depth of the rich Demon Qi, the blood of Demon Great Lord seems to be everywhere, like the endless deep sea, like endless, bottomless.

While Nie Tian reacted, the other two flesh and blood waves of the same level fluctuated like a volcanic eruption.

Giant Dragon and Ice Phoenix for 9-Step!”

Nie Tian reacted immediately, knowing that after Demon Great Lord, Bloodline Power was fully released, I did not know where Giant Dragon and Ice Phoenix came from, and there was no reservation, and Bloodlines would burst.

Three 9-Step‘s Alien Race and Ancient Beast, Bloodline Power stir, making Nie Innate out of the void to be shattered, and the earth to be dig open, the terrible feeling that all living things will die.

Just feeling the flesh and blood fluctuations of Great Lord spillover, Nie Tian all have a kind of breathlessness, and they need to feel choking.

Dong Li, who is also standing on Star Boat, is even more embarrassed than him. At this moment, he is trembling, and heart is beating like a burst.

“Fights of this level, **** battles in outer space, rarely happen!”

Jing Feiyang took a deep breath, suddenly noticed Dong Li, and waved his hand, and commanded: “Meng Li! With Miss Dong to evacuate first, all Void Domain Person, do not approach the battlefield!”

Meng Li doesn’t give Dong Li response time at all, flies into Star Boat, and Dong Li is rolled up with one big move.

He retreated quickly like electricity, away from the battlefield.

Nie Tian!”

Dong Li yelled angrily when he was taken away, his eyes staring at Nie Tian.

Nie Tian turns a deaf ear.

“How about you, can you hold it?” Jing Feiyang asked.

Nie Tian nodded, “Their battles and the shaking of the earth and the earth made me extremely uncomfortable. However, it didn’t seem to have much effect on me, it was just a little tight.”

“Well, just because I know you are extraordinary, I just let Meng Li take Dong Li away.” Jing Feiyang is not unexpected, “but you still have to be careful, Great Lord of 9-Step Bloodlines, and Giant Dragon, Ice Phoenix. It is placed in the depths of the vast star river, and it is also a head with a face and a face. They all have the ability to destroy some medium and small domains. “

Saint Domain, Alien Race and Ancient Beast of 9-Step Bloodlines can all destroy domain to Dead Domain by their own efforts.

God Domain level Human Race exist(ence), 10-Step Great Venerable, if the power broke out completely, even one party Star Territory could be erased gradually.

This is the world beings, battle strength at the top of the power pyramid!


Demon‘s many roars gradually reverberated from the tumbling Demon Qi.

Soon, Nie Tian saw some 8-Step‘s Demon, Evil Dark, and Nether Race‘s clan, detached from the battlefield.

It seems that the 9-Step Bloodlines fight, they all know to stay, not only can’t get any homework, they can also be reduced to cannon fodder, and they are buried accidentally.

So, except for the 9-Step Demon Great Lord, the rest of the Alien Race stationed at Space Channel flew away from it.

Nie Tian, what should we do?” Jing Feiyang asked.

No one had expected that Giant Dragon and Ice Phoenix of Ancient Beast Clan would arrive, and there would be a **** battle with 9-Step Demon immediately.

They planned for a long time, but in the end, they suddenly lost their goals.

“Simple, bombard those escaping 8-Step Alien Race one by one first.” Nie Tian said lightly, “Alien Race, is our primary goal. As for the killing of Giant Dragon and Ice Phoenix, and 9-Step Demon, we don’t need to bother for now. As a result, it is not too late for us to do it again. “

He saw that the arrival of Giant Dragon and Ice Phoenix, and the anger of Giant Dragon, probably because Alien Race excavated many Flame Dragon corpses.

Since Giant Dragon and Ice Phoenix have arrived, they have no need to rush to Demon.

Void Domain Person, scattered around, kill Alien Race.” Jing Feiyang waved.

The Human Race Void Domain powerhouses gathered here are scattered, one by one, the mysterious Void Domain are used passively, forming a unique field.

“The Demon is Middle-Rank Bloodlines of 9-Step. Giant Dragon is equivalent to his Bloodlines level, Ice Phoenix is slightly weaker, and it is Initial-Rank of 9-Step.” Qu Mingde did not say anything before, in fact, secretly, to measure the true strength of the warring parties, “I have Worry. “

“What?” Nie Tian strange saying.

“I’m worried, Demon Clan‘s 9-Step Great Lord, sticking to the last Space Channel, will release the message back, attracting more Alien Race strong arrivals.” Qu Mingde looked to the flying Void Domain Person, “It won’t be long before they and 8-Step Alien Race will be at war, and the breath of soul will naturally overflow. “

“Once that 9-Step Demon, I know that in addition to Giant Dragon and Ice Phoenix, we will come over, and will certainly not wait.”

9-Step Demon Great Lord has the strength to pass the battle situation in this place to the other side of Space Channel.”

Say it to him, Nie Tian also realized that it was inappropriate, and thought for a moment, and said, “In this way, the three of you will go ahead and destroy Space Channel stationed by 9-Step Demon as soon as possible. Space Channel is destroyed, and the road is destroyed. Block it, the 9-Step Demon is at Floating Land, and it can’t turn up any waves. “

“Yes, this is safe!” Quan Zixuan agreed.

Subsequently, the three Saint Domains each extended their Saint Domain, such as three novel worlds, to pour into the Demon Qi.

They didn’t even worry about Nie Tian, they didn’t leave any one to protect Nie Tian.

“Really trust me.” Nie Tian touched his nose and smiled softly.

The three have seen it. He used the bone of Starry Sky Giant Beast to nail the Youna of 8-Step peak Bloodlines to the air. He also knew that Star Boat was lightning fast. Nie Tian still had many mysteries, and felt he had escaped from the core battlefield. 8-Step Alien Race, why not Nie Tian.


The Flame Dragon Armor of suspended in the sky, burning flame, is eager to try, and also wants to enter the battlefield.

“Not in a hurry.” Nie Tian soothed it with soul thought, “9-Step level killing, with your current strength, I’m afraid it won’t do anything. You stay for now, wait until the battle over there, or something else Turn around, and do some calculations. “

Hazelet! You dare to use your Human Corpse bones to advance your Bloodlines!” A mighty Dragon Roar roar came from the depths of the battlefield, and even Nie Tian heard clearly, “I see You are impatient. Did you have forgotten the hardships you suffered in the past? “

Floating Land, originally had our share!” The voice of Demon was also rumbling, “Don’t think that the upper continent is destroyed, we will really abandon this place! Floating Land, after all, is a very large domain, and one day , It will return to its original appearance! In that war, we were going to seize the lower continent. Now that the upper continent is collapsing and our Ancestral Land is destroyed, we need to compensate for the lower continent. This plan has never been wiped out in our hearts! ”

“We came here from this time, just to see the status of Floating Land. The time is not ripe yet. When Floating Land absorbs sufficient star energy, it will become the original super-large domain. Our coalition will once again flow into Floating Land and become Floating Land. The ultimate owner! “

“That day will never come!” Giant Dragon angry howl.

“Oh! Human Race, and the despicable Human Race is coming!”

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