Lord of All Realms Chapter 986: New arrivals

The rest of Void Domain Person is full of envy when they look at Black Turtle.

Before, they only felt that Black Turtle was a bit strange, and did n’t know its origin and special.

When Black Turtle, with the help of Nie Tian’s, urged Bloodlines talent, engulfing all the light in the world with “eternal night” and covering the earth with darkness, they also saw clearly.

The darkness of the peak, although far apart, shocked them deeply.

Dark power is a very special force between heaven and earth. Only the special Demon, or Black Dragon of Black Phoenix, Dragon Clan, will be available at birth.

Human Race people can appreciate the power of darkness, so Cultivator is rare.

Dong Li I do n’t know what the chance is, but I have mastered the cultivation method of dark power and got Black Turtle so Variation Beast.

In the future, with the increase of realm of Dong Li, her affinity with Black Turtle is getting higher and higher, and the strength she can show must be even more terrifying.


The Black Turtle at the feet of Dong Li is lazy, sticking to the belly of the cold earth, shaking and shaking, like digesting and swallowing many 7-Step Alien Race.

Dong Li communicates with its soul and quietly establishes a connection with it.

After half a ring, Dong Li‘s bright eyes are shining, and the corner of his mouth is smiling.

According to the feedback from Black Turtle, she learned that Life Fusion was used in Nie Tian, and a drop of Blood Essence Ebullition was burned, injecting majestic vitality into it, and a small part of it remained.

Nie Tian’s life energy seems to speed up the transformation of Black Turtle Bloodlines again!

The corpse of 7-Step Alien Race it swallowed, after deep sleep digestion, combined with the life potential of Nie Tian remaining in its body, can increase its Bloodlines from 7-Step to 8-Step!

Dong Li can feel its sincere joy.

“The bastard’s flesh and blood smell is still so wonderful.” Dong Li murmured in his heart, and sent a message to it with his soul, “Relax, wait for you to grow to the new Bloodlines Rank in the future, when the Bloodlines 桎梏 is about to break through, I will help you find him, hold him, and provide you with sufficient advanced nutrients! “

Black Turtle gets excited and keeps touching her head and ankles of Dong Li to show her intimacy.

“You know how to look.” Dong Li rolled his eyes.


Nie Tian figure, howling out from the gravel pile, scarlet-red blood light, such as the red spirit snake, escape into from inside him.

Every time a scarlet-red blood light disappears on Nie Tian, the vitality strength on his body gets a strong point.

“Let’s go to the next battlefield!”

Flying down to Star Boat, stars light barrier sacrifices, covering Nie Tian.


The bodies of 8-Step Demon and Evil Dark, dragged by two blood strings, also slammed to Star Boat.

Under light barrier, Nie Tian kneaded the returning qi and blood, reassembled it into concise, and concluded a new life blood essence.

“The Demon and Evil Dark of 8-Step Bloodlines, the rich flesh and blood in the body, are really far better than their peers in the Lizard race.” Nie Tian sighed.

Even if Life Drain is used, he can’t help it. In a short time, all the flesh and blood of 8-Step Alien Race will be refining.

Time is tight, no one knows when the Alien Race of the eighth Space Channel will receive the message.

In order to avoid night long dreams, Nie Tian did not dare to delay the fighter and urged everyone to leave quickly.

The crowd saw him fly back to Star Boat and brought back two 8-Step Alien Race corpses, which was slightly surprised.

Jing Feiyang and others also know that Nie Tian is a secret, sometimes it will not explain everything, and it is not convenient for questioning.

When Nie Tian gave a direction, Star Boat flew away, the skeptical crowd followed slowly.

A few days later.

With the bodies of 8-Step Demon and Evil Dark, the flesh and gas consumed by Nie Tian, and the boiling blood essence, they are restored as before.

Demon still has residual vitality strength in the body.

When he closes, Dong Li smiles with a smile and comes up, saying: “That lazy goods, I want to eat two Alien Race corpses.”

Nie Tian froze, and noticed Black Turtle‘s eyes glaring, looking at the remaining power, two Alien Race corpses.

“Give it.” Nie Tian agreed quickly.

