Lord of All Realms Chapter 521: Apologize for Qin Yan

Yang Kan envelopes Liu Jian with a breath-taking atmosphere, flies with Liu Jian into the bright dense fog, and leaves directly from this circle.

The six Scarlet Stone Pillars, which were hidden by the Yang Kan towards the bright and dense fog, were also summoned by him and whistled away.

However, due to the emergence of Flame Dragon Armor, Earth Fire Crystal String, which was hidden in the six stone pillars, was pulled out, Beast Bone Blood Core of escape into Flame Dragon Armor chest.

A series of changes are dazzling. When the response comes, Yang Kan, Liu Jian and six Scarlet Stone Pillar are all gone.

“This Yang Kan is already at the peak of Innate Realm. It can break through at any time.” Dong Baijie was dumbfounded, with a deep complexion, and said, “It turns out that he has been suppressing realm all the time. He should want to be more solid. He is not in a hurry to step into Mortal Realm. He is definitely looking for a suitable opportunity or waiting for other changes. “

“He dares to be fearless in this circle, just knowing that he can break through at any time, if he wants to go, leave if he wants to stay!”

Dong Li continues to pant, and the chest is curvy to the thrilling curve, also echoing: “In my opinion, this Yang Kan … I’m afraid it is more terrible than Flame God Temple‘s Tang Yang.”

Dong Baijie takes it seriously, “It has the strength to break through the country at any time, but it can’t bear it. Yang Kan is bigger than Tang Yang!”

Flame Dragon Armor is suspended at high altitude, still pulling Earth Fire Essence, and Earth Fire Crystal String.

After arriving in Crystal Ball, all Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String flew into the Blood Core of Flame Dragon Armor‘s chest, and were suddenly blasted by Crystal Ball left by Yang Kan.

Nie Tian was also shocked on the spot.

In fact, before Qin Yan revealed his identity, he was hesitating secretly.

Released six Scarlet Stone Pillar from Yang Kan. When he saw Earth Fire Crystal String hidden in Variation Beast, he felt the desire and joy of Flame Dragon Armor.

When Yang Kan takes out the Crystal Ball, Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String among them will make Flame Dragon Armor extremely excited.

He knew at the time that once Flame Dragon Armor was released, it would be able to absorb Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String together. He didn’t rush to do it, he just thought of not wanting to reveal his identity so quickly.

But Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String, if he wants to be absorbed by Flame Dragon Armor, he must be exposed again.

When he was hesitant, Feng Ying continued to call for help. He turned a deaf ear. In addition, Feng Ying and Qin Yan did fall into a dilemma of death. In anger, he couldn’t help telling his true identity.

He followed suit, summoned Flame Dragon Armor, broke Six Spirits Qian Fire Formation in one fell swoop, and absorbed all Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String.

Only, he didn’t expect that Yang Kan, which is a Flame God Temple seed, was so difficult.

This person’s realm is actually in a situation where he can break through at any time. When he called Flame Dragon Armor, Yang Kan saw that Six Spirits Qian Fire Formation would no longer be exist(ence), and Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String were absorbed by Flame Dragon Armor, he immediately recognized the situation, Knowing that staying on will only become a target for everyone, and they will break through immediately.

His instant break, he also took away Spectre Mansion seed Liu Jian.

Yang Kan‘s decisive moment and unusually calm choice made Nie Tian admirable, secretly considering Yang Kan as the most terrible opponent.

Senior Brother!”

The remaining two Qi Refinement Warriors of Flame God Temple screamed in wailing when Yang Kan disappeared.

Yang Kan took the deadly Liu Jian that Lai face followed, but ignored them, apparently abandoning two people and no longer care about their life and death. At this time, with the disappearance of the six Scarlet Stone Pillars, the flame barrier is indeed no longer exist(ence).

Dong Kang, Cao Qiushui, Gu Haofeng, Qian Xin, and the Hundred Wars Domain who came after them in succession will vent their anger on Yang Kan to that two people.

The crowd rushed around, surrounded the two Flame God Temple survivors, and shot with resentment.

Qin Yan and Feng Ying not only resolved the crisis, but also joined those people to work together to surround the two Flame God Temple Qi Refinement Warrior.

Qin Yan is too wicked!”

Dong Li gritted her teeth and came to Nie Tian. Her coldly looked at the Qin Yan in the distance and whispered: “She revealed the identity of Nie Tian and was known by so many people. Later, if we meet those guys who are Heavenly Palace , Nie Tian is afraid it will be dangerous. “

Dong Baijie sighed, and also felt that Qin Yan put Nie Tian in danger for its own lives and that of Feng Ying.

Nie Tian, are you all right?” Dong Li concerned.

At this time, the Flame Dragon Armor of the suspended in the sky has absorbed all Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String into the chest Blood Core.

eating to the full‘s Flame Dragon Armor flew for a while and returned to Nie Tian Storage Ring when no new flame target was seen.

Nie Tian did not immediately answer Dong Li, communicated with Item’s Soul of Flame Dragon Armor a little, eyes were slightly bright.

From the vague thoughts transmitted by Item’s Soul, he knows those Earth Fire Crystal String and Earth Fire Essence that make up Six Spirits Qian Fire Formation. When they are slowly refining, Flame Dragon Armor will be restored.

Moreover, Item’s Soul is still a little leap. It seems that the Earth Fire Crystal String obtained also helps the growth and transformation of Item’s Soul itself.

