Lord of All Realms Chapter 413: Evil Dark secret shadow

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Nie Tian points the finger to the corpse’s eyebrow, Spiritual Consciousness, mixed with a trace of Soul Power of seven Broken Star in Soul Consciousness Sea.

Through the infiltration of that Soul Power, he could perceive the brain of the corpse, and there were no traces of heavy injuries.

In general, if the deceased is killed by a powerful spirit Secret Technique, the brain area will be damaged and not so complete.

In the sense of Nie Tian’s, that person’s brain domain is all normal, but the soul has already disappeared.

He judged that the death of the man was not caused by the powerful spirit Secret Technique, as Han Mu said.

Dong Li squinted her eyes slightly. After giving way to Nie Tian, she also crouched down and learned Nie Tian in a certain way. With lush green fingers, she pointed at the man’s eyebrow.

Unfortunately, there are no seven Broken Star condense in her Soul Consciousness Sea.

All she can use is psychic power. She cannot mix Soul Power.

Soul Power is a more wonderful soul energy than psychic power. Even if Dong Li reaches Innate Realm, when Soul Power is not available, it cannot be as insightful as that of Nie Tian in that person’s brain.

She, like Han Mu, didn’t notice anything abnormal.

She quickly closed her hands and stood up beside the corpse, looking at Nie Tian and Han Mu.

Han Mu smiled indifferently and said: Wu Tian may be right.

Why do you believe him? Not your own judgment? Dong Li hum.

Well, he can escape our siege again and again in Crack Space Domain. Naturally, there is something unique about soul perception. Han Mu‘s face is taken for granted.

On the other side.

Uncle Chou, what do you think? Pill Building‘s Qian Xin, after examining a dead body, asked the person next to him Mortal Realm initial stage.

Qiu Liang did not answer immediately, but looked at Shen Zhong.

Shen Zhong said slowly: The trip of this time Dark Underworld Domain, although we accompany, everything is still led by you. The meaning of Building Lord is also to let us sharpen you a lot, and everything is up to you. Why do these people die, I naturally know, but I will not tell you.

I see. Qian Xin nodded.

A short while later, the scattered Hundred Wars Domain talents reunited.

They exchanged opinions with each other, Cao Qiushui Gu Haofeng and Qian Xin, and the conclusions reached were the same as Han Mu. They all said that those people were instantly killed by the powerful Psychic Secret Technique and those who beheaded Spectre Mansion. realm is bound to be extremely deep and completely disdainful. Take the money from those people.

Because of the Storage Ring and Spirit Item in the deceased’s hand, none of them are missing.

Only those who are extremely advanced in realm will not practice the training materials on the dead of rare and have no interest in collecting.

Dong Li stood with them and said that Nie Tian’s was judged to have been taken away from the soul and died.

She finally believed in Nie Tian.

Qin Yan looked surprised, saying: Lili, how did you see that?

Dong Li did not answer, but glanced at Nie Tian from a distance.

Qin Yan suddenly wakes up, Meimu flashes a gleam, and then says: I agree with Lili, these Spectre Mansion guys were forcibly removed from the soul and died. Their brain domain, without traces of damage, was not subjected to a powerful Psychic Secret Technique shock.

Nie Tian was listening while they were speaking.

When Qin Yan said this sentence, Nie Tian also the eyes reveals look of surprise, could not help but look at her more.

Although this woman has the highest realm in the junior, cultivation level has reached late stage of Innate Realm, but she has not transformed psychic power into Soul Power, and has not entered Mortal Realm.

If it is less than Mortal Realm, you can only use Spiritual Consciousness to investigate.

But she just came to the same conclusion as herself, which made Nie Tian have to look at it and secretly be wary.

Cao Qiushui seems to know the wonders of Qin Yan and takes the lead in expressing its stance. I believe your judgment.

Hehe. Qin Yan chuckled and said to Qian Xin of Pill Building: Even if it is not our hands, these corpses have to be cleaned up, so as not to be found by the strong Spectre Mansion, who suspects us will focus on searching nearby and expose us .

Qian Xin nodded and ordered a Pill Building person.

The man took out a medicine bottle and sprinkled the dark green potion on the chests of the corpses.

