Lord of All Realms Chapter 778: Star Road History

It is exactly the same as Nie Tian expected. After filling space spirit stones, the Space Transmission Formation was successfully started, and he and Yin Yanan two people were successfully transmitted to Crack Space Domain.

“It’s a similar palace again.”

Yin Yanan stands in the Crack Space Domain‘s palace rising from the depths of the earth. Looking around, the scene you see is very similar to the palace when you came.

She even has the illusion that she hasn’t left and is still in the same palace.

Nie Tian releases Soul Consciousness, penetrates the palace, and senses the outside world.

He immediately smelled the breath of Nie Donghai and others. Every one of the Nie Family family was at the Azure Bamboo Forest in the palace at the moment, practicing quietly and peacefully.

Nie Donghai and others are okay, which means that after he left, Place of Meteor has not changed much.

If there is a big change, Azure Bamboo Forest around this palace will be the first to bear it.

“Here is Place of Meteor?” Yin Yanan curious saying.

Nie Tian nodded gently, “Yes, it’s one of domain in Place of Meteor.”

Yin Yanan thought deeply, “Space Transmission Formation here, arrived at the Forbidden Land, in an almost identical palace. The Space Transmission Formation inside the palace has two coordinate, one leading to Place of Meteor, the other …”

Nie Tian was wrapped around the land by giant vine and stood in front of Transmission Formation with Divine Fire Sect and others. She also heard that.

Broken Star Ancient Temple, all that is left is, in my opinion, a star road to return to you.” Yin Yanan pondered, with different lights flashing in his eyes, “From the beginning of Place of Meteor to the piece that was Forbidden Land, obtained Ownership of that continent, and then another ten million. “

“And you just need to follow the layout of Broken Star Ancient Temple and follow the guidance of Xinglu, step by step, and you will eventually return to Broken Star Ancient Temple.”

“By the time you return, you must have accumulated enough power. realm … should also break through to a whole new level.”

“At that time, your return will be noticeable. Everything is logical. As the seventh Child of Stars of Broken Star Ancient Temple, it shines deep into the vast star river.”

The Nie Tian was shocked by the words.

He is not as thorough as Yin Yanan thinks. He was only vaguely aware that the various arrangements of Broken Star Ancient Temple are a test for him.

He wants to arrive in Broken Star Ancient Temple as Child of Stars and get approval, it seems that he must go through a difficult process.

Tell Yin Yanan that he was so impressed that he really understood the intent of Broken Star Ancient Temple.

“Follow the path of the stars they left, sharpen themselves, and move forward step by step …”

He is took a deep breath, with a smile on his mouth and a bright mood.

He pushed open the closed stone gate, stepped out, and went outside.

Yin Yanan also stepped out.

“A domain of Place of Meteor.” She gently breathed the world’s spiritual energy of Crack Space Domain, looking at the scorching sun, and said, “spiritual energy here, although not as good as that world, is quite full, and it is quite different from some domain of our Wall Heavenly Star Territory Not big. “

Nie Tian Hey smiled and said nothing.

But he was very clear-hearted, knowing that Crack Space Domain and Yin Yanan had completely different ideas. Not far away, Imaginary Space Mountain Range, space crack bursting out, leaked all the energy breath of Foreign Domain all the time.

The energy breath was spread on Crack Space Domain when the palace did not emerge from the earth, making this domain unsuitable for Human Race practice, and this place was eventually abandoned by all parties.

But after the palace appeared, everything changed.

The Foreign Domain energy leaked by those space cracks is washed refining and becomes pure world’s spiritual energy, nourishing this once abandoned domain.

He can feel that world’s spiritual energy of Crack Space Domain is a little richer than before he left.

Young Master Nie!”

His arrival suddenly caught the attention of Li Langfeng.

Li Langfeng has been here since he left, doing his best to guard Nie Donghai and others like Azure Bamboo Forest.

After two years, he thought that even if Nie Tian was going to return, it should be connected to Space Transmission Formation of Foreign Domain through Thunder Mountain. Why did not think that Nie Tian actually came from that palace and suddenly came up.

Li Langfeng quickly arrived in front of Nie Tian, his face was full of surprises, “You, how do you return from the palace?”

