Lord of All Realms Chapter 833: Shoujing

The so-called Nature Source’s Wells are actually in swamps, in solid silt.

A mouthful of Nature Source’s Wells, ranging in size and distance from each other.

Nature Source’s Well is scattered in the swamp area. Where there is Nature Source’s Well, the land is relatively hard, like iron stones, and it seems to be able to fall. Don’t worry about sinking the swamp.

Forty-nine Nature Source’s Wells are scattered, six of which are well occupied.

The diameter of the six wells is more than three meters, and the largest one is like a dark pit leading to the ground.

At the wellhead of that well, there was a Human Race old man with gray hair who looked alive for a while. His realm was Mysterious Realm late stage.

There is still a long way to go. The Flight Spirit Item of Chai Longge has slowly stopped.

Nie Tian looks far away at the old man. His Life Bloodline is quite sensitive to the age of Human Race.

Just a little induction, he knows that the old man, like his master Wu Ji, has also encountered the problem of age limit.

Old man, has lived for many years, but his realm is still only Mysterious Realm late stage.

If he can’t step into Spiritual Realm quickly and get extra years of life in a short time, his cultivation road, including the road of life, will come to an end.

Elderly man closed his eyes, qi and blood failed, but the Spiritual Power in the body fluctuated, but it was extremely turbulent.

“An elder of Spirit Martial Hall inferred that this time Nature Source’s Well will be gushing out all kinds of world energy. Our brothers and sisters came from Nature Source’s Well, hoping to use Nature Source’s Well to make their realm even higher. “Chai Longge lowered his voice.” It’s still early for us to come. There are only six people. Let’s take a step first. “

Nie Tian’s glanced and swept over the other five people, and found that the remaining five people, realm, are also Mysterious Realm.

Some of them are not too young, and some are still quite young from the breath of life, far from reaching the age of peak.

A total of six people, each occupying the largest Nature Source’s Well.

Three of them looked up at them from a distance and ignored them.

“The energy of Nature Source’s Well‘s spurting heaven and earth is not constant, and the Attribute they practice is different.” Mu Biqiong pondered, and said softly: “If one person is guarding Nature Source’s Well, the energy that spurts out, and their cultivation Attribute is not consistent, what will happen? “

Chai Longge smiled bitterly, “There are several situations.”

Nie Tian is curious.

“Either, exchange with other people. If the person next to you, the Nature Source’s Well guarding, the energy from the sky and the earth, is consistent with his situation, two people will easily reach a tacit understanding and exchange each other.” Chai Longge voice is even lower, pointing The old man, “For example, he practiced Attribute as lightning, and the person next to him practiced Attribute as water.”

“If the Nature Source’s Well that two people is obsessed with, and the Attribute that pours out of cultivation, it is just the opposite, they will immediately exchange, and they will not conflict with each other.”

Mu Biqiong asks again: “What if the Nature Source’s Well guarded by the old man spews out flame energy, and the person next to him has a lightning flash from the wellhead?”

“Whoever is strong is the one who says it.” Chai Longge sighed.

As soon as this sentence came out, Nie Tian‘s heart suddenly became clear. Knowing that these forty-nine mouths of Nature Source’s Well are definitely not the first to occupy, they can always occupy.

Nature Source’s Well is about to release all kinds of energy news. Spirit Martial Hall can know. Other Star Territory Sect, including Alien Race, Ancient Beast, should also know.

Forty-nine mouths Nature Source’s Well, when the mystery is really displayed, I am afraid that there will be a fierce **** battle.

It is not as simple as you think to get the good fortune from those Nature Source’s Well. There are too many accidents that will happen one after another.

“It’s still early for us to come, and there are still many empty wells left.” Chai Longge groaned for a while, “You can choose each one first, if you can keep it, then you will see it later. If it is true Ca n’t help but simply give up and save your life, otherwise … ”

Needless to elaborate, Nie Tian and others can also understand the danger.

Fortunately, each of the three is extremely bold, and he is not afraid of it.

At Flight Spirit Item of Chai Longge, when reaching the Nature Source’s Well, Yin Yanan hummed and flew out first.

She falls to a larger Nature Source’s Well, sits down with one butt, and makes a loud noise.

Mu Biqiong followed closely, and also picked a larger Nature Source’s Well, which also occupied.

Nie Tian was next to them, and randomly searched for a bite of Nature Source’s Well.

Brothers and sisters Chai Longge also selected Nature Source’s Well and Nature Source’s Well selected by two people, not far from them.

“Two of our brothers and sisters, Attribute, Spiritual Power for gold and Water’s Spiritual Power for gold.” After the Chai Longge dropped, he said to the three Nie Tian: “When Nature Source’s Well shows the magic and the energy of the heavens and the earth, if we have the right Yes, how about the first exchange? “

Nie Tian three nodded.

To this day, Nie Tian has long understood that the Spirit Secret Art practiced by Mu Biqiong is related to Wood, which may be related to her own Two Colors Monster Flower strain.

And Yin Yanan, because Ice Blood Python‘s Bloodlines has Thick Ice Python and Blood Mark Python, her practice Attribute is the power of cold ice.

The other Body Technique she cultivates is a talent that matches the Blood Mark Python, is included in the beast blood essence, and is hidden in herself.

