Lord of All Realms Chapter 697: Quiet and calm

Crack Space Domain.

A little fire glow, suddenly flashed out of thin air in that forbidden area.

fire glow is inflated, causing sharp space fluctuations, and each layer of fine space crack quietly breeds.

One of the space cracks tears slowly, and fire glow suddenly sinks, making that space crack concise again, and turning into a stable Space Channel.


Nie Tian dug out from it, raised his hand and grabbed it, fire glow turned into Blood Core, escape into and his Storage Ring.

Crack Space Domain.”

Nie Tian grinned, released Soul Consciousness, gathered into nine Heavenly Eye, and prepared to look into the surrounding atmosphere.

A bunch of flame flowing light flew from the distant outer space, being dragged forbidden by this piece of life, quietly changing the trajectory.

Nie Tian‘s heart suddenly flashed bright glow star light all over his body. His Soul Consciousness also locked the bunch of flame flowing light in an instant.

That is a huge meteorite that is about to fall.

This area, for thousands of years, has always been exist(ence)‘s unsolved mysteries. outer space meteorites have often been drawn across the Crack Space Domain. They have been forced to change their trajectory and fall here.

No one has ever known why each piece of Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens will be attracted here and will fall here one after another.

Star Falls!”

As soon as he thought about it, Nie Tian performed the Austrian method according to the secret technique of the first Broken Star Mark.

The Stars Energy in his body was quickly lost. His strands of Soul Consciousness, Star Soul at the entry point Broken Star, such as iron wire, firmly locked the Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens that was about to fall.

At this moment, he seems to be entangled with the huge Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens, and can fall and bomb it anywhere according to his own mind.


The red colorful‘s meteor flare changed its trajectory again. According to the soul guidance of Nie Tian’s, it crashed into an open space not far from him.

The earth made a roar, and the area was smashed into a huge pit, and the fire was overflowing.

“A piece of Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens, with a terrifying impulse, if it is bombarded on someone …”

Nie Tian‘s expression shook. He believes that this flying Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens, let alone impact on Qi Refinement Warrior, even if it hits the once towering palace of Heavenly Palace, it will also be hit hard.

Before, he realized the way of Star Falls, but at that time, he was short of realm, Stars Energy was limited, and psychic power was not transformed into Soul Power.

This also caused that although he realized that the Secret Technique of Star Falls and Meteorite from Beyond the Heavens can be really displayed, he has a feeling of lack of energy.

Today, he has successfully entered Mortal Realm, Spiritual Dan condense, and True Soul, and it has become much easier to use Star Falls again.

Nine Heavenly Eyes, like the pupils of the gods in the suspended void, overlook the earth, and search closely for the place where the meteorite fell.


After a while, he passed a Heavenly Eye and saw Li Langfeng.

Li Langfeng is full of Poison Qi, as if in the multi-colored drug mist, two hands is holding the heart of the Nether Race tribe. It seems to be Poison Qi among the refining.

A Heavenly Eye suddenly fell from high altitude.

When Heavenly Eye was approaching, Li Langfeng suddenly felt it, suddenly stopped practicing and looked up.


Li Langfeng The eyes were deep and cold, and the corner of his mouth was savagely murderous, releasing his Soul Consciousness sharply.


A piece of dark green, containing a cloud of violent poison, will soon be wrapped in the shadowless and invisible Heavenly Eye.

Nie Tian suddenly laughed, and immediately withdrew Heavenly Eye and headed for Li Langfeng.

Li Langfeng coldly snorted, surrounded by a bunch of green flowing light, rising up into the air, chasing in the direction of Heavenly Eye leaving.

two people are moving closer to each other, and after just a quarter of an hour, they met.

Young Master Nie!”

After Li Langfeng sees the figure of Nie Tian from mid-air, the coldness on his face fades away instantly, and it is replaced by surprise.

Nie Tian squinted his eyes, watched his strength converge, slowly falling from the air, and said with a smile, “You are really amazing, you have successfully broken through to Mysterious Realm.”

Although he is not clear about the specific changes in the body between Mortal Realm and Mysterious Realm, he knows that only Qi Refinement Warrior, which has entered Mysterious Realm, can rely on Flight Spirit Item and have the ability to soar the sky.

Li Langfeng did not take the Flight Spirit Item. Now it is galloping at high altitude, which is clearly the most intuitive performance when entering Mysterious Realm.

“It’s all about Young Master Nie.” Li Langfeng said respectfully after the fall.

As soon as the voice fell, he looked at Nie Tian with a slightly awkward smile on his face, “Congratulations Young Master Nie.”

Obviously, he also saw that Nie Tian successfully entered Mortal Realm.

“How can you be on the ground?” Nie Tian strange saying.

