Lord of All Realms Chapter 513: Jump In


Yao Shou grinned, with a Spectre Mansion‘s Cheng Gan and Lu Jianfan.

On the Flame God Temple side, the elder Gongsun Pu froze a little, and also knew the identity of Pei Qiqi from the Qi Refinement Warrior mouth of Spectre Mansion next to him.

Gongsun Pu did not hesitate, and also walked out of the queue of Flame God Temple, catching up with Yao Shou and others instantly.

The Gongsun Pu, short but extremely strong, has flame lightning glow flowing around it, releasing the fiery breath of flame melt.

He stood next to Yao Shou, looked at the Hundred Wars Domain crowd and laughed, “It’s a coincidence.”

Hundred Wars Domain‘s Dong Baijie and others, seeing the four Mysterious Realm late stage whistling, all look unchanged.

Dong Tuodi squinted and looked at Flame God Temple. The other two Mysterious Realms seemed to see the identity of two people and could not help humming.

Pull on Escaping Electric Boat at the back, Nie Tian sees Pei Qiqi seeing cold light in his eyes when Yao Shou is found.

“Why? I don’t want to start a war here?” Cao Family‘s Cao Zhaoji looked cold and unafraid.

He can see that there are two Mysterious Realms on the Flame God Temple side, one of them is late stage and the other is middle stage.

In this way, Spectre Mansion plus Flame God Temple, there are six Mysterious Realm late stage, five of them are equal to them, the remaining one is slightly weaker, but also Mysterious Realm middle stage cultivation level.

The peaks of Flame God Temple and Spectre Mansion, battle strength, are slightly stronger than Hundred Wars Domain.

“Don’t be excited.” Yao Shou waved his hand and said to Cao Zhaoji: “Everyone has the same strength. We really want to start a war immediately. No one can get any benefit, but it is cheaper for others.”

During his speech, he glanced at the Floating Mainland in which Witch Poison Cult‘s strong man was hiding.

Obviously, after he arrived, he also noticed that the strong Mysterious Realm of Witch Poison Cult had already stepped in first.

“I don’t want to start a war right away. Why do you four come here?” Cao Zhaoji‘s expression was not good.

Yao Shou smiled slightly and looked at Pei Qiqi again. “Since Pei Girl is with you, you should know if you want to come. We have the dispute between Spectre Mansion, Flame God Temple and Refiner Sect.”

“What dispute?” Qin Yi looked cold and disgusted. “Elder Zhen had favors with you. You falsely and Refiner Sect chose to join forces, but you will revenge and combine with Flame God Temple to conduct calculations. This is the dispute you said ? “

The people of Hundred Wars Domain, after joining Pei Qiqi and Nie Tian, all knew more or less about the Refiner Sect being framed, and looked at the expressions of Yao Shou and others with obvious disdain.

Refiner Sect is destined to change hands, Zhao Shanling replaced Qi Bailu and became Refiner Sect new Sect Master. It is already nailed down.” Yao Shou was not angry, but said in a natural tone: “My friendship with Elder Zhen is not what you think So deep. Besides, our Spectre Mansion and Flame God Temple are both Dark Underworld Domain and naturally we need to help each other. “

“In this case, what do I do with Refiner Sect?

Until everyone accused, Yao Shou suddenly turned cold, pointed at Pei Qiqi and Nie Tian, and insisted: “These two juniors handed over to us, we will enter immediately.”

“Don’t think about it!” Qin Yi was furious, “I am different from you, Elder Zhen and my many years of friends, I should be sheltered Pei Qiqi thoughtful!”

Mu Han is my friend!” Dong Li stared at Dong Tuodi suddenly.

Dong Baijie is also anxious.

Dong Tuodi knows the true identity of Nie Tian’s, and it is clear what Inheritor of Broken Star Ancient Temple means.

He talked with Dong Baijie heartily, knowing that Dong Baijie is extremely optimistic about Nie Tian, thinking that Nie Tian will be a powerful figure who can control Place of Meteor in the future.

He soon made a decision, “Then Mu Han and I Dong Family have a close relationship, we Dong Family secured him!”

He only said that Nie Tian did not include Pei Qiqi, because in his eyes, Pei Qiqi is not as valuable as Nie Tian’s.

“His name is Mu Han?” Yao Shou finally glanced at Nie Tian, sneered, and nodded, saying: “Dong Family is willing to take refuge with him, we can take a step back, that boy we do not care, but Pei Qiqi must pay Give us! “

He doesn’t know the origin of Nie Tian’s, and he didn’t see any powerful means shown by Nie Tian, only if Nie Tian is an unknown pawn.

Can Pei Qiqi

According to his observation, the road chosen by Pei Qiqi is not the same as her master Zhen Huilan.

He is worried. If Pei Qiqi is left unattended, Pei Qiqi will one day become another Zhao Shanling. Those who are good at space as Zhao Shanling are the ones who really make him jealous.

Since he decided to take action on Zhen Huilan, he had a heart-killing desire to remove Pei Qiqi as a whole, so that he would not suffer later.

“I said, Pei Girl and Water Moon Chamber of Commerce are determined to take refuge.” Qin Yi repeated again.

“Where are you?” Gongsun Pu of Flame God Temple sneered.

“The five major forces of Hundred Wars Domain are known for their belligerence, but our belligerence is only aimed at Foreign Domain Sect and has always been united internally.” Gu Family‘s Gu Yue, although the only woman, has no compromise, “Brother Qin‘s attitude is all of us‘s attitude! If you Flame God Temple and Spectre Mansion want to pick a problem, come on. “

Dong Tuodi, Cao Zhaoji, Zhong Pu nodded one after another.