A bunch of green smokes flickered out of those corpses. After a while, those corpses were melted by the potion and there were no bones left.

The Storage Ring and Spirit Item on them were picked up by Pill Building and handed over to Dong Li Cao Qiushui Gu Haofeng and Qin Yan, respectively.

Looking at several corpses and turning them into bloody water, Nie Tian felt a little scalp.

The thing is called corpse water, which is refined from Pill Building. Han Mu solved his confusion, and the dead person dissipated as a Spiritual Power, which was a pile of meat, and the corpse water could easily melt away. For living people, the effect of corpse water is not so terrible, you don’t have to be too nervous.

Nie Tian Frowning: As long as it is dead, can it be easily dissolved by corpse water?

Neither. Han Mu shook his head and continued: Some flesh and blood are extremely powerful guys, who have specially trained the body. Even if they die, there is a lot of power left in the flesh and bones. For this group of people, corpse water has no effect and cannot be corroded and ablated.

Nie Tian nodded to understand.

Go back. Cao Qiushui waved.

A strangely alert group returned to the team due to the strange death of Spectre Mansion Qi Refinement Warrior.

Dong Li and others have told their judgment to those in the clan who have no past Mortal Realm.

After listening to Dong Mingxuan, his face was slightly dignified, and he said: I hope it is not Evil Dark.

Evil Dark? Dong Li was startled.

Dong Mingxuan sighed, pulled away from the soul, and transformed the soul into a ghost. Rumors are just a common method used by Evil Dark.

Evil Dark means! Dong Li is even more shocking.

As far as I know, the guys of Spectre Mansion, the cultivated Spirit Secret Art, also seem to have some connection with Evil Dark. Dong Mingxuan frowned deeply. At the beginning, Qi Refinement Warrior of Spectre Mansion also found several relics of Evil Dark in Dark Underworld Domain. They obtained some soul mysteries from them, and through their own knowledge and understanding, improved and evolved, they formed the unique Spirit Secret Art of Spectre Mansion.

Spectre Mansion and Evil Dark should have nothing to do, right? Dong Li Road.

It doesn’t matter, after all, when people from Spectre Mansion came to Dark Underworld Domain, Evil Dark was beheaded by Broken Star Ancient Temple, and all alive escaped from Place of Meteor. Dong Mingxuan explained that they just acquired a part of Evil Dark‘s magic arts, and realized that it was a part suitable for Human Race and became their own magic arts.

They and Evil Dark are unlikely to come and go, otherwise they will be eliminated by Big Sect of Place of Meteor.

Be careful, keep going! Cao Qiushui greetings.

While a long way behind, Nie Tian kept silent and low-key, and the crowd continued to discover several bodies.

Some of the corpses belong to Flame God Temple, some belong to Spectre Mansion, more are native to Dark Underworld Domain, and a few weak Qi Refinement Warrior Sect come.

The corpses are exactly the same as they were in the first batch. They all seem to have been taken away from the soul and died.

The body of corpses has made everyone linger in the shadow of 1-layer, and gradually realized that this time‘s exploration of Evil Dark‘s remains may cause many changes.

A few days later.

Under the leadership of Cao Qiushui, everyone came to a huge canyon. As soon as they reached the mouth of the canyon, Nie Tian saw the ghost that Cao Qiushui said.

In the deep gray canyon, there are thin Dark Qi floating, among the Dark Qi, ghosts are wandering around, like guards patrolling.

Those ghosts have no entity, such as a cluster of grey clouds clusters, strong and faintly humanoid, but their faces are fuzzy and distorted.

Strange waves of energy escaping from their bodies, gloomy and cold, Nie Tian tried to perceive with Spiritual Consciousness, and felt a headache.

The number of ghosts is several times more than when I came here last time! Cao Qiushui took a look, and then screamed inexorably: What happened here during this time, how come so many ghosts suddenly appeared?

The new ghosts are those we have encountered before, those who died of Human Race. Shen Zhong of Pill Building said indifferently: If nothing unexpected, those who died on the road should be Evil Dark.

Evil Dark!

Nie Tian, like everyone else, has changed dramatically due to the words of Shen Zhong.


A loud scream came from the depths of the canyon, listening to the sound like the last scream before the death.

Someone is inside! Qian Xin exclaimed.


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