Lord of All Realms Chapter 580: The power of one sword

Amus holds the knife in both hands. The dark black knife in his eyes, like a rare treasure, seems to be afraid of a little bit missing.

Looking at his respect for the sword, he made Nie Tian‘s face slightly change, and developed a strong sense of uneasiness.

I haven’t waited for Nie Tian to take a closer look at the long knife. The Pei Qiqi that disappeared for several days suddenly appeared.

Nie Tian! Be careful with that handle!” Pei Qiqi stood next to appear(ance), standing next to him, like the enemy, “The handle is extremely scary. I can see the fine space cracks at the blade! Even this piece of space can’t bear the power of that knife, you should quickly shrink into Formation! “

As soon as you say this, Nie Tian takes a closer look and it really shows.

There are fine cracks almost invisible to the naked eye of the blade of that dark long knife, and the cracks have healed.

Many Supreme Talent from Place of Meteor, after listening to Pei Qiqi, they suddenly released Spiritual Consciousness, and wanted to feel the wonder of that handle knife.

These are useless Mortal Realm, no Soul Power is available, only Supreme Talent of Spiritual Consciousness, humming suddenly.

Everyone who releases Spiritual Consciousness and pays attention to the long knife, Soul Consciousness Sea sends sharp pain!

Their souls seem to be pulled by that knife, and they want to escape, and fall into Dark Spirit Blade.

They are desperately suppressing the movements of their souls, their faces are pale, they dare not look at the knife again!

Nie Tian was horrified and yelled, “Give me in!”

Alas, all Supreme Talent, and those Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior of Innate Realm, hurriedly hid in Ancient Tree Derivation Formation.

Including Pei Qiqi, it was also pulled by Nie Tian, and quickly retreated.

He quickly moved the branches to make the Ancient Tree Derivation Formation sacrifice the green light barrier and shelter everyone.

Amus grinned grinningly, and never stopped the Nie Tian’s action.

He seems to have sufficient self-confidence. Even if Nie Tian and others shrink in Ancient Tree Derivation Formation, they can’t resist the unparalleled edge of Dark Spirit Blade.

“Useless, Lord Barstow, this long knife, you can’t stop it at all!”

Leaving this sentence, Amus finally pressed his two hands towards the knife handle, and the Bloodlines essence in his body, as well as all the Soul Power, were poured into the long black knife.

The Alien Race standing next to Amus, when he saw that he started to control Dark Spirit Blade, they were all the eyes reveals scared, and subconsciously avoiding opened.

Now, between Nie Tian and Amus, no one dares to stay.

Amus is holding the two hands of the long knife, and is suddenly entangled with a strand of azure blood light. The strand of azure blood light is the condense of Amus Bloodlines essence and transport.

His arm, thick and strong, dries at the speed visible to the naked eye at this moment.

Even his body is gradually shrinking, as if the power of flesh and blood is poured into the sword.

Not only that, Amus‘s eye pupils, nostrils, and ears also overflowed with blood.

This is clearly a sign that Soul Power is about to run out of cash!

A shattered world, annihilating the horror of all living things, from the Dark Spirit Blade in the hands of Amus, it is rapidly brewing and rising!

The next moment, the scream of remnant soul screamed loudly from everyone’s Soul Consciousness Sea!

Screams, even Ancient Tree Derivation Formation could not be isolated, each case Supreme Talent hiding in Formation, covering her ears, mourning in pain.

From their fingers crack, you can see a little blood stains!

Just the screaming in the long sword, let the Human Race Qi Refinement Warrior of Innate Realm, give birth to the great terror that the soul will be torn.

Everyone crossed his knees, two hands covered his ears, condense Spiritual Consciousness, desperately resisted.

Even Dong Baijie and Dong Li.

Only Nie Tian and Pei Qiqi, still standing in front of everyone, did not sit down for the first time.

However, listening to the screaming Nie Tian, although standing, it is still miserable.

In Soul Consciousness Sea, nine Broken Stars have not yet fought, and bright glow is like a diamond. Thousands of stars Soul Power fall down, guarding his Soul Consciousness Sea from all sides to prevent him from bearing it.

With the help of nine mysterious Soul Power of Broken Star, he barely countered the horrifying howling of remnant soul at the cost of rapid loss.

Nie Tian! If you can take this knife, I will turn around and leave!”

Amus seven holes bleed and issued a hysterical howl, two hands held the knife, seemed to be pulling the world, and slowly fell down.