“I have nowhere to go, and I have lost my direction. Listen to Senior Zhen saying that you are here, just wait here.” Li Langfeng looked dark and whispered: “Before, the meaning of my life was to take revenge. But my enemies, with the demise of Spectre Mansion and Witch Poison Cult, are already dead. “

“I regret that I didn’t have the ability to defeat the enemy. They died, and I counted as revenge, but they died in the hands of Lei Family. I don’t feel happy …”

Nie Tian sighed and didn’t know how to comfort him.

The first half of his life would rather be short-lived and penalize his defective poisoning for revenge.

When he was about to have this strength, Lei Family started Spectre Mansion, Flame God Temple, Witch Poison Cult in advance, and removed these three Big Sect from Dark Underworld Domain and Black Pond Domain.

The approach of Lei Family seems to help Li Langfeng by accident, but the hard work of Li Langfeng in the first half of life seems suddenly meaningless.

“What are your plans for the future?” Nie Heavenly Law.

“In the second half of my life, I’ll leave it to Young Master Nie.” Li Langfeng said sincerely, “Without Young Master Nie, there would be no Li Langfeng today! Half a year ago, when I was at Great Desolate Domain, I actually had a decision. If you were Lei Family killed, for the rest of my life, what I seek is revenge for you and take care of Nie Family for you. “

“Yes …”

He smiled bitterly, “It turned out that I thought it was too pessimistic. The Young Master Nie Ji people have their own sky, and actually got the favor of Divine Fire Sect Great Elder, which made Lei Family all obediently bow their heads.”

Tell him this, Nie Tian is also touched, but feels a little surprised again, saying: “Half year?”

“Well, you have disappeared here since you came here. It’s been half a year.” Li Langfeng explained, “After I came here, I turned over here and didn’t find you. Later, Elder Zhen, Hua Mu, also Some people have been coming one after another and haven’t found you. “

“I will stay here because Miss Dong Li told me that where you disappear, there will be appear(ance).”

“She made me wait for you here.”

Nie Tian nodded, “It’s her.”

At the time of Dark Underworld Domain, Dong Li saw it with his own eyes. He formed a Space Channel with Flame Dragon Armor and disappeared out of thin air.

After that, Dong Li was still in the area and finally waited for his return.

Only Dong Li, knowing that the Flame Dragon Armor in his hands possesses such an extraordinary mystery.

“Ms. Dong Li will come every once in a while in this half year.” Li Langfeng continued, “But this area is not suitable for her practice. She is waiting here for a few days and seeing that you have not returned , You will leave, and come again after a while. “

“She told me to wait for you to come back, let me notify her, or let you meet her.”

“Oh, by the way, what has happened to Place of Meteor in the past six months? Has there been any major change?” Nie Tian asked.

“It’s calm.” Li Langfeng responded, “Lei Family has given way to Great Desolate Domain, and went to Thunder Mountain of Earth Sieve Domain. Lei Family stays out of the way, rarely walks around, and also restrains Thunder Mountain, Heaven Overflowing Sect from acting arbitrarily. Black Pond Domain and Dark Underworld Domain, in Witch Poison Cult, Flame God Temple, After Spectre Mansion collapses, in the sky is set. “

“The two big domains have a lot of big sect ideas, but currently no one is upright and go to the two domain to stand. Lei Family releases words, everything, waiting for your instructions. Because of this, Hua Mu, Dong Wangling and others, I have been looking for you everywhere, but there is no whereabouts of you. “

“Your Parting Heaven Domain’s Chang Sen has successfully broken through to Spiritual Realm, becoming the first Qi Refinement Warrior of Parting Heaven Domain to enter Spiritual Realm.”

Yang Sect and Yin Sect are also looking for you, I hope you go to Thousand Extinction Domain to help them find something.”

Li Langfeng will explain the situation of Place of Meteor to Nie Tian.

Yang Sect, Yin Sect …” Nie Tian touched his chin and suddenly looked at the ground under his feet.

Li Muyang and Xing Xuanyue two people, he knew exactly what he wanted, and he did promise.

This two people treats him well. When Heavenly Palace forced Li Muyang and Xing Xuanyue to surrender him, two people did not hesitate to fight with Heavenly Palace and kept him hard.

Later, when he was in conflict with Sect of Heavenly Palace, Sect of Thousand Extinction Domain was also his most solid backing.

“First look into the wonders of the ground. After you figure it out, go to Thousand Extinction Domain and take out the two volumes of scripture for Yin Sect and Yang Sect.” After making up his mind, Nie Tian sat quietly on the ground, preparing to carefully bury it in Find out the secret of the ground.

In the past, he had insufficient realm, psychic power had not been transformed into Soul Power, and he could not break through the geocentric restriction.

At this time, he, True Soul condense, psychic power also succeeded refining as Soul Power, and it was time for him to break the secret left by Broken Star Ancient Temple.

From his Soul Consciousness, wrapped in nine Heavenly Eyes, sinking deep into the earth.

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