Lord of All Realms Chapter 598: Out of town!

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Crack Space Domain was originally extremely rich in world’s spiritual energy. It is the best place for Qi Refinement Warrior as a whole Place of Meteor.

A long time ago, Crack Space Domain was the most unique domain of Place of Meteor, and even surpassed Mysterious Heaven Domain.

The Ruins City of Crack Space Domain was also the most powerful Sect of Place of Meteor.

However, due to a huge change in Imaginary Space Mountain Range, many outer space impurity and various types of energy penetration in different worlds have completely changed Crack Space Domain.

Foreign matter leaked from Foreign Domain contains stars dirt, contains a breath of corrosion, has the energy of soul riots, and is mixed with a variety of strange atmospheres such as the Dark Qi Demon gas.

Crack Space Domain The tremendous changes in the energy of heaven and earth eventually led to the withdrawal of the powerful Qi Refinement Warrior that had been cultivated here.

Crack Space Domain, also removed from Place of Meteor.

In the previous Crack Space Domain, the Dark Qi Demon gas polluted Poison Qi accounted for a small proportion of the vast variety of heaven and earth. However, in the recent period, there are many violent poison atmospheres other than Dark Qi Demon, which flew out from those six space cracks.

This makes the environment of Crack Space Domain even worse.

Dong Li is helpless, you also know that Qi Refinement Warrior of our Human Race, in the Crack Space Domain activity, originally needs to withstand the erosion of dirty spiritual energy. After these changes, we will leave the three cities of Shattered City Ruins and Abandoned Land, which are guarded by giant Formation, and the pressure will be greater.

The Alien Race, because the flesh and blood is extremely powerful, does not seem to be affected in this environment.

In addition, they can also absorb nutrients suitable for them from the filthy spiritual energy when fighting, whether it is cultivation or the rapid recovery of Bloodlines, they will improve a lot.

This has caused Crack Space Domain to gradually become suitable for all kinds of Alien Race activities, and we are … constrained everywhere.

Li Langfeng interjection is like this. When I came over from the cricket plant and participated in the trade fair, I had already faintly sensed the change of world’s spiritual energy. It was just then that I didn’t think much. Unexpectedly, one month later, the environment of this Crack Space Domain became so bad.

Nie Tian groaned for a while, and we knew that the quiet change of the energy of Crack Space Domain heaven and earth must be related to the influx of Alien Race.

Alien Race is quietly transforming the Crack Space Domain through an unknown method to make Crack Space Domain change towards their ideal battlefield.

What’s the situation? He asked again.

When you concentrate on cultivation this month, most of Shattered City‘s strongest Mortal Realm and Mysterious Realm are transferred to Imaginary Space Mountain Range. Dong Li Dai’s eyebrows frowned, and Parting Heaven Domain cases could not escape responsibility, and they all passed Space Transmission Formation one after another and were sent to Imaginary Space Mountain Range.

Nie Tian turned cold, they want to use Parting Heaven Domain cases as cannon fodder?

You don’t have to worry about that. Dong Li smiled proudly. Today’s alliance is not what Heaven Overflowing Sect can say. Dong Family Cold Ice Pavilion Refiner Sect Yin Sect Yang Sect Spirit Vulture Association secretly took care of it, the Alliance will give Parting Heaven Domain the treatment it deserves, and will never give it away for nothing.

Nie Tian is a little assured, and said again: How strong is Imaginary Space Mountain Range?

Because of your news, when the Alien Race of 7-Step Bloodlines will come in, all parties will not dare to take it lightly anymore. Palace Lord Zhao Luofeng and Great Elder Ling Dong of Heavenly Palace have visited Imaginary Space Mountain Range. Dong Li looks dignified, and there are several Spiritual Realm old monster who haven’t been born for a long time. They all quietly descend, waiting for Alien Race.

Zhao Luofeng and Ling Dong are Spiritual Realm middle stage and initial stage, respectively, plus a few Spiritual Realm old monster, Nie Tian believes that those Alien Race cross-domain space crack may also be surprised.

He is convinced that the Alien Race that he is about to enter, has no idea that he is leading those Supreme Talent and has returned one step ahead.

From the perspective of Alien Race, the current Crack Space Domain … maybe it is not clear that they will invade.

While Alien Race swarms and finds that many powerful Human Race have already assembled, I am afraid they will be surprised.

In Shattered City, shouldn’t there be too many powerful people? Nie Heavenly Law.

Well, it’s time to go, all gone. Dong Li nodded gently and said again: However, there are still some Loose Cultivators that don’t listen to the schedule or find excuses to stay. Among these people, someone will hold your valuable assets in your hands. Before leaving for Clan Elder in my family, I specifically told me not to leave Shattered City.