Scattered heaven and earth energy in all directions, with Dark Spirit Blade waved by Amus, as if torn into pieces.

A green and quiet sword-mang, long like stream river, gradually formed from condense.

Dark Spirit Blade‘s blade surface has millions of fine Bloodlines patterns, like tiny earthworms creeping and blooming with a splendid brilliance.

stream river-like swordsman, wide and extremely wide, from which tens of millions of remnant soul evil spirits emerge.

The remnant soul evil spirits seem to be bathing in the sword, fighting and fighting, bringing together endless bloodthirsty, Desperate, and various evil thoughts of destruction.


Cyan-black stream river blades slowly cut off, space burst, many flowing light fires flew out, injected into the blades, and added the blade’s unparalleled fierce power.


The stream river-like broad slash, slowly stumbling, finally chopped down on Ancient Tree Derivation Formation.

Within a few moments, the Wood Energy within dozens of miles is withered to death.

In the light barrier of Lu Youyou, there are many mysterious Tree Marks of Life Ancient Tree that swim. They ca n’t get more nourishment and absorption of Wood Energy, and suddenly sink seven branches of Twelve.

It once resisted dozens of Alien Race and bombarded Ancient Tree Derivation Formation for a long time without breaking, but it was instantly broken!

Ancient Tree Derivation Formation rupture, all Human Race Supreme Talent underneath, the remnant soul hissing sound is more violent.

They are all holding their heads and yelling loudly, doing their best to resist the horror howl of remnant soul.

This knife seems to be only Nie Tian, but it covers everyone!

Nie Tian, I can only help you to support and slightly ease the deterrence of this knife.”

Pei Qiqi finally sat on the ground, two hands pulled in the void, and concluded a mysterious handprint, which was 10%. From her crystal fingertips, space light blades suddenly flashed.

Many space light blades, as if the Bloodlines Yu Wei of the mysterious powerhouse is still left, is used by her for strong action.

space Secret Technique, which she hasn’t fully mastered yet, just got a little trick, was shown to her by her.

space solidifies!”

The public human head peaked, and the fluctuating space, as she drank, time and space seemed to be frozen instantly.

For a while, everyone can no longer hear the howls of countless remnant souls. They all feel that time and space suddenly stop.

They can’t feel the flow of wind, can’t see the swaying of Wood branches and leaves, and even their own blood is not flowing, heart stopped beating.

At this time, everyone has a feeling that this world is like frozen by amber. They are just mosquitoes and no one can move their fingers.

Even their thinking has become much slower with the horror space Secret Technique displayed by Pei Qiqi.

Equally affected are the broad blades cut by Dark Spirit Blade. The slow blades have been limited because of this.

Except for the Amus with a knife, the faces of many Alien Race people scattered around are full of fear and shock.

Their expressions are frozen, they haven’t changed half a bit!

Obviously, even if they were far enough away, after Pei Qiqi showed such a weird Space Secret Technique, none of them could escape.

At this moment, if Pei Qiqi has enough power, they can easily kill them with Space Blade!

However, Pei Qiqi does not have such capabilities.


The sound of abnormal sounds came from the wide blue and black blades like stream river. The solidified space, like the ice surface struck by a hammer, was broken every inch!


Pei Qiqi spit out blood, complexion pale as paper, and passed out beside Nie Tian.

Amus holding the knife glanced at Pei Qiqi with a little horror, then moved the handle again.

If the wide stream river‘s turquoise and black blades move with the Dark Spirit Blade, it will continue to cut down.


A row of scarlet-red Fire Sprouts flew out of the Flame Dragon Armor worn by Nie Tian, and instantly turned into a Heavenly Fire flame.

The emptiness “cracked” burning, Nie Tian summoned Flame Star, took a step forward, gathered the various Attribute Spiritual Power in Dantian Spirit Sea, and evoked Raging Fist from the mysterious unusual place.

At this moment, he has no trace of retention, flesh and blood, Flame Strength, Wood Strength, Stars Energy, eight Spiritual Power of Spiritual Power Vortex, do not infuse Flame Star.

Among them is the raging power of Flame Dragon Armor Blood Core!

There are several space cracks that should be connected to the world of Alien Race in the surging bright mist.

But at this moment, from those space cracks, it seems that the Heaven Holding Djinn is faintly rumbling against the everlasting angry roar of the world!

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