With his permission, Black Turtle can’t wait and opens his mouth.

Its mouth is not big, but after opened the mouth, it looks like a black hole, with amazing black light flying away inside rotating, as if it can engulf everything.

Two Alien Race corpses disappeared from their mouths due to the effect of suction.

Nie Tian looked closely, and found that its abdomen didn’t even swell, and I didn’t know where it was eating Alien Race.

After swallowing two 8-Step Alien Race, Black Turtle and in the heart are satisfied. It seems that even the eyelids cannot be opened. obediently drills to the Dong Li cuff and loses sight.

More than two months later.

The icy cold place where Nie Tian and others have already left has an inconspicuous iceberg. ice rock rolls down to the ground.

Inside the iceberg, there is an ancient Formation, which is booming.


A huge Ice Phoenix shining brightly, and an Giant Dragon spraying with poisonous acid dense fog, burst out from the strange and simple Formation.

Ice Phoenix and Giant Dragon, as soon as they came out, they roared and cried, soaring in the sky.

After half an hour, Ice Phoenix and Giant Dragon wandered around this side world and landed on three mountains and rivers that were razed to the ground.

Ice Phoenix has gradually transformed and condensed into a human body. It is Nie Tian in Vortex Domain and 8-Step Ice Phoenix once seen.

It’s just that Ice Phoenix and Bloodlines break through again at this moment, and they are already at the level of 9-Step!

Giant Dragon also quickly condense, turning into a veteran old man.

“There are eighteen people of Phoenix Clan buried here. One is quite a lot.” 9-Step Ice Phoenix was very surprised. “There are some Demon and Evil Dark bones covered by the snow. This shows that the movement over us is not ours. Illusion. Here, I have indeed been raided by Alien Race, but it is strange that Alien Race did not take my tribe away, but died here. “

The old man of Dragon Clan, groaned for a long time, “There are other people entering and beheading Alien Race. Moreover, they have not collected the bones of your people, which is a bit weird.”

“Who will be the one?” 9-Step Ice Phoenix humbly asked.

Broken Star Ancient Temple.” The old man of Dragon Clan looked at the void, the big Vortex far away, and said, “Floating Land, the strong of Broken Star Ancient Temple, have entered, and made a lot of arrangements. After so long, Floating Land has changed In the time of thousands of years, the power of heaven and earth has gradually gathered and recovered from Ruins. “

“I only know that the strongest of the Broken Star Ancient Temple has been here. But it seems that Broken Star Ancient Temple has no intention of owning it, just leaving it behind, and seems to slowly seize this place after preparation.”

“If they are Broken Star Ancient Temple people, why haven’t they collected Human Corpse bones from my tribe?” 9-Step Ice Phoenix was puzzled.

“Maybe it has something to do with it.” The old man at Dragon Clan wasn’t sure.

“Is there any agreement with Broken Star Ancient Temple?” 9-Step Ice Phoenix was taken aback.

“It should be.” The old man Dragon Clan sighed. “At that time, if it wasn’t for Alien Race, it would wake it up and get out of sleep. The upper continent would not collapse quickly, and Alien Race would not be able to collapse instantly , Evacuated from Floating Land warily. “

“Not it, Floating Land has long been torn apart, and because of time, there will be no signs of recovery from the power of re-assemble.”

9-Step Ice Phoenix groaned for a while, “We, and it also have an agreement. According to the agreement, it will protect the people we settle here, the people of Broken Star Ancient Temple will not come because of its intention?”

“For specific reasons, to find the person who came from Broken Star Ancient Temple, it would be better to ask in person.” Dragon Clan said the old man.

9-Step Ice Phoenix nodded gently, “Can you know where they are?”

“That desert!” Dragon Clan old man coldly snorted, “My dead tribe are buried deep in the desert. Since this place was discovered, there must be something abnormal there. Since Evil Dark and Demon are here, they will not let go. Side, we hurried over, we will definitely encounter the group of things that don’t know how to live or die! “

After a brief exchange, Ice Phoenix and Giant Dragon will no longer be delayed.

They regained their appearance, flew in the vast void, and rushed towards the hot desert along the direction of Nie Tian and others.

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