Of the three, only his cultivation level, flame, Wood, and Stars Energy simultaneous cultivates.

Chai Longge From him, maybe he can see his two flavors of flame and Wood, Stars Energy, may not be able to distinguish.

Chai Longge invited the three of them to come to Nature Source’s Well to seek opportunities. In addition to being not bad at heart, they should also feel that the three of them are not dangerous to two of their siblings.

The Jinru and Water’s Spiritual Power they practiced, none of them practiced. When Nature Source’s Well opened the mystery, the two sides could exchange, and the possibility of gaining Nature Source’s Well‘s mystery would be greatly improved.

Of course, all of this is based on a premise.

—— They need to be able to hold onto the Nature Source’s Well they occupy.

The Nature Source’s Well selected by Nie Tian and others is far away from the others who arrived first.

After Nie Tian fell, he looked at the Nature Source’s Well he chose, and looked down at the wellhead, and found that the wellhead seemed to lead to the depths of the earth, dark and dull, I don’t know how deep.

His ray of Soul Consciousness extends towards the within the well, reaching the limit of perception, and fails to see the wonder.

He retracted soul thought, glanced at Mu Biqiong and Yin Yanan, and found that the two fierce women were also watching Nature Source’s Well, and found nothing.

Nie Tian calmed down, sitting at his wellhead, took out spirit stones and started practicing.

In a hurry, a few days later, new foreigners gradually arrived, one after another.

The newcomers are Human Race, Demon and Nether Race. Even Spirit Beast has one.

The Ancient Beast at the other end is a Earth Flame Beast with six levels.

At the time of Scarlet Flames Mountain Range of Crack Space Domain, the Earth Flame Beast that Nie Tian had seen was also level 6, which shocked him greatly.

Six levels of Earth Flame Beast are comparable in strength to Human Race Mysterious Realm. Today, this level of Earth Flame Beast is not as scary in Nie Heavenly Eye.

After the arrival of Earth Flame Beast, the three fire tails fluttered, and the huge beast body sank in a wellhead of Nature Source’s Well and stopped moving.

Whether it is Human Race, or Alien Race‘s Demon and Nether Race, it is not strange to ignore it.

Pagson, Frost and Gutus of the second Demon Domain, there is no appear(ance).

A few days later, a young man riding 6-Step Dark Thunder Beast arrived wearing a flowing light colorful shirt.

The young man, there are five Thunder Balls on the chest of his shirt. They seem to be embedded in the clothes, but they are constantly turning, which is very wonderful.

The young man was embarrassed. After he came over, he looked around on Dark Thunder Beast, and soon noticed the old man guarding the largest Nature Source’s Well, realm in Mysterious Realm late stage.

He patted Dark Thunder Beast and flew over the old man’s head. In a commanding tone, he screamed, “Old man, let the Nature Source’s Well out.”

His realm, only Mysterious Realm middle stage, is obviously weaker than the old man.

The old man opened his eyes and looked at the five shaking Thunder Ball on his chest, his face slightly changed.

The anger in the old man’s eyes flashed away, and he immediately stood up, re-selected a distant Nature Source’s Well, and sat down again.

From beginning to end, the old man said nothing.

“Count your acquaintance.” The young man grinned, driving the Dark Thunder Beast of 6-Step, falling at the largest Nature Source’s Well, and looking at the old man with coldly, saying: “If there are three Nature Source’s Wells that can thunder and thunder, I will let them go. You get a horse and give you one. “

“Otherwise, the chance of this time has nothing to do with you. I and my Dark Thunder Beast need two, Nature Source’s Well that can blast Thunder Lightning.”

The old man who is about to reach the end of his life, eager to break the limit of his life through Nature Source’s Well, listens to him and looks sad.

Through Thunder Star Territory, Young Sect Master, Mo Qinglei for Heavenly Thunder Sect!”

Chai Longge frowned, quietly looked at the young man, and said to Nie Tian and others, and said, “If you keep the Nature Source’s Well, there is a thunderous lightning force, it is best to take the initiative to evacuate, not to provoke the person . He is Young Sect Master of Heavenly Thunder Sect, Sect Master of Heavenly Thunder Sect, Saint Domain late stage! “

“Don’t look at his realm is not high, but he holds the Ultimate Treasure of Heavenly Thunder Sect. He dares to be so reckless because he can use the Ultimate Treasure to play battle strength far beyond Mysterious Realm!”

“Much more than Mysterious Realm …” Yin Yanan smiled softly.

Mu Biqiong looks the same.

Nie Tian smiled and said, “Thank you for your reminder.”

Chai Longge Seeing these three people, they are all indifferent postures, with strange eyes.

He can’t see that there are eight grades of Ice Blood Python in the body of Yin Yanan, nor can he see the strange Two Colors Monster Flower hidden in the body of Mu Biqiong.

Wall Heavenly Star Territory is just a junior Star Territory. He doesn’t think that the young people who meet in front of each other can compete with Mo Qinglei of Heavenly Thunder Sect.

A half day later.

Luo Hui of Heavenly Witch Sect, riding the golden spider, even passed by.

Luo Hui, appear(ance), Nie Tian and others looked at each other and laughed softly.

Luo Hui rushed here and suddenly saw Nie Tian and changes countenance.

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