Mysterious Realm middle stage, the power of Spirit Secret Artviolent poison!” Yin Yanan glanced at him, his expression changed slightly. “That kind of breath, which is so similar to Nether Race, does his magic arts come from Nether Race, which is all poisonous? ? “

“Congratulations, realm has reached such a height.” Nie Tian praised.

Li Langfeng Pico bowing the body, sincere attitude: “Without Young Master Nie, there will not be my Li Langfeng today. Young Master Nie has given me many Nether Race Supreme Treasure, classics, how can I not firmly grasp and try my best to improve realm and battle strength.”

“This person … is dangerous.” Yin Yanan frowned, mumbling.

She refined Xuanao Body Technique, and incorporated Secret Technique with Ancient Beast blood. Now she is also Mysterious Realm initial stage cultivation level. She believes that even in the face of ordinary Mysterious Realm middle stage, there is also a battle force when not using Ice Blood Python.

But the thin bones in front of her eyes and the pale Li Langfeng of complexion made her feel uncomfortable.

She has a feeling that she does not borrow the power of Ice Blood Python. Even if she is full of vitality and blood, she may not be her opponent.

Place of Meteor, isn’t it a broken Star Territory that didn’t even have a strong Void Domain strongman? Why was the first person I met to be so weird that the toxins contained in the flesh and blood made my blood and blood uneasy?” She had a bit of dread about this Star Territory, which was a bit disdainful before.

“Here, since there is Child of Stars selected by Broken Star Ancient Temple, Nie Tian, there must be wondrous mystery!”

At this point of a thought, Yin Yanan said: “Nie Tian, if you don’t mind, can you allow me to do it by myself? I want to see Place of Meteor and move around.”

Nie Tian squinted and said, “I hope that after the transformation of the Ice Blood Python, you can also be a little bit safer, don’t make a comeback.”

Once Ice Blood Python breaks through 8-Step Bloodlines, Yin Yanan strength will skyrocket. With the power of 8-Step Ice Blood Python, she can run on Place of Meteor.

Unless the strong Void Domain of Lei Family starts, no one can control this woman.

“I promised you that I wouldn’t come here.” Yin Yanan immediately promised and looked back at the palace, saying: “Since this palace stands here, you … are recognized by Broken Star Ancient Temple Child of Stars, the entire Place of Meteor, will naturally be regarded as the site of Broken Star Ancient Temple, and of course I will not act arrogantly.

“Not to mention …”

She hesitated, and said, “I still need to pass you in order to return to Wall Heavenly Star Territory. I must worry about your exist(ence).”

Nie Tian nodded, “your own be careful.”

Yin Yanan smiled proudly, “Rest assured, or I will be back in a little while.”

After that, she left alone.

As soon as she left, Nie Donghai, Nie Qian, and others all felt something, and immediately came out of that Azure Bamboo Forest.

“Grandpa, aunt!”

Nie Tian‘s face was filled with joy from his heart, and he quickly greeted him.

Nie Tian is back!”

“He did not return from the Space Transmission Formation from Lei Family to Foreign Domain, but walked out of the magical palace directly!”

“It’s been almost two years. Where did he go and what happened?”

“Go to Crack Space Domain!”

A similar conversation, due to the return of Nie Tian’s, occurred in Sect of Meteorite’s Nine Domains‘s major domain.

Spirit Vulture Association, Dong Family, Cold Ice Pavilion, Refiner Sect, etc. The Sect forces, who are very close to Nie Tian, have moved to Crack Space Domain.

A corner of Mysterious Heaven Domain.

Heavenly Palace‘s Zhao Luofeng, Ling Dong, Endless, and many Mysterious Realm-level strong, standing in a gloomy lake, waiting impatiently.

They’re all excited.

After half a ring, an old man emerges from the bottom of the lake to Transmission Formation of secret world.

The old man’s face is covered with deep gullies, so old, but he has a long and ethereal atmosphere.

Uncle Master!”

Zhao Luofeng and Ling Dong two people, seeing him step out, full of joy to welcome him.

Uncle Master, you finally successfully entered Void Domain, Heavenly Palace finally has hope.” Ling Dong Shen channeled.

Alien Race two invasions, both fascinated by the breakthrough of Fan Kai by realm. Although they entered Void Domain initial stage, they did not look happy, but frowned deeply, saying, “Is there a place for Heavenly Palace in Place of Meteor? It is not in me. . “

“Who’s on that?” Ling Dong was puzzled.

Nie Tian.”

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