Li Langfeng also said: All Mysterious Realm of Parting Heaven Domain are summons to Imaginary Space Mountain Range, Young Master Nie, you really are not suitable for leaving the city.

Nie Tian grinned, hehe smiled, no, I’m going to go outside the Shattered City to see the changes in the energy of the world.

Shattered City can protect all filthy atmospheres because of Formation, which makes the city’s Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior safe and sound.

He has to understand how bad the Crack Space Domain world’s spiritual energy is today.

In addition, he also wants to use Skeleton Blood Monster to deter all parties and let those who have misconduct dispel evil thoughts.

To show the power of Skeleton Blood Monster, there is another reason. He wants some people in that league to know Parting Heaven Domain today, and also exist(ence), the pinnacle of Spiritual Realm battle strength!

Skeleton Blood Monster is not Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior, but as long as you obey him and show the Spiritual Realm level of terrorist power, those who want to calculate Parting Heaven Domain’s by conspiracy will have some concerns.

What? Are you leaving the city? Dong Family is out of breath, are you crazy? You have to know that there are many Loose Cultivators, like temper and Zhao Shanling, there are no taboos. They do n’t care about Place of Meteor life and death. In their eyes, you are a piece of fat that is easy to be stabbed, seized from your hands, separated from a remote place, and waited for the realm to make a major breakthrough. They may even retaliate with Dong Family Cold Ice Pavilion. Not afraid!

You said, there will be Spiritual Realm, come and kill me? Nie Tian laughed.

Spiritual Realm people are all in Imaginary Space Mountain Range. What you have in your hands … should not let Spiritual Realm people do it shamelessly. Dong Li smiled bitterly. Every Spiritual Realm person has big sect devotees behind them. They have too many resources to dispatch. Any one of them is a well-known figure of Place of Meteor years. Naturally, they will not pull their faces and do such things that reduce their status.

That’s good. Nie Tian stood up and walked straight out. Those who did not have Spiritual Realm came to have more Mysterious Realm snacks, just to die! Look at me, **** them!

By the way, he walked out of the shabby neighborhood in an upright manner, with a stance of life and death, heading straight for the gate of Shattered City.

Dong Li has an extremely blind worship of him. Seeing him so confident, he no longer persuaded.

Li Langfeng was surprised, but didn’t say much, just followed him step by step.

What, Nie Tian is out of town? !!

Shattered City is a lively neighborhood, at the 6-layer Stone Building round platform, Qin Yan exclaims.

Beside her, there are juniors of Dong Baijie, Qian Xin Cao Qiushui Gu Haofeng, plus three or five Mortal Realm.

They are discussing what will happen to the Hundred Wars Domain parties once Alien Race floods in and the battle is tight.

Suddenly, Nie Tian forcibly left the city, and all of them stayed still.

rays of light is uncertain in the eyes of Qian Xin, saying: Mysterious Realm of all parties, rushed to Imaginary Space Mountain Range, he is out of town, I am afraid I can not take care of it.

Oops! Cao Qiushui has also changed his face, Cold Ice Pavilion Yin Sect Yang Sect, all the same. Before our Sect elders left, they specifically told us not to let Nie Tian out of the city. Dong Li, he should have been informed, why did he have to venture out of the city?

There are many Loose Cultivators. Qin Yan chilled. Because these people did not have Sect, they were not afraid that the alliance would come up and find trouble afterwards. Some of them will definitely be greedy for the many rare spirit materials in the hands of Nie Tian.

Anyway, let ’s go over and hope that … Nie Tian has a solution. Dong Baijie jumped down from the round platform and quickly moved out of the city.

Similarly, there are Xuan Ke of Cold Ice Pavilion, Yin Sect Ye Qin, Yang Sect Chen Hao and others.

When they heard that Nie Tian was about to leave the city, they were all frightened and went out of the city.

Prince! Nie Tian is out of town! Blood Skeleton headquarters, Shi Qing rushed into the Cai Lan practice secret room.

Cai Lan was also taken aback. Is that kid crazy? Doesn’t he know that many people are holding his belongings, how dare he leave the city?

Shi Qing smiled and shook his head, indicating that he could not understand the Nie Tian intention.

Elder Zhen, currently not in Shattered City. And we Blood Skeleton … have long lost control of this city. Cai Lan sighed, there are several Loose Cultivator, realm is not weaker than me. They really want to start with Nie Tian, plus I am afraid they have no chance of winning.

How is it good? Shi Qing said worried.

I’m okay. Cai Lan has a sad look, and now those who contact Imaginary Space Mountain Range who look after Nie Tian’s Mysterious Realm may not have had time. Nie Tian, what do you want? Does he not know that in the eyes of many people, he is a mobile treasure house?

: Thank you for your kind reminder, Zhao Shanling realm is wrong. In Spiritual Realm initial stage, it has been modified, sorry ~


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