Nie Tian soon noticed that Item’s Soul in Flame Dragon Armor interrupted the continuation with him actively, and seemed to concentrate on rushing to refining Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String.

“I’m okay, I just lost some power.” Nie Tian smiled slightly, and then responded to Dong Li, “What about you?”

“Some injuries, no problem.” Dong Li pointed to the shoulder.

Her fragrant shoulder was pierced by a bunch of Earth Fire Crystal String. At this time, there was still blood flowing, and the blood holes penetrated by Earth Fire Crystal String were blackened, and the unpleasant smell of lava sulfur was also transmitted.

“I’ll help you recover.”

Nie Tian stretched out one, and clicked on her wound penetrated by Earth Fire Crystal String, and secretly used Heavenly Wood Rebirth Technique.

Vigorous, escaping from Nie Tian‘s fingertips, quickly flew into the Dong Li shoulder wound.

The rich vitality brought by Heavenly Wood Rebirth Technique, such as the warm trickle, wherever you go, the flesh fiber of the Dong Li wound has been given endless vitality, repairing her wounds at an alarming rate.

The Dong Baijie next to it clearly saw that when Nie Tian reached out to the wound on Dong Li, his sister’s flawed wound healed quickly.

Dong Li beautiful eyes ripple, while realizing the wonders of the shoulders, staring at Nie Tian.

After a while, Nie Tian closed up and said, “It should be all right.”

Dong Baijie was extremely surprised. He stepped forward, looked at the wound carefully, and stretched out a hand to sense it.

He found that the wound penetrated by Earth Fire Crystal String seemed to disappear completely. The burned part of Dong Li‘s shoulder to the burning flame was almost invisible.

“How did you do that?” He surprised saying.

“A cure for Wood Strength.” Nie Tian said casually.

“As far as I know, Innate has Wood Attribute and Qi Refinement Warrior, and most of them can only quickly heal their wounds.” Dong Baijie glared at him, “With Wood Strength, heal others’ blood and wounds, only those realm Only the most superb can do it occasionally. “

“But even those guys who have reached Mortal Realm, even Mysterious Realm, Spiritual Realm, want to help people recover completely in such a short time, I am afraid they have no power.”

“How can you have so many questions?” Dong Li gave him a blank look, and said cheerfully: “Nie Tian is different from ordinary people. Other people can’t do it. It’s not surprising that he can do it.”

“It really is a pervert.” Dong Baijie sighed.


At this moment, under the siege of the crowd, the two Flame God Temple Qi Refinement Warrior left here are finally killed on the spot.

Gu Haofeng waved the lightning dense Spirit Sword, which caused a drop of blood to splash out. coldly said, “I really think that Flame God Temple can mess with Great Desolate Domain, and you can do whatever you want?”

Yang Kan is terrible. If you encounter him again in the future, you must be extremely careful.” Qian Xin‘s face was deep.

He didn’t have the madness and joy after winning, but his eyes were full of weight. When others peeled off the two people Storage Ring and checked the contents, he turned to look at the Nie Tian not far away and said: “this time if not Nie Tian call With the Spirit Wisdom Supreme Treasure of Flame Dragon Armor, the Six Spirits Qian Fire Formation is broken, and we … may not be able to enter smoothly. “

As soon as this remark came out, everyone who had just killed two Flame God Temple Qi Refinement Warrior was also silent.

Feng Ying blinked his eyes, glanced at Nie Tian, pulled the corner of Qin Yan, and whispered: “Sister Qin Yan, how do you know that Mu Han is Nie Tian’s? Also, he appeared as Mu Han and obviously didn’t want to Everyone knows that I heard that Heavenly Palace and Flame God Temple are looking for him secretly. “

“You revealed his identity, wouldn’t it … not so good?”

Qin Yan is helpless, she sighed and whispered: “You should understand, that guy only wants to help Dong Family brothers and sisters, and he doesn’t want to care about our life and death. I don’t tell his identity and force him to call ahead Once Flame Dragon Armor is broken and Six Spirits Qian Fire Formation is broken, everyone else can only continue to be isolated. “

“And we, under the sneak attack of Liu Jian‘s insidious villain, will soon be killed.”

“He refused to help, I can only force him to help in order to survive.”

So saying, Qin Yan first relieved Feng Ying a few words, then with an apologetic smile, the models came to Nie Tian.

Nie Tian, I don’t want to deliberately put you at a disadvantage. I can’t help it. If you don’t call Flame Dragon Armor, there is no way to deal with that Yang Kan.”

Earth Fire Essence and Earth Fire Crystal String, isn’t it great for your Flame Dragon Armor?”

“It is indeed my fault this time. I apologize to you and hope you don’t keep it in your mind.”

Dong Li frowned, with a cold attitude, “Even if Nie Tian is not in my heart, I will remember what you did!”

“I was out of helplessness.” Qin Yan said pitifully: “He just wants to rescue your brothers and sisters, and ignores our life and death, I always have to do something for myself.”

Nie Tian‘s identity is now exposed. If later known by Heavenly Palace, what can you do for Nie Tian?” Dong Li coldly said.

Qin Yan smiled bitterly, “Everyone doesn’t say, who knows if he is Nie Tian?”

“Can you guarantee that everyone here will be tight-lipped? Just a Gu Haofeng, what do you guarantee?” Dong Li asked.

“For Haofeng, I’ll try to persuade it.” Qin Yan helplessly.


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