At first glance at the five major powers of Hundred Wars Domain, because of a word of Qin Yi, there was a big disagreement about going to war, and the faces of Yao Shou and Gongsun Pu suddenly gloomed.

two people originally wanted to force them to surrender Pei Qiqi with a slightly stronger force, and even willingly abandoned Nie Tian for this purpose, but did not expect Hundred Wars Domain to be so tough.

The two parties, Spectre Mansion and Flame God Temple, are suddenly a little bit embarrassed.

Nie Tian was also relieved.

Just as the eyes of Yao Shou and Gongsun Pu flickered fiercely, and they secretly thought about whether or not to start a war with Hundred Wars Domain for a Pei Qiqi, Pei Qiqi suddenly said softly to Nie Tian: “It’s time to say goodbye, don’t worry about me, there In special circumstances, I can protect myself. “

As soon as the words came down, before Nie Tian responded, Pei Qiqi threw Nie Tian out of Escaping Electric Boat, and slammed a certain mysterious space Secret Technique in the jaw of Escaping Electric Boat.

Her figure disappeared suddenly, like Traceless Sword, through layers of space secret world, and suddenly flew into the circular ribbon first.

She didn’t want to leave Qin Yi because of herself.

Nie Tian had no time to stop. She looked at her and disappeared. When she reappeared, she fell into the giant circular ribbon extending towards the bottom.


A electric rainbow flew in, catching it steadily, Dong Li grabbed him, and exclaimed: “Don’t learn to be stupid!”

Dong Baijie also flew forward, iron-like hands, pressing Nie Tian’s‘s shoulder, Shen said: “Miss Pei is smart and snowy, she should have her own ideas, you don’t have to worry.”

I broke free and couldn’t get rid of the Nie Tian of the two siblings.

Then, when he saw that the Pei Qiqi fell into the big Vortex of the ribbon rings, he seemed to let go of himself, and allowed one of the traction forces to take her to the lower layers of ribbon rings, and she floated along. To a nearby gravel.

Large colored ribbon rings that extend downwards spirally. Each ring is floated with debris, Floating Mainland, Star River Ancient Battleship wreckage, and Alien Race corpse, as well as many strange building fragments, dead. Trees, foreign bodies of all kinds in chaos.

Theoretically, when Pei Qiqi enters, it should be on the outer ring of the ribbon.

But she was drawn to it, closer to the bottom, a circle of inner layers that continued to extend downward.

“Go and kill a Mortal Realm player!” Yao Shou ordered.

A Spectre Mansion Mortal Realm person heard the sound and rushed in.

The rest stared.

As soon as the man flew into it, he was also pulled by some kind of traction force, dragged into the inner ring, and fell on a wreckage of Star River Ancient Battleship.

But the circle of ribbon that he fell into, but above Pei Qiqi, was not in the same 1-layer.

A circle of bright circles is like an endless rope that extends downwards in a spiral circle, all connected by exist(ence).

The Spectre Mansion man stepped into a Star River Ancient Battleship wreckage and immediately followed the rules of the place and flew down with the ring rotating.

However, just as he orbited around and flew down for a few seconds, he suddenly encountered some kind of barrier blocking, and it was harder to go further.

His figures, including the figure of Pei Qiqi, slowly fall downward as the ring goes around.

He encountered obstacles, standing there, the figure gradually became small, shouting at Yao Shou outside, it seemed to be talking about something, but his voice couldn’t be heard at all.

Yao Shou only snorted for a while, then responded, “Each ring will separate different realm! Go down a few Innate Realm, kill me that girl, and stop suffering!”

The Spectre Mansion Qi Refinement Warrior of late stage of the six Innate Realms flew in after he took a look.

Sure enough, as he said, those newly entered Innate Realm were pulled by some force and fell into the bright inner circle where Pei Qiqi was located, scattered on the gravel and Floating Mainland, not far from Pei Qiqi, and also in the middle. No barriers.

Hundred Wars Domain everyone, it seems that they did not think that those bright circles that extend rotating towards the bottom, each circle is different.

The sudden flying out of Pei Qiqi made Qin Yi regretful. He originally planned to fight with Spectre Mansion and Flame God Temple. When he noticed that the landing place of Pei Qiqi was only Innate Realm, he gradually calmed down.

He is one of the few people who knows the terrorist power of Pei Qiqi.

“Six Innate Realm …” He sneered.

Similarly, there is Nie Tian.

Using Nie Tian‘s knowledge of the Pei Qiqi terrorist forces, he felt that the six Spectre Mansion Innate Realm members might just die.

With the refining perception of space light blade in the body, the strength of Pei Qiqi is advancing rapidly every day.

This point, he has always been with Pei Qiqi, especially deep feeling!

However, after a while, he couldn’t laugh.

Suddenly he noticed that in the bright ring of Pei Qiqi, a piece of Floating Mainland appeared to appear blurry.

Although they are far apart, he still faintly sees that the blurred figure seems to come from Zhang Jiu and Sha Cheng.

Witch Poison Cult!”

He reacted arrogantly. When Innate Realm of Witch Poison Cult flew in, they were pulled into the inner ring because of the traction.

Pei Qiqi killed many people on Witch Poison Cult, Zhang Jiu and Sha Cheng. In the area that is not isolated on that lap, it will definitely intervene.

In addition to Zhang Jiu and Sha Cheng, there may be other Witch Poison Cult Innate Realm people, just Spectre Mansion six people, Pei Qiqi should be more calm, but coupled with an unknown number of Spectre Mansion come, it may not be necessary.

“Let go!” he growled in a